Page 181 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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DISTAFF. The staff that holds the bunch of flax or 1. Mal. 2:14-16 makes it clear that God hates
wool, which, with the spindle, are implements of divorce. There can be no doubt that “putting away” is
spinning by hand (Pr. 31:19) (Concise). another term for divorce. It is vital to know what God’s
DISTILL. To flow; to drop (De. 32:2; Job 36:28). attitude toward divorce is, especially when we see other
DISTRESS. Anguish of body or mind; affliction; Scriptures which give permission for the very thing that
calamity; misery; a state of danger (Webster) (Ge. 35:3; God hates!
Ps. 4:1; 18:6; 25:17; 118:5; 120:1; Pr. 1:27; Is. 25:4; Lk. Why would God hate divorce? All of us can think of
21:23, 25; Ro. 8:35; 1 Co. 7:26; 2 Co. 6:4; 12:10). [See situations where we are sure that divorce was the
Suffering.] proper thing; in some cases we are sure that it was the
DIVERS. (1) Various; different (De. 22:9; Ju. 5:30; only answer to a very unhappy situation. At the same
Mt. 4:24; He. 1:1; 9:10). (2) Unequal (De. 25:14; Pr. time, all who have dealt with people who have gone
20:10). (3) Certain ones; some of (Mk. 8:3; Ac. 19:9). through a divorce realize that it is always the children
[For commentary on “divers manners” (He. 1:1) see who suffer most. That is exactly the reason which God
Sundry.] gives here for hating it. Verse 15 tells us that God made
DIVIDE UNTO. To separate; to divide into portions; one (that is, one woman for one man, as He did in the
Garden of Eden) that He might seek a godly seed. God
to distribute (Ex. 26:33; Lk. 15:12). is interested in children being brought up in His nurture
DIVINATION. Attempting to predict future events or and admonition.
discover hidden knowledge through dreams, astrology, Many people disagree with that, saying that the
magic, etc. Divination is forbidden by God (Le. 19:26). children are better off with a single parent, or with a
[See also Witchcraft.] new parent, than being in an unhappy home. At first,
DIVINE. (1) Deity (2 Pe. 1:3). (2) Of God (Pr. this seems reasonable, but the years have taught us,
16:10). (3) To practice divination (Ge. 44:5; De. 18:14). even unbelievers who deal with children’s problems,
[See Witchcraft.] that it is an unsettling and detrimental thing for
DIVINITY OF CHRIST. [See Jesus Christ.] children to be shuttled back and forth between parents
DIVORCE. The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that who have custody or visitation privileges. How often
God has always been opposed to divorce (Mt. 19:3-6; have we heard a parent say, “I dread to see the children
Mal. 2:14-16). It was allowed in O.T. times because of go to visit their father (or mother) this weekend,
the hardness of man’s heart (Mt. 19:7-8). The Lord because I know they will get into some kind of
Jesus mentioned only one possible situation in which ungodliness, or will return being adversely affected by it
divorce is allowable before God—immorality (Mt. 19:9). all.”
The Christian who for some reason leaves his or her In many cases, the children will follow the ungodly
mate is to remain unmarried or be reconciled to his parent rather than the one who is trying to obey the
mate (1 Co. 7:11-12). Bible. Divorce does not prevent that from happening.
Divorce and Remarriage by Bruce Lackey 2. God’s original plan for marriage was that there
As we consider the subject of divorce and would be no divorce. In Mt. 19 this was made very clear
remarriage, it is most important that we approach it in a conversation between Christ and the Pharisees. In
with the proper attitude. 1 Pe. 4:7-8 describes the three- verse 3, we should note that they were asking the Lord
fold attitude that that we need, especially in these last about De. 24:1, which was the only verse giving
days as we look for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ— permission for divorce. However, rather than explaining
being sober, watching unto prayer, and having fervent that verse, Christ first referred to Ge. 1:27 and 2:24 by
charity. We might say, simply, that we need to think, saying, “Have ye not read, that he which made them at
pray, and love. When he says “be ye therefore sober,” the beginning made them male and female, and said,
that obviously means to think. We cannot give in to our For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and
feelings, or to sentiment, or to public opinion, or even to shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one
the particular needs of our closest friends or family. flesh?” (Mt. 19:4-5). Then He applied the two verses by
Thinking properly would be thinking according to saying, “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one
Scripture. Then, we are to pray. We must seek the Lord’s flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not
wisdom about this matter. Then, of course, love. It is a man put asunder” (v.6). Thus, God’s original plan, that
serious mistake to develop any kind of a scriptural which He had “at the beginning,” was one woman for
opinion which causes us to hate or snub people, to look one man, becoming one flesh, and cleaving to each
down upon them, or fail to love them. That would be an other. The important thing to notice is that when the
improper use of the Word of God. Pharisees asked about De. 24:1, Christ did not explain
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 181