Page 160 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               the  unsaved  (Ro.  1:29;  1  Co.  5:10;  6:10;  Ep.  5:5).   in earth, visible and invisible, whether they  be thrones,
               Covetousness is  a  cause  for  church  discipline  (1  Co.   or  dominions,  or  principalities,  or  powers:  all  things
               5:11).  Covetousness must  to be  mortified  (Col.  3:5).   were created  by him, and  for him: And he is  before all
               Covetousness is  a mark of the end times (2 Ti. 3:2). It is   things, and  by  him  all things consist” (Col. 1:16, 17).
               a  characteristic of  false teachers (2  Pe. 2:3, 14;  Jude   Two, He is  the beginning and the firstborn of the new
               11).                                              creation.  Compare Romans 8:29;  Colossians 1:15,  18.
                  How  to  Have  Victory  over  Covetousness:  Incline  the   [See Evolution, Jesus Christ.]
               heart  toward Gods Word (Ps. 119:36). Be content with   CREATURE.  That  which  is  created;  every  being
               one’s own things and station  in  life; do not desire that   besides   the  Creator,  or  everything  not  self-existent
               which belongs  to others (Ex. 20:17; De. 5:21; He. 13:5).   (Webster).  Anything  created,  not  limited  to   living
               Fear  the  wages  of  covetousness  (1  Co.  5:11;  6:10).   things.  The  same Greek  word  translated  “creature”  in
               Mortify  the old nature and  put  on  the new  man  (Col.   Ro. 8:19, 20, 21, 29 is translated “creation” in Ro. 8:22.
               3:5-10). Remember  that  the  Lord  abhors  the covetous   (1)  Those  who  have  been  born  again  into  the  new
               (Ps. 10:3). Open your  heart and purse strings  to others   creation in Christ Jesus (2 Co. 5:17; Ga. 6:15; Ja. 1:18).
               (Pr. 21:26). Focus on the true purpose of life, which is  to   (2) The animals  and other  living creatures of the world
               know and please and serve God (Lk. 12:15; 1 Ti. 6:11).   (1  Ti.  4:4;  Re.  8:9).  (3)  All persons (Mk. 16:15;  Re.
               The  child  of  God  has  been  purchased by  the blood of   5:13). [See Beast, Creation, Firstling.]
               Jesus Christ (1 Co. 6:19-20). We therefore are not  our   CREED. A statement of belief.
               own, and we are not to  live for  our  own  self  pleasure.   CREMATION. Burning of dead bodies. The following
               We are to live to glorify  God  in all things. Focus one’s   are the reasons  we are convinced that cremation should
               attention  on eternity  (1 Ti. 6:17-19). If we live in light   not be practiced by Christians:
               of eternity, we will not be dazzled by the appeal of this
               world. [See Employment, Gold, Greedy, Labour, Lucre,   Cremation has a heathen origin and purpose. Why do
               Lust, Money, Possessions, Private Ownership  of Property,   the  Hindus   and  those  of  other  heathen  religions
               Steal, Stewardship, Tithe.]                       cremate? They  do it in the belief that the dead are not
                                                                 raised  again,  whereas   the  Bible  says   there  is  a
                  COZ (nimble). 1 Ch. 4:8.                       resurrection  of  the  just  and  the  unjust.  The  heathen
                  COZBI (deceitful). Nu. 25:15.                  practice cremation  in  the  belief  that  the dead  will  be
                  CRACKNEL. A light, crisp biscuit (1 Ki. 14:3).   reincarnated;  to  destroy  the  body  is   sometimes
                  CRAFT. (1) Subtlety; guile; cunning (Da. 8:25; Job   considered a way of releasing the spirit of the deceased.
               5:13; Mk. 14:1;  Lk. 20:23; 1 Co. 3:19;  2  Co. 4:2; Ep.   Again, some practice cremation  with the heathen  idea
               4:4). (2) Occupation (Ac. 18:3; 19:25, 27; Re. 18:22).   that by destroying the body of the deceased the fear of
               [See Cunning Craftiness, Deceit.]                 that individual staying in the vicinity  and haunting the
                  CRAFTINESS.  [See  Craft,  Cunning  Craftiness,   loved  ones  is  diminished.  There  is  nothing  Christian
               Deceit.]                                          about cremation.
                  CRANE.  A  large  white  bird  that  “is   a  wader,   God’s  people  have  always  practiced  burial. Abraham
               migratory,  utters   a  twittering  cry,  and  goes   in  vast   (Ge.  25:8-10),  Sarah  (Ge.  23:1-4),  Rachel  (Ge.
               flocks” (Smith) (Is. 38:14; Je. 8:7).             35:19-20),  Isaac   (Ge.  35:29),  Jacob  (Ge.  49:33;
                  CRAVE. To ask for; to  urge;  desire;  beg  (Pr. 16:26;   50:1-13), Joseph  (Ge. 50:26), Joshua (Jos. 24:29-30),
                                                                 Eleazar  (Jos. 24:33), Samuel (1 Sa. 25:1), David (1 Ki.
               Mk. 15:43).                                       2:10),  John  the  Baptist  (Mt.  14:10-12),  Ananias and
                  CREATION. That which God created in the beginning   Sapphira (Ac. 5:5-10), Stephen (Ac.  8:2). In  Ro. 15:4
               as  recorded in Genesis  1-2 (Mk. 10:6; 13:19; Ro. 1:20;   and 1 Co. 10:11 God tells  us  that  we are to  follow the
               8:22; 2 Pe. 3:4). REVELATION 3:14— Some misuse this   Bible’s examples as well as its direct instructions.
               verse to teach  the false doctrine that Jesus  Christ is a   Even  in  difficult  circumstances  God’s  people  in  olden
               created being. To make the verse say this, though, is  to   days  practiced  burial.  For  example,  Joseph’s  body  was
               ignore  what  the  Bible  says  about  Christ  and  would   kept  for  over  400  years  in  Egypt  and  then  carried
               throw  all  the  rest  of  the  Bible  into   confusion  and   through  the  40 years  of  wilderness wanderings  before
               contradiction.  Jesus  Christ  is the Creator  of  all things   being buried in  the Promised Land. We read of  this in
               (John  1:1; Col. 1:16),  and He  had  no beginning  (He.   Ge.  50:24-25;  Ex.  13:19  and  Jos.  24:32.  How  much
               7:3). Micah 5:2 says his “whose goings  forth have been   simpler  it  would  have been  for  the  Israelites to  have
               from  of  old,  FROM  EVERLASTING.”  The  Lord  Jesus   cremated Joseph, then carried his  ashes with them in a
               Christ is  the Eternal God. Revelation 3:14 is  speaking of   tiny  container!  This   they  refused  to  do.  Joseph,  a
               two things: One, He is  creator of all things. “For by him   follower  of  the  one  true  God,  a  man  who  looked
               were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are

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