Page 157 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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made bad decisions by seeking counsel from New automotive repair, don’t go to an accountant. Likewise,
Evangelicals or Charismatics or Calvinists or even if you need counsel pertaining to preaching, go to a
liberals and Roman Catholics or others who are not preacher, or if you need counsel about married life, go
likeminded theologically. We think of the sad case of to someone who is successfully married, or if you need
Norma McCorvey, who was the plaintiff in the Roe v. counsel about a missionary calling, go to an experienced
Wade case that legalized abortion in America. She missionary. Charles Spurgeon told how that he was
rejected abortion and was baptized by an “evangelical” discouraged from preaching by a godly woman. The fact
minister, but later joined the Roman Catholic Church is that a woman does not understand such things, no
through close associations with Catholic priests in the matter how godly she is. He said, “I remember well how
Right to Life movement. earnestly I was dissuaded from preaching by as godly a
Third, wise counselors have made good decisions in Christian matron as ever breathed; the value of her
their own lives and have good character and stability (Pr. opinion I endeavoured to estimate with candour and
25:19). People who are lazy, don’t pay their bills, lie, patience--but it was outweighed by the judgment of
cheat, are unstable, etc., will not give wise counsel. persons of wider experience” (C.H. Spurgeon, Lectures
Young people must especially keep this in mind. God to My Students).
tells the young person to honor his parents, but if the Sixth, wise counselors are willing to speak the truth
parents are not people of good character they are not (Prov. 27:6). If we only seek counsel from those who
wise counselors. An “unfaithful man” can also refer to will tell us what we want to hear, or who will only speak
someone that is mentally and spiritually unstable. My non-offensive things and pamper us and tiptoe around
father fell into that category, because of the mental difficult issues, we are wasting our time. We need to
damage he sustained fighting in the Pacific Islands seek out counselors who will speak the truth no matter
during World War II. He was never right after that and what it entails. When a child of God seeks counsel only
had to be institutionalized from time to time. He knew from those who tell him what he wants to hear, he
the Lord, but was unable to take any kind of pressure or proves that he is not serious about knowing God’s will.
make important decisions and his thinking wasn’t right. What we need are counselors like the prophet Micaiah
As a result my mom and we children had to learn to go who spoke the truth even when it resulted in suffering
on without his blessing at times. For example, he (1 Kings 22:27). For this reason, the wicked king Ahab
couldn’t keep a job, so Mom had to go back to work in complained said, “I hate him; for he doth not prophesy
order to support the family. There was no choice, but he good concerning me, but evil” (1 Kings 22:8). Micaiah
was fiercely opposed to it. He couldn’t work and had no was exactly the counselor that Ahab needed, but he was
possibility of an income, but he didn’t want her to work. too foolish and rebellious to discern this.
Mom finally went ahead and the Lord blessed and she 2. Seek counsel from more than one person
was able to get back on at the phone company where (“multitude of counselors,” Pr. 11:14; 24:6). This is
she had worked before their marriage, and Dad repeated twice in the Proverbs by way of emphasis. One
gradually got used to the idea. Ordinarily this would be way that God confirms His will is by the agreement of
rebellion on the part of a wife, but not in that case. After godly counselors. If a young person is seeking wisdom
I was saved at age 23, I wanted to go to Bible College about marriage, for example, and he or she approaches
and train for the ministry. Dad was opposed to it. The his parents and his pastor and teachers and other
Lord led me to start writing Christian books. Dad was mature spiritual authority figures, there should be
opposed to it. He wanted me to stay there in my home agreement. Again, the best place to find the “multitude
town and just work somewhere. I am so glad that I of counsellors” is a God-fearing, Bible-believing church.
followed the Lord rather than my confused, wounded What Charles Spurgeon said of a Bible college is even
Dad. Such decisions to go against parental counsel must truer of a godly church: “Meeting as you do in class, in
never be made lightly, but sometimes they are necessary. prayer-meeting, in conversation, and in various religious
Fourth, wise counselors are found in good Bible- engagements, you gauge each other; and a wise man
believing churches. The first place to find such counsel is will be slow to set aside the verdict of the
my own church, assuming I am in a good Bible-believing house” (Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students). This does
church. The church is the pillar and ground of the truth not mean that I should never decide against something
(1 Tim. 3:15). God has given pastors and teachers for unless the authority figures in my life are agreed,
the purpose of training and protecting His people (Ep. because men can be wrong; but it does mean that I
4:11-12), and they should always be at the top of the should only make such a decision if I have a clear Bible
list when it comes to spiritual counsel. support for it and absolute confidence that it is God’s
Fifth, wise counselors have wisdom pertaining to your will. To obtain counsel from a variety of people protects
particular situation. If you need advice about the believer from becoming a slave to the will of one
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 157