Page 176 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               the body that is said to die, not the spirit (Ja. 2:26). (3)   characteristic of  the  heart  (Je. 17:9);  God  abhors (Ps.
               Paul  taught  that  death  is a  journey  (2  Co.  5:6-7;  Ph.   5:6);  forbidden  (Pr.  24:28;  1  Pe.  3:10);  Christ  was
               1:23-24; 2 Ti. 4:6). (4) Peter taught that he would put   perfectly free from (Is. 53:9 with 1 Pe. 2:22); saints  to
               off his  body  at death (2  Pe. 1:14). (5) Jesus  promised   be free from (Ps. 24:4; Zep. 3:13; Re. 14:5); shun those
               the  thief  on  the  cross  that  death  is  a  departure  (Lk.   addicted to (Ps. 43:1;  101:7;  120:2); ministers  should
               23:43). (6) The story of Lazarus  and the rich man shows   lay aside (2 Co. 4:2; 1 Th. 2:3); false witnesses  use (Pr.
               that death is  a departure. The proper names  Jesus  used   12:17);  a  characteristic  of  antichrist  (2  Jn.  7);  a
               in this story prove He was speaking of a historical scene   characteristic of apostasy (2 Th. 2:10); hypocrites  devise
               rather  than  a  parable  (Lk.  16:22-23).  (7)  The  dead   (Job 15:35); hypocrites practice (Ho. 11:12).
               saints  will return with  Christ  from heaven. This  shows   The Wicked Are Full of (Ro. 1:29); devise (Ps. 35:20);
               that dead saints go  to heaven at death (1 Th. 4:14). (8)   38:12;  Pr.  12:5);  utter  (Ps.  10:7;  36:3);  work  (Pr.
               John’s  heavenly visions show dead saints  in heaven (Re.   11:18); increase in (2 Ti. 3:13);  use to  each other (Je.
               6:9-11).  (9)  Moses’  and  Elijah’s  appearance  on  the   9:5); use to themselves  (Je. 37:9; Ob. 3:7); delight  in
               Mount of Transfiguration  proves that  the dead  are not   (Pr. 20:17). False teachers are workers  of (2 Co. 11:13);
               sleeping (Mt. 17:1-3; Lk. 9:30-31). It is  plain from this   preach  (Je.  14:14;  23:26);  impose  on  others  by  (Ro.
               survey  of N.T. Scripture that  man  has  a spirit or  soul   16:18; Ep. 4:14); sport themselves with (2 Pe. 2:13).
               which departs  from his  body  at death and  which  lives   The  Evil  of:  hinders  knowledge  of  God  (Je.  9:6).
               eternally  either  in  heaven  or  in hell. [See also Crucify,   Keeps from turning to God (Je. 8:5). Leads to  pride and
               Gehenna,  Immortal,  Heaven,  Hell,  Long  Home,   oppression (Je. 5:27,28) and to lying (Pr. 14:25). Often
               Resurrection, Soul, Spirit, Sheol.]               accompanied  by  fraud  and  injustice  (Ps. 10:7;  43:1).
                  DEAR. (1) Precious; beloved (Je. 31:20; Lk. 7:2; Ep.   Hatred  often  concealed  by  (Pr. 26:24-26). The folly  of
               5:1; Col. 1:7,13; 1 Th. 2:8). (2) Costly; expensive (Ac.   fools is  (Pr. 14:8). The kisses of an enemy are (Pr. 27:6).
               20:24).                                           Blessedness  of  being  free  from  (Ps.  24:4-5;  32:2).
                  DEBATE.  Discuss;  contend;  quarrel  (Is.  58:4).  The   Punishment of (Ps. 55:23; Je. 9:7-9) (Bible Text Book)
               term is  used in Scripture in a positive sense (Pr. 25:9) as   Examples of Deceit in the Bible: Satan (Ge. 3:4-5; Jn.
               well  as   a  negative  (Ro.  1:29;  2  Co.  12:20).  The   8:44); Jacob (Ge.  27); Laban  (Ge. 31:7);  Simeon and
               difference has  to  do  with one’s attitude and motive and   Levi  (Ge.  34:13);  Joseph’s  brothers   (Ge.  37:31-32);
               goal in  the debate.  The  Bible instructs  us to earnestly   Achan  (Jos.  7:11);  Gibeonites  (Jos.  9);  Delilah  (Jud.
               contend for the faith once delivered to  the saints (Jude   16); Saul (1  Sa. 18:20-27); David  (1  Sa.  21:13; 2 Sa.
               3),  and  the  Apostles  did  this  (Acts   15:1-2).  The   11); Amnon  (2  Sa.  13:1-15); Absalom (2  Sa. 15:1-6);
               preaching  of  the  Gospel  in  this  wicked  world  always   Jeroboam’s wife (1 Ki. 14:2); Sanballat and Tobiah (Ne.
               involves a certain amount of contention for  truth’s sake   6); Haman (Es. 3); Daniel’s  enemies  (Da. 6);   Pharisees
               (1 Th. 2:2). On the other  hand, contentions  for selfish,   (Mt. 22:15; Lk. 11:53, 54); Judas  (Mt. 26:15, 16); chief
               carnal motives  are forbidden by the Word of God (1 Co.   priests  (Mt. 26:59); Peter (Mt. 26:69-74); false teachers
               1:11; Tit. 3:9). [See Contend, Controversy.]      (2 Co. 11:13; Ep. 4:14; 2 Ti. 3:13; 2 Pe. 2:3); antichrist
                  DEBIR (speaker). Jos. 10:3.                    (1 Jn. 2:22).
                  DEBORAH (A bee). A judge and prophetess  of Israel   Examples  of  Deception  Used  for  Good:  Jewish
               (Ju. 4-5). [See Women Preachers.]                 midwives  (Ex. 1:15-21); Moses’ parents  (Ex. 2); Rahab
                  DEBT. [See Borrower.]                          (Jos. 2:3-7); Ehud (Jud. 3:15-26); Hushai (2 Sa. 16-17);
                  DECALOGUE. A name for  the  Ten  Commandments   Obadiah (1KiI. 18:3-4); Jehu (2 Ki. 10:18-28); Jehoiada
               given by God to Moses on  Mt. Sinai. Decalogue means   (2  Ki.  11:4-8).  [See  Beguile,  Cunning,  Cunning
               ten words. [See Law, Seventh-day Adventism.]      Craftiness,  Dissemble,  Dissimulation,  Doubletongued,
                  DECAPOLIS (ten cities). A district named for its  ten   Entice,  False Witness,  Feign,  Flattery,  Flattering Titles,
                                                                 Guile,  Honest,  Hypocrisy,  Perjured,  Pure  Conscience,
               cities (Mt. 4:25).                                Purloin,  Satan,  Sincere,  Sleight,  Subtil,  Unfeigned,
                  DECEIT, DECEIVE. Literally a catching or ensnaring.   Winketh.]
               Hence,  the  misleading  of  a  person;  the  leading  of   DECEITFUL MAN. This  expression in Pr. 29:13 seems
               another person to believe what is  false, or not to believe   to refer to  the rich man. The verse says  the Lord lightens
               what is true, and  thus  to  ensnare him;  fraud;  fallacy;   the eyes  both of the poor and of the “deceitful man.” In
               cheat;  any  declaration,  artifice  or  practice,  which   other words, the life of man comes  from God, regardless
               misleads another, or causes him to  believe what is  false   of his position in this  world; this is a reminder that man
               (Webster).                                        is  responsible to God and  that he will face God in  the
                  Is Falsehood (Ps. 119:118). The tongue an instrument   end. Other verses  which note the deceitfulness of riches
               of  (Ro.  3:13);  comes   from  the  heart  (Mk.  7:22);   are Pr. 22:2; 23:5; Mt. 13:22.

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