Page 189 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  In  English, two of the key  examples of this are the   such. They  say  it  is  too loose  to be called  a  dynamic
               Today’s English  Version  (Good  News  for  Modern  Man)   equivalency,  and  they  would  make  a  clear  distinction
               and the Living Bible. These were produced through the   between  paraphrasing  and  dynamic  equivalency.  Yet
               principles  which  are  promoted  within  Wycliffe  Bible   even  the  professional  translators   acknowledge  that
               Translators, the United Bible Societies, and Living Bibles   though looser than the TEV, the Living Bible does follow
               International, the three most influential groups in Bible   dynamic  equivalency  methodology.  Consider  another
               translation work today.                           quote from the United Bible Societies’ publication:
                  Doubtless  many readers  will be familiar with the TEV   “A  series of ‘Living’  Scriptures  has been prepared  in
               and the Living Bible; but perhaps you thought they were   English  by  Kenneth  N.  Taylor  and  circulated  widely
               only  considered  “paraphrases”  or  commentaries,  or   during recent years. The dust jacket of the first edition
               Bible  study  helps,  and  had  not  taken  them  seriously.   of the  Epistles denies that it is a  translation and insists
               Think  again. These two  dynamic equivalency  versions   that  it  is  a   paraphrase.  ...  ACTUALLY,  HOWEVER,
               are being  called  the best Bible versions  in  the English   TAYLOR’S  DEFINITION  OF  PARAPHRASE  IS
                                                                   ESSENTIALLY WHAT WE MEAN BY TRANSLATION,  as
               language  by  many  professional  translators   and  well-  described  earlier,  since   it  promises  to  render  the
               known Christian leaders.                            content of  the original  ‘as exactly  as  possible’  for  its
                  The  cover  jacket  to   Thomas   Nelson’s   Good  News   readers.  The  language   of  his  version  is  fully
               Study  Bible  claims:  “Today’s English  Version  is  a  true   contemporary,  and relatively free from  translationism
               translation.  It  is  accurate  and  faithful  to  the  original   or  interference  from  the  structure  of  the   source
               texts.” An ad  in Eternity  magazine for  June 1983, said   language.  It is in  a language  variety  between regular
               the Today’s  English Version  is “clear  and  simple to the   and casual,  and at a common-language level  suitable
               modern  reader  yet  faithful to  the everyday  Greek and   for  readers  of  fairly  limited  experience.  Theological
                                                                   terms are generally  avoided in favor  of simpler terms
               Hebrew in which it was originally written.”         or  descriptive  phrases,  and the grammatical  structure
                  Of the Living Bible, well-known Evangelist Luis  Palau   is straightforward, although the  number of embedded
               represents  the thinking of many  leaders  when  he said   constructions  might  have been  reduced still  more in
               this:  “Throughout  the world, there is  a  need  for  clear   some cases” (Wonderly, p. 67).
               and understandable Scriptures. That is why I am sold on   This  makes  it clear  that  professional translators DO
               the work of Living Bibles  International and  the kind of   CONSIDER  the  Living  Bible  to  be  a  dynamic
               Scriptures  they  are  producing.  …  they  are  good   equivalency,  and  they  admit  that  Living  Bible-type
               translations, trustworthy  in content” (Front Line, Living   paraphrasing  is  essentially  the  same  as  the  dynamic
               Bibles International, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1988).       equivalency  methodology  of  the TEV. Further,  William
                  Not only are the TEV and Living Bible considered by   Wonderly  and  the  United  Bible  Societies  are  by  no
               many  to  be  accurate  English  versions,  but  these   means  the only professional translators to acknowledge
               frightfully corrupt  translations have become models for   this.  John  Beekman,  translations   coordinator  for
               translation work in all languages.                Wycliffe Bibles International, says, “The Living Bible is
                  To  illustrate the fact that  the world  of  professional   the  most  readable  and  the  most  natural  English
               translators has  adopted the paraphrasing mentality, we   translation available” (William F. Kerr, The Living Bible—
               quote from Bible Translations for Popular Use by William   Not  Just  Another  Version,  Wheaton:  Tyndale  House
               L.  Wonderly.  This  volume is published  by  the  United   Publishers, 1975).
               Bible  Societies  and  is  a  standard  work  on  dynamic   It  is not  wrong, therefore, to use paraphrasing and
               equivalency and is used widely by translators.    dynamic equivalency as synonyms, and  this  is what we
                  “Illustrative  materials are drawn from different biblical   do in this  study. OUR THESIS IS  THAT THE WORLD IS
                  translations but  especially  from  the Spanish  Version   BEING FILLED WITH PARAPHRASES, AND WHILE NOT
                  Popular and the Today’s English Version, which, in this   ALL  DYNAMIC  EQUIVALENCY  OR  COMMON
                  order, are the first two complete New Testaments  that   LANGUAGE VERSIONS ARE AS LOOSE AS THE LIVING
                  have  been  prepared  on  the  common-language  level   BIBLE,  ALL  ARE  HOPELESSLY  CORRUPTED.  THE
                  with the systematic use of these principles” (William L.   REASON  IS  THAT  THE  METHODOLOGY  IS
                  Wonderly, Bible Translations for Popular Use, p. vii).   HOPELESSLY CORRUPTED.
                  Thus  it  should  be  clear  that  the  professional   Dynamic equivalency is actually  not a bad term, but
               translators themselves  use the TEV as  a key illustration   it  has   been  given  a  bad  meaning  in  modern  Bible
               of their principles. We will do the same in our study.   translation  work.  Dynamic   means   “energetic,  lively,
                  Should the Living  Bible Be Used to Illustrate Dynamic   forceful.” Equivalent means  “equal, or virtually equal in
               Equivalency?  At  this point  some  would  agree  that  the   meaning  or  effect.”  A  true  dynamic  equivalency
               TEV is a dynamic  equivalency  version, but  they  would   translation of the Scriptures could be a good translation
               protest  our  use of the Living Bible as  an illustration of   if  indeed  it  was energetic and  forceful  and  equal  in

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