Page 184 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               one would make a regulation in v. 11 and then change it   command  to  the  state  of  marriage  in  verses   25-26,
               in  v.  28.  Add  inspiration,  and  the  argument  is   rewording the command in v. 27, “Art thou bound unto
               strengthened.                                     a wife? Seek not  to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a
                  God’s  plan  for  the  church  age  is  no  divorce.  If  a   wife? Seek not a wife.”
               divorce  does take  place, He certainly  does not  permit   7. The remarried  person  is  not  “living  in  adultery.”
               remarriage.  The  only  possibilities,  if a divorce  occurs,   We  often  hear  that  phrase,  but  it  is  not  found  in
               are indicated in  v. 11:  either  remain  unmarried, or  be   Scripture, to  my  knowledge. It is true, according to Mt.
               reconciled.  That  may  seem  to  be  very  difficult,  even   19:9,  that  adultery  is  committed  when  the  divorced
               harsh, for  God  to make such  a demand,  but there are   person  remarries,  but  it  is  improper  to  say  that  such
               many  passages   of  Scripture  which  teach  that  if  we   people are continuing to  live in adultery every time they
               follow the Saviour, we are going to  have to make some   come together. Reason? 1  Co. 6:9-10 says that neither
               sacrifices. That  is  the  missing  requirement  in  modern   fornicators  nor  adulterers  shall inherit the kingdom of
               Christianity!  We are trying to formulate a Christian life   God. (It will not do to say that a person could be saved
               that is nothing but a bed of roses; we insist on pleasure   without having an  inheritance in the kingdom of God,
               and  comfort,  believing  that  if  we  obey  the  Bible   because  Ro.  8:17  says,  “...if  children  then  heirs.”
               everything  will  be  good  and  easy.  Such  a  life  is  not   Therefore,  to inherit  the kingdom  of  God  is  the same
               taught  in  Scripture.  Consider:  Ro.  12:1  and  Lk.  9:23.   thing as to be saved.)
               Each  one  who is serious about  obeying  the Lord  will   Perhaps  a  person  committed  adultery  at  a  second
               have to make a sacrifice in some way. God calls on some   marriage  before  conversion;  if  so,  then  1  Co.  6:11
               to  make  financial  sacrifices;  a  great  many  of  God’s   describes that person as  “washed... sanctified... justified
               choice  servants  have  to  get  by  on  very  little  money.   in the name of the Lord Jesus and  by the Spirit of our
               Others  must sacrifice health, as  Paul did in enduring his   God.” They are not “living in adultery” any longer.
               “thorn  in  the flesh” (2 Co. 12:7-10). Others  are called   But  what  if  the  remarriage  takes   place  after
               upon to  live without a mate, when divorce occurs, doing   conversion? If they were “living in adultery,” they would
               without a family, which  many  others  are  permitted  to   lose  eternal  life,  an  impossibility  because  of  such
               have. No doubt the Saviour  had this in mind when He   promises as  Jn. 6:37. Also, I Jn. 1:9 would not be true;
               said,  “...and  there  be  eunuchs,  which  have  made   they could not confess their sins and be forgiven.
               themselves  eunuchs  for  the kingdom of  heaven’s sake.
               He that  is  able to  receive  it, let  him  receive it.”  (Mt.   Sometimes people try to solve this  problem by saying
               19:12).                                           that  such  persons   should  cease  having  physical
                                                                 relationships  altogether, so that they will not be guilty of
                  6.  Conversion  does   not  change  the  prohibition   adultery.  However,  such  a  situation  would  be  a
               regarding remarriage. Some Christians believe that since   contradiction  of  1  Co. 7:2-5,  which  tells the  husband
               we become new creatures  when we are converted, with   and wife that they  should not deny themselves to each
               old things  passing away and all things becoming new (2   other, unless  they  agree to do so for  a limited time for
               Co.  5:17),  the  new  believer  is  free  to  remarry  a   the  purpose  of  fasting  and  prayer.  Then,  they  are  to
               Christian  if  the  divorce  took  place  before conversion.   come together again in order to avoid being tempted by
               The fact that this  is not true is seen in 1 Co. 7; in four   Satan.
               places,  the  Lord  says  that  we  should  remain  in  the
               situation in which we were saved. Consider “But as  God   If a Christian is guilty of remarriage, he or she should
               hath distributed  to every  man, as the Lord  hath called   confess  it  as  the  sin  of  adultery  (not  lightly  or
               everyone,  so   let  him  walk.  And  so  ordain  I  in  all   frivolously, but realizing the seriousness  of the sin) and
               churches”  (1  Co.  7:17).  The  word  “called”  does  not   receive  God’s forgiveness.  Then,  that  Christian  should
               mean “called to preach,” or “called to  be a missionary,”   believe God’s promise in He. 10:17.
               but  “called  to salvation.”  1  Co.  1:9  and  many  other   DIVORCEMENT. Divorce (De. 24:1; Mt. 5:31; 19:7).
               verses use the word “called” to describe what God does   [See Divorce.]
               when He convicts  us of our  sins by the preaching of the   DIZAHAB (lord of gold). De. 1:1.
               gospel, and saves us.                               DO THY DILIGENCE. Be diligent; hasten; come with
                  He  applied  that  command  to  circumcision,  then   all urgency (2 Ti. 4:9, 21). [See Diligence.]
               repeated:  “Let  every  man  abide  in  the  same  calling   DOCTRINE. Doctrine simply means teaching, but the
               wherein  he  was   called”  (1  Co.  7:20).  Another   biblical  usage  refers to sound  teaching  based  on  the
               application  was   made  regarding  being  a  servant  or   Word  of  God.  The  two  Greek  words   translated
               being free; then the statement was repeated in verse 24,   “doctrine”, didaskalia and  didache,  are  also  translated
               “Brethren, let  every man, wherein  he is  called, therein   “teacheth” (Ro. 12:7) and “learning” (Ro. 15:4). These
               abide  with  God.”  Then  he  applies   the  very  same   words are used more than 140  times in the N.T., which

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