Page 165 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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agonized before the Father, so much so that He sweat as CUSTOM, RECEIPT OF. The place where the tax
it were great drops of blood, merely because of the collector received tolls and taxes (Mt. 9:9). [See
physical suffering He was facing. Rather, we believe He Custom, Publican.]
was looking at the cup of iniquity. The holy, sinless Son CUT OFF. “I would they were even cut off which
of God was agonizing over the fact that He was going to trouble you.” This expression in Ga. 5:12 speaks of
be made sin on the Cross. He would become sin inside Paul’s desire that the false teachers who were disturbing
(1 Pe. 2:24) and outside (Is. 53:6). In the Garden of the churches of Galatia would be cut off from
Gethsemene He was not crying out in cowardice, but in association with the saints. The modern translations
holiness. We believe He was also contemplating the cup suggest that Paul was desiring that the false teachers
of separation from the Father (Mt. 27:46). God the Son would be mutilated physically. The NIV reads, “As for
and God the Father have enjoyed intimate communion those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and
from all eternity (Jn. 1:1; 17:5). Now in this awful hour emasculate themselves!” This type of reading originated
on earth the Son was going to be rejected by the Father with the English Revised Version of 1881: “I would that
for the sake of sinners. We believe Christ was agonizing they which unsettle you would even cut themselves off.”
over the cup of iniquity and the cup of separation. (4) A footnote in the ERV says, “or, mutilate themselves.” It
The “golden cup” of Revelation 17:4 is the cup of apostasy is not reasonable to believe that Paul was referring to
and wickedness which the Harlot religious system has something this crude. Nowhere else in the N.T. do we
given to the inhabitants of the world. The papal chalice, read of such an idea. Paul was referring to separation,
which is the cup used in the mass, is made of pure gold. not mutilation. Matthew Henry’s respected 19th century
As early as the year 857, the Emperor Michael sent Pope commentary on the whole Bible reflects the
Nicholas I a golden chalice, surrounded by precious interpretation of this verse commonly held among godly
stones, and with jacinths suspended on gold threads teachers until the critical text came on the scene: “... he
round the cup (Addis & Arnolds’s Catholic Dictionary). wishes that they were even cut off—not cut off from
Until recent times Catholic liturgical law required the Christ and all hopes of salvation by him, but cut off by
chalice cup for all Catholic masses to be gold plated the censures of the church, which ought to witness
inside if it was not entirely of gold (Our Sunday Visitor’s against those teachers who thus corrupted the purity of
Catholic Encyclopedia). (5) The cup of the Lord’s Supper the gospel.” [See Church Discipline, Separation]
contained the grape juice which symbolized Christ’s CUTTINGS. A heathen practice which was forbidden
shed blood (Lk. 22:17-20; 1 Co. 11:25-27). [See Lord’s to the children of Israel (Le. 19:28). God forbade both
Supper.] cuttings and markings of the flesh. The heathen would
CUPBEARER. One who serves wine to a ruler or a cut or mark themselves for many reasons, such as
wealthy man (Ge. 40:1; 1 Ki. 10:5; 2 Ch. 9:4; Ne. 1:11). mourning for the dead and showing allegiance to
CURIOUS, CURIOUSLY. (1) Wrought with care and deities, commanders, or kings. In Elijah’s day, the priests
art; elegantly finished; works of skill (Ex. 35:32; Ps. of Baal, in a vain attempt to make Baal reply, cut
139:15). (2) Meddlesome; bustling about; to be a themselves until the blood ran (1 Ki. 18:28). [See
busybody (Ac. 19:19). The Greek word translated Idolatry, Witchcraft.]
“curious” in Ac. 19:19 is translated “busybody” in 2 Th. CYMBALS. There are two Hebrew words translated
3:11. (3) Curious arts refer to occultic practices (Ac. “cymbal”—MESILTAYIM and TSELTSLIM. “The
19:19). [See Witchcraft.] mesiltayim is referred to by another name in the
CURSE. (1) God’s judgment (De. 11:26; 29:19-21; Scriptures, tseltslim (2 Sa. 6:5 and Ps. 150:5). The
Pr. 3:33; Da. 9:11; Mal. 2:2; 3:9; 4:6; Mt. 25:41; Ga. second word comes from salal which means to roll or
3:10, 13). (2) Reviling; mocking; speaking against (Pr. tumble down of one’s self. It mean a tinkling, ringing, or
26:2; Je. 42:18). (3) Evil speaking and blasphemy (Le. clanging instrument. The first word, which is the usual
24:10-16; Ps. 10:7; Pr. 29:24; Mk. 7:10; 14:71; Ja. one, comes from the same root word and is found in I
3:9-10). [See Evil Speaking.] Ch. 13:8, Ezr. 3:10, and Ne. 12:27. ... the word always
CUSH (black). [See Ethiopia.] appear in the dual form. They are first mentioned in 2
CUSTOM. (1) Established manner; habitual practice Sa. 6:5; again in 1 Ch. 24:1,6; and in 2 Ch. 5:12. The
or method; tradition (Ge. 31:35; Ju. 11:39; Ezr. 3:4; Lk. orchestra director beat the time upon the cymbals for
1:9; 2:42; 4:16; Jn. 18:39; Ro. 13:7). (2) Tax; toll on the whole Levitical choir” (Paul McCommon, Music in
goods (Ezr. 7:24; Mt. 9:9; 17:25). [See Custom - Receipt the Bible). [See Music.]
of, Publican, Tradition.] CYRUS (throne). 2 Ch. 36:22.
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