Page 178 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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DELUSION. Deception; wandering (2 Th. 2:11). DEPRAVITY. A term used to describe man’s sinful
DEMAS (ruler or governor of the people, popular). A condition. Depravity refers to man’s spiritual wickedness
Christian worker in the early church. He was Paul’s and worthlessness. [See Sin.]
helper (Col. 4:14), but later he deserted Paul because of DERIDE. [See Derision.]
his love for the world (2 Ti. 4:10). DERISION. To laugh at; to turn up the nose at; to
DEMON. [See Devils, Satan.] deride (Job 30:1; Ps. 2:4; 44:13; 59:8; 79:4; 119:51; Je.
DENOMINATION. A name; a class; a society; a 20:7-8; Eze. 23:32; 36:4; Hab. 1:10; Lk. 16:14).
group. The term denomination is used in two basic DESCRY. To go about; search; spy out; to observe, in
ways: (1) A denominational structure under which a military sense; to reconnoitre (Ju. 1:23). [See
churches are grouped together by common belief and Military.]
practice as well as being governed by a central DESERT OF THE SEA. This is a description of
headquarters or committee. Examples are the Roman Babylon in Isaiah 21:1. The area between Babylon and
Catholic Church and the Episcopal Church. (2) A Persia, which is a vast desert, was once covered with the
denominational identity whereby churches share waters of Euphrates like a sea. Semiramis erected dams
common beliefs and practice but which retain complete and dried it up. Cyrus of the Persians removed the dams
autonomy. Many Baptist churches fit this description. and again converted the area to a marsh (Jamieson,
They are denominated Baptist in belief and practice but Fausset, Brown).
they are not members of a denominational structure. DESERVING. That which is deserved (Jud. 9:16).
Other major denominations are Assemblies of God,
Church of God, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, and DESOLATE. (1) To be made waste (Is. 13:22; Eze.
Presbyterian. Within the major denominations there are 35:7; Ho. 13:16). (2) Alone; separate; silent (Is. 27:10;
great numbers of groupings. For example, in America Job 15:34). (3) Empty; waste (Ezr. 9:9; Is. 49:21; Eze.
there are Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists, 19:7).
Pentecostal Baptists, Seventh-day Baptists, Hardshell DESOLATION, AB OMINATION OF . [ S e e
Baptists, Missionary Baptists, Conservative Baptists, Free Abomination of Desolation.]
Will Baptists, Progressive Baptists, General Baptists, DESPISE. To contemn; to count lightly; to reject; to
Primitive Baptists, Reformed Baptists, United Baptists, dishonor (Le. 26:43; Nu. 11:20; Ju. 9:38; Job. 5:17; Pr.
Landmark Baptists, American Baptists, even Two-Seed- 1:7; 6:30; 11:12; 13:13; Is. 30:12; 53:3; Mt. 18:10; 1
in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists! Co. 16:11; Jude 8).
Every church is denominational in the sense that it DESPITE. To offend; to have contempt for; to
follows certain beliefs and practices which distinguish it despise. In He. 10:29, “despite unto the Spirit of grace”
from other churches. Even churches which claim to be refers to those who turn their backs on the once-for-all
non-denominational and which refuse any sort of Atonement of Jesus Christ to return to the traditions of
denominational label have beliefs and practices that apostate religion. The book of Hebrews was written to
distinguish them from other churches. Some are Jews who had professed faith in Christ, to warn them to
charismatic; some are not. Some believe in eternal continue in Jesus Christ and not to return to the Mosaic
security; some do not. Some are governed one way; system.
some are governed a different way. Some baptize by DESPITEFULLY. To treat with contempt; to treat
immersion; some baptize in other ways. Some baptize shamefully; to reproach; insult; falsely accuse (Mt. 5:44;
only adults; some baptize infants. These are Lk. 6:28; Ac. 14:15). [See Despite.]
denominational-type characteristics. The only way to DETEST. To have in abomination (De. 7:26; Je.
avoid such distinctives would be to accept any and every 16:18). [See Abomination.]
belief and practice, and there are some ecumenical DEVICE. Thought; invention; plan; design; purpose
churches which have almost achieved this unscriptural (Job. 21:27; Ps. 10:2; Pr. 1:21).
standard! [See Anglican Church, Baptist, Brethren,
Charismatic, Church, Doctrine, Eastern Orthodoxy, DEVIL. [See Devils, Satan].
Episcopal, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, DEVILS. The Greek word daimon is translated “devil”
Presbyterian, Separation, Unitarian Universalist, United in the N.T. These creatures are also referred to as “evil
Church of Christ, Unity, World Council of Churches.] spirits.”
DENOUNCE. To announce; declare; proclaim (De. The Origin of Demons. Demons are angels which
30:18). followed Satan in his rebellion (Mt. 9:34; 12:24; 25:41;
Re. 12:7-9).
The Nature of Demons. (1) They are spirit creatures
and do not have bodies (Mt. 8:16). (2) They are
178 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity