Page 170 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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DAYSPRING. A poetic name for the dawn (Job probably connected with the verb ‘dioko,’ to hasten
38:12). It refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ after, pursue (perhaps originally said of a runner).”
and the dawn of His earthly kingdom (Lk. 1:78). USAGE OF THE WORD “DEACON.” 1. Deacon refers to
DAYSTAR. The planet Venus which is seen as a Christian workers in general. In the following verses
morning star and heralds the coming of dawn (2 Pe. diakonos is translated “minister”: Ro. 16:1; 1 Co. 3:5; 2
1:19). “Prophecy is a light in this dark world respecting Co. 3:4, 6; 11:23; Ep. 3:7; Col. 1:23; 1 Th. 3:2; and 1
things here and judgment. But, in contrast to judgment, Ti. 4:6. Diakonos is translated “servant” in Col. 4:12. In
the dawn and the day star are a better hope, not seen by all of these verses the Greek word diakonos is used, and
those who appear only when the sun is risen, but for in each case the reference is to Gospel preachers and
saints who look for Christ before He appears” (Concise). Christian workers in general. In this sense, we see that
[See Jesus Christ, Rapture, Second Coming, Star.] the Apostle Paul, Timothy, Epaphras, and other
DAY OF ATONEMENT. [See Atonement - Day of.] preachers were called “deacons.” Yea, every Christian is
DAY OF CHRIST. The period of time when Christ to be a deacon, a servant, in this general sense—a
will take control of the world through judgment and His servant of Christ, a minister of the Gospel to a lost
Second Coming (1 Co. 1:8; 5:5; 2 Co. 1:14; Ph. 1:6, 10; world of men, a humble worker in the church. 2. Deacon
2:16; 2 Th. 2:2, 3). If the “day of Christ” in 2 Th. 2:1-3 also refers to a certain office in the church. The work of a
refers to the Rapture of the church age saints, it would deacon, in the general sense of being a servant to Christ
teach that it does not occur until after the appearance of and the church, is that of every Christian; but there is
the Antichrist. Some use this passage as a proof text to also the office of a deacon spoken of in the N.T.—an
support such a position. We do not believe the “day of office with definite and high standards, and an office
Christ” refers to the Rapture, though. It refers, rather, to which only properly qualified and chosen Christians are
“the day of the Lord” spoken of frequently in Old to hold (Ph. 1:1; 1 Ti. 3:13). It is in this sense that the
Testament prophecy. This “day” describes the entire word “deacon” is most commonly used today.
period of end-time prophecy stretching from the WOMEN DEACONS? The example of Phebe in Ro. 16:1
Tribulation to the Millennium, but it usually focuses on is an illustration of how women can be deacons in the
the Tribulation period during which God will deal with general sense—that of being servants to the church and
Israel and bring them to repentance (Ze. 14). Some ministers of Christ. Only men, though, can hold the office
claim that the falling away in 2 Th. 2:3 refers to of deacon. The qualifications require that the deacon
believers who lose their salvation. To the contrary, this “be the husband of one wife, ruling their children and
passage warns of the great apostasy of the last days, and their own houses well” (1 Ti. 3:12). This standard is
the Apostle does not say that those who fall away are consistent with the N.T. teaching forbidding women to
true believers. The true brethren (verse 1) are hold positions of leadership over men in the church or
comforted that they are not the ones being described home. Though the office of a deacon is not a position of
here. Those who fall away and turn to the antichrist are leadership in the sense that the office of a pastor is, the
those who “received not the love of the truth, that they deacons are indeed to be men of high spiritual stature
might be saved” (verse 10). [See Day of the Lord, and are looked upon by the other church members and
Prophecy, Rapture.] by outsiders as spiritual leaders.
DAY OF THE LORD. The period of time in which THE DUTIES OF A DEACON. The office of a deacon is
God will judge the world and establish His kingdom on reserved for men who become servants of the church
earth. In this day God will be exalted and rebellious and of the pastor in a special sense beyond that which is
men humbled. “The Day of the Lord” sometimes refers expected of every Christian. though the actual term
to one aspect of this final work, such as the Great “deacon” is not used in Acts 6:1-4, certainly we can see
Tribulation (Is. 2:10-21). In other places, it refers to a here a biblical pattern for the work of deacons. Notice
longer period, including the Tribulation, the Second that certain qualified men were chosen when a definite
Coming, and the Millennial Reign (Zechariah 14).[See need arose, and their primary function was to allow the
Antichrist, Daniel, Day, Great Tribulation, Judgment, pastors to be free to carry on the spiritual ministry of
Last Days, Millennium, Prophecy, Revelation, Second the Word of God and prayer.
Coming, Times.] Of course, the deacons can do any work assigned by
DEACON. The N.T. Greek word for deacon— the pastor and the church, but they should especially
diakonos—simply means “servant.” Consider the look after things like finances, property, and social
following definition by W.E. Vine: “Diakonos ... projects (such as care for widows), thus freeing the
primarily denotes a servant, whether as doing servile pastor to dedicate his entire attention, strength, and
work, or as an attendant rendering free service, without time to the pastoral ministry—oversight of the church,
particular reference to its character. The word is study, teaching, preaching, visitation, counseling, prayer.
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