Page 185 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               shows  how  important  doctrine  is  before  God.  Other   Bible  Facts  about  Doctrine.  We  can  know  right
               terms which  refer  to  doctrine  are  “truth”  (1  Ti.  2:4),   doctrine (Jn. 7:17). We are to  continue in the Apostles’
               “the faith” (1 Ti. 3:9; 2 Ti. 3:8; Tit. 1:13), “wholesome   doctrine (Ac. 2:42). The Apostles  filled Jerusalem with
               words”  (1  Ti.  6:3),  and  “sound  words”  (2  Ti.  1:13).   doctrine (Ac. 5:28). We are saved by believing the right
               Doctrine  (and  its  companion  terms)  is  referred  to 59   doctrine  (Ro.  6:17;  1  Jn.  5:20;  2  Jn.  9).  We  are  to
               times   in  the  Pastoral  Epistles   alone.  “The  truth”  is   separate  from  those  who  teach  false  doctrine  (Ro.
               referred to 10 times in 2 and 3 John alone.       16:17). We must be careful  of  winds  of  false doctrine
                  Other  Terms  Which Refer  to Doctrine. “Truth”  (1  Ti.   (Ep. 4:14). No false doctrine is to  be allowed (1 Ti. 1:3).
               2:4),  “the  faith”  (1  Ti.  3:9;  2  Ti.  3:8;  Tit.  1:13),   Sound  doctrine is  good (1  Ti. 4:6). The preacher  is to
               “wholesome words” (1 Ti. 6:3), and  “sound  words” (2   give himself to doctrine (1 Ti. 4:13). The preacher is  to
               Ti. 1:13).                                        take heed to  the doctrine (1  Ti. 4:16). Preachers  who
                  Can  We  Know  Sound  Doctrine?  Popular  charismatic   labor in doctrine are to  be rewarded (1 Ti. 5:17). Sound
               singer  Pat Boone says, “We don’t all have our  doctrine   doctrine is  to be adorned with godly living (1 Ti. 6:1, 3;
               all completely  correct, but God doesn’t judge us  on our   Tit. 2:1). The Bible is given  for  doctrine (2  Ti. 3:16).
               understanding  of  doctrine.”  The  Lord  Jesus  Christ,   The  Bible is to be preached  with doctrine (2  Ti. 4:2).
               though, said  that a  believer can  know  sound doctrine.   The last days  is characterized  by a turning from sound
               “If  any  man  will  do  his   will,  he  shall  know  of  the   doctrine (2 Ti. 4:3). The preacher must be able to use
               doctrine,  whether  it  be of  God, or  whether  I speak of   doctrine to  edify and protect the church (Tit. 1:9). Our
               myself”  (John  7:17). The requirement  to know sound   doctrine  is  to  be  uncorrupt  (Tit.  2:10).  We  abide  in
               doctrine, according to this  verse, is  to be willing to obey   Christ by sound doctrine (1 Jn. 2:24-27). True Christian
               the truth. If a man  is  open  to the truth and  willing to   love is grounded in truth (2 Jn. 1; 3 Jn. 1). The Apostles
               obey God, the Lord will give him wisdom so  that he will   had no greater joy than to see the Christians walking in
               know sound doctrine from false.                   the  truth  (3  Jn.  3-4).  Those  who abide  not  in  sound
                  2  Timothy  2:15  says,  “Study  to  shew  thyself   doctrine are not of God and are not be to received (2 Jn.
                                                                 9-10).  [See  Apostasy,  Apostate,  Bible,  Church,
               approved unto God, a workman  that needeth not to be   Ecumenical  Movement,  Fable,  Faith  -  The,  False
               ashamed, rightly  dividing the word of truth.” Thus  the   Teaching,  Foolish  Questions,  Heresy,  Prophecy,
               believer is  commanded to rightly divide the word. That   Revelation,  Roman  Catholic  Church,  Separation,
               is  referring to interpreting it  properly  and knowing its   Timothy, Unity, Wind of Doctrine.]
               doctrine correctly. Why  would  God  require a  Christian
               to rightly divide the word of truth unless  He would give   DODAI (beloved of Jehovah). 1 Ch. 27:4.
               him the ability to do  that? This verse indicates that God   DODAVAH (Jehovah is loving). 2 Ch. 20:37.
               will hold the Christian accountable for this task, because   DODO (God his friend). 1 Ch. 11:26.
               the  one  who  rightly  divides   the  word  of  truth  is   DOEG (fearful). 1 Sa. 21:7.
               approved. It is  thus  implied  that the one who does not   DOG. (1) The dog  as an animal  (Ex. 11:7; Jud. 7:5;
               rightly  divide the truth is  disapproved. This means  that   Pr.  26:11).  For  the  most  part  dogs ran  wild  in  Israel
               Pat Boone and other ecumenical types  are wrong when   during Bible times; they were scavengers  (Ex. 22:31; 1
               they  say  that  God  does  not  hold  the  believer   Ki. 14:11; 16:4; 21:19-24; 22:38;  2 Ki. 9:10, 36). It is
               accountable to know sound doctrine.               also  apparent that some dogs were used in shepherding
                  1 John 2:20-21  says, “But ye have an  unction from   (Job  30:1) and as  watch dogs (Is. 56:10). The reference
               the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not written   in Mt. 15:27 to  dogs eating table scraps was spoken by
               unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye   the  Samaritan  woman  and  might  not  refer  to  Jewish
               know it, and that no lie is of the truth.” Verse 27 says   custom.  (2)  A  male harlot  (De.  23:17-18).  These two
               further,  “But  the anointing  which  ye have received  of   verses   deal  with  whoredom  and  prostitution  and
               him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach   homosexuality, both male and female. The dog in verse
               you:  but  as  the  same  anointing  teacheth  you  of  all   18  is   connected  with  the  whore  in  the  same  verse.
               things, and  is truth, and  is  no lie, and  even as it hath   Probably  the whore refers to  the immoral woman and
               taught  you, ye shall abide in him.” Thus  the Scriptures   the dog refers  to a male prostitute or homosexual. “The
               plainly  state  that  the  believer  has  the  Holy  Spirit  to   ‘price  of  a  dog,’  that  is,  of  the  Sodomite,  pimp,  or
               teach him and he can know the truth.              whoremaster (so  I incline to understand it, for such are
                  If, then, the ecumenical philosophy  is correct and  a   called dogs—Re. 22:15), the money he gets by his  lewd
               believer  cannot  be  certain  of  sound  doctrine,  the   and villainous  practices, no part  of it  shall be brought
               commandments and promises of God make no sense.   into  the house  of  the  Lord  (as the  hire of  prostitutes
                                                                 among the Gentiles  was  into  their temples” (Henry). (3)
                                                                 A false teacher (Ph. 3:2-3). “The judaizing teachers, who

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