Page 169 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               10:14). Therefore,  the  visions of  Da. 11  and  12  give   1:32, 33, 68-72; Re. 3:7; 5:5; 22:16). David wrote many
               more detail regarding the events  which will precede the   of the Psalms of the Bible. [See Covenants.] Was David a
               establishment  of  the  kingdom  promised  to Israel.  Da.   young teen when he killed Goliath? It is  popular to think
               11:1-4  repeats  the  vision  of  chapter  8  regarding  the   that David was a 12- or  13-year-old boy when he killed
               destruction  of  the  Persian  Empire  by  Alexander  the   Goliath. The truth is  that he was  a young man, probably
               Great,  and  the  subsequent  division  of  his  kingdom   in  his  20s.  The  fact  that  he  is  called  a youth  (1  Sa.
               following his death. Da. 11:5-20  gives  the history of the   17:33, 55) does not refer  to childhood, as  it commonly
               struggles  between the southern (Egyptian) and northern   does  today,  but  to  young  manhood.  Consider  the
               (Syrian)  parts  of  the  Grecian  Empire.  Da.  11:21-35   following  facts:  First,  before  killing  Goliath,  David
               foreviews  the rule of Antiochus Epiphanes, the man who   already had the testimony that he was a “mighty valiant
               took control of the northern empire and who  persecuted   man, and a man of war” (1 Sa. 16:18). That the events
               the Jews. From Da. 11:36-45 the prophecy looks  beyond   of chapter  16 precede those of chapters 17 and 18 are
               Antiochus to the last-days’  Antichrist. We are told that   plain from 17:15 and 18:10. Second, David could wear
               this  section foreviews “the time of the end” (Da. 11:40).   Saul’s  armour  (1 Sa. 17:38-39). While he chose not to
               In Da. 12:1 we are shown the Great Tribulation period   wear it, because he had not “proved it,” the fact remains
               which Jesus also  describes in Mt. 24. In Da. 12:4-5, 13   that  apparently  it  fit  him.  Why  would  Saul  have
               we  are  again  told  that  these  visions concern  the  end   attempted  to  put  his  large  man’s armour  on  a  young
               times.  [See  Allegorical,  Antichrist,  Day  of  the  Lord,   boy? Third, after killing Goliath, David was immediately
               Covenant,  Dispensationalism,  Gog,  Great  Tribulation,   made the head over Saul’s fighting men (1 Sa. 18:1- 5).
               Judgment,  Kingdom  of  God,  Last  days,  Millennium,   David was not a boy  when he killed the old  giant;  he
               Prophecy, Revelation, Times.]                     was  a young  man.  This  does not  detract  in  the  least
                  DANJAAN (Dan playing the pipe). 2 Sa. 24:6.    from the faith and bravery which he displayed in going
                  DANNAH (low). Jos. 15:49.                      against  the giant.  David  was willing to  go where  the
                  DARIUS (lord-king).  There  are  three  Dariuses   experienced soldiers would not go.
               mentioned in  Scripture. (1) Darius  the Mede, “the son   DAVID, CITY OF. [See City of David.]
               of Ahasuerus  of the seed of the Medes,” who succeeded   DAVIDIC COVENANT. [See Covenant.]
               to the kingdom of  Babylon on the death of  Belshazzar,   DAY. (1) A 24-hour day (Ge. 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31).
               and was  then 62 years  of age. He was Cyaxares, and son   We know the days  of creation were normal 24-hour days
               and successor  of Astyages the king of Media, B.C. 538.   because they are referred to in Ex. 20:10 in the context
               (Da. 5:31; 6:1; 9:1;  11:1) (Young).  (2) Darius, son of   of  normal days.  The creation  days  are said  to be  the
               Hystaspes  (Vashtaspa),  made  king  B.C.  521.  He   same kind  of day  as Israel’s  Sabbath. (2)  The daylight
               conquered  Babylon, Scythia, Libya, Thrace, Macedonia   hours (Ex. 13:21;  Ac. 20:11). (3)  A  period  of  time  in
               and  some  of  the  islands  in  the  Aegean  Sea,  but  the   general.  Examples  are  “the  perfect  day”  (Pr.  4:18),
               Greeks defeated him at Marathon (B.C. 490). Died B.C.   referring to the Lord’s  kingdom and  glory;  “the day  of
               485  (Ezr.  4:7).  (3)  Darius,  the  Persian.  Darius   II,   trouble” (Ps. 50:15), referring to times of trouble; “the
               Nothus,  king  of  Persia,  B.C.  424-404  (Ne.  12:22)   day  of  temptation”  (Ps.  95:8);  “the  day  of
               (Smith).                                          prosperity” (Ec. 7:14); “the day of adversity” (Ec. 7:14);
                  DARIC. [See Dram.]                             “the  day  of  vengeance”  (Pr.  6:34);  “the  day  of
                  DARKON (bearer). Ezr. 2:56.                    visitation”  (Is.  10:3);  “the  day  of  small  things”  (Ze.
                  DARLING.  Much  beloved; my  only  one  (Ps. 22:20;   4:10).  (4)  A  period  during  which  God  performs  a
                                                                 certain  work.  Examples  are  “the day  of salvation” (Is.
               35:17).                                           49:8; 2 Co. 6:2); “the day of  the Lord” (Is. 2:12); “the
                  DART.  An  arrow  or  light  spear  (2  Sa.  18:14;  Job   last  day”  (Jn.  6:54);  “the  day  of  our  Lord  Jesus
               41:26; Pr. 7:23; He. 12:20). [Military.]          Christ”  (1  Co.  1:8;  Ph.  1:10;  2:16;  2  Th.  2:2).  (5)
                  DATHAN (fount). Nu. 16:1.                      Spiritually,  a  reference  to careful,  upright  living  (Ro.
                  DAUB. To plaster (Ex. 2:3; Eze. 13:10).        13:13).  [See  Calendar,  Eternal,  Day  of  the  Lord,
                  DAUGHTER OF ZION. A term describing Jerusalem,   Evolution, Forever, Friday, Times, Watch, World.]
               the mother  city of Israel (Ps. 9:14; Is. 1:8; 2 Ki. 19:21).   DAYSMAN.  A  mediator  or  arbitrator  (Job  9:33).
               [See Jerusalem, Zion.]                            Through  His  death  and  shed  blood,  Jesus  Christ  has
                  DAVID  (Beloved).  Israel’s   best  king  and  a  great   become  the  mediator  between  God  and  men  (1  Ti.
               prophet and  song writer  (1 Sa. 16 - 1  Ki. 2:11; 1  Ch.   2:5-6),  thus  fulfilling  the  longing  of  Job.  [See  High
               11-29). God  promised  to establish  an  eternal,  earthly   Priest, Jesus Christ, Redemption.]
               kingdom through David’s  seed (2 Sa. 7:12-17). This  will
               be fulfilled through Jesus Christ (Is. 9:6, 7; Mt. 1:1; Lk.

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