Page 155 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               Anger,  Brawler,  Clamour,  Contend,  Debate,  Dispute,   fault” (Mt. 18:15), “reproved” (Lk. 3:19; Jn. 16:8; Ep.
               Dissension,  Dispute,  Flesh,  Malice,  Strife,  Striker,   5:11, 13),  and  “rebuke”  (1  Ti. 5:20;  Tit.  1:13;  2:15).
               Variance.]                                        The  conviction  of  sin  comes   chiefly  through  two
                  CONVENIENT.  (1)  Becoming;  fitting;  proper  (Ro.   channels: (1) The work of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:8). (2)
               1:28;  Ep.  5:4). (2)  Right  (Je. 40:4-5).  (3)  Well-timed   The  preaching  of  the  Word  of  God  (Tit.  2:15).  [See
               (Mk. 6:21). (4) To have time (1 Co. 16:12). (5) Without   Admonish,  Chasten,  Conscience,  Correction,  Counsel,
               trouble  or  difficulty  (Mk.  14:11;  Ac.  24:25;  1  Co.   Exhort, Guidance, Instruct, Light, Rebuke, Reproof.]
               16:12).                                             CONVOCATION. A religious  festival during which no
                  CONVERSANT. To  dwell or  abide with; to associate   work  was   done  (Le.  23:1-3,  16-21;  23:24-28).  [See
               with (Jos. 8:35; 1 Sa. 25:15).                    Feasts, Offerings.]
                  CONVERSATION.  (1)  Manner  of  life;  deportment;   COR. [See Weights and Measures.]
               behavior  (Ps. 37:14;  50:21; Ga. 1:13;  Ep. 4:22;  1  Ti.   CORAL. A shade of red;  used ornamentally, such as
               4:12; He. 13:7; Ja. 3:13; 1 Pe. 1:15, 18; 2:12; 3:1-2, 16;   beads and necklaces (Job 28:18; Eze. 27:16) (Boyd).
               2 Pe. 2:7; 3:11). (2) Citizenship (Ph. 3:20).       CORBAN.  A  gift  or  offering  made  to   God  (Mk.
                  CONVERSION. [See Convert.]                     7:10-11). “The Jews  allowed, and perhaps encouraged,
                  CONVERT. To turn; to  change.  “In  a theological or   sons  to devote their property to  God, and then refuse to
               moral sense, a change of heart, or dispositions, in which   assist their parents under  the plea that  their  substance
               the  enmity  of  the  heart  to  God  and  his  law  and  the   was  ‘corban,’ or devoted. The Lord blames the rulers  for
               obstinacy of the will are subdued, and are succeeded by   this  as one of their traditions  by  which  they had made
               supreme love to  God and his moral government, and  a   the Word of God of none effect” (Concise).
               reformation of life. Conversion is  used in Scripture in a   CORE.  The  Greek  form  of  Korah  (Jude  11).  [See
               way  similar  to   repentance”  (Webster)  (Is.  6:10;  Ps.   Korah.]
               51:13; Mt. 1315; 18:3; Lk. 22:32;  Ac. 3:19; 28:27; Ja.   CORIANDER. A round aromatic seed (Ex. 16:31; Nu.
               5:19-20).  [See  Born  Again,  Eternal  Security,  Gospel,   11:7).
               Justification, Repentance.]                         CORMORANT.  A large bird  that  lives  upon  fish. It
                  CONVICT. To  convince of a crime; to  find  guilty; to   dashes  down  upon  its  prey  and  can  follow  it  in  the
               be aware of guilt (Jn. 8:9). “The meaning of conviction   water  or  dive  after  it  if  it  descends  (Le.  11:17;  De.
               as  a law term is  being found guilty. In common language   14:17) (Concise).
               it means being persuaded  or  convinced. In  theology  it   CORNELIUS. The first  Gentile to  be  saved  through
               means   being  condemned  at  the  bar  of  one’s  own   the ministry of the Apostles (Ac. 10).
               conscience as a sinner  in  view of the law of God. It is
               the antecedent to repentance, and is often accompanied   CORNERSTONE. The stone that binds together  the
               by a painful sense of exposure to God’s wrath. It is  the   sides  of a building. It refers to  the Lord Jesus  Christ. “In
               work of the Holy Spirit, showing the heinousness  of sin   Is. 28:16, the Lord God lays  in Zion ‘for a foundation a
               and the soul’s  exposure to  divine wrath. The means of   stone,  a  tried  stone,  a  precious  corner  stone,  a  sure
               conviction  are  various:  Gospel  truth,  the  law  read  or   foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.’ This
               heard, reflection, calamity, etc. It often comes suddenly   is  quoted in 1 Pe. 2:6. In 1 Co. 3:11 we are told  ‘other
               and may  be stifled, as  it surely is, if not  heeded”  (The   foundation  can  no man  lay  than  that  is  laid, which  is
               People’s  Bible  Encyclopedia). The Greek word  translated   Jesus Christ;’  and  in  Ep.  2:20 we  read,  ‘Jesus  Christ
               “convict”  in  Jn.  8:9  (elegcho)  is  also   translated   himself  being  the  chief  corner  stone.’  Thus  the  Lord
               “reprove” (Jn.  16:8;  Ep. 5:11),  “rebuke” (1  Ti.  5:20),   Jesus  Christ  is  the  chief  corner  stone  that  binds  all
               “convince” (Tit. 1:9), and “tell fault” (Mt. 18:15). These   together, and is the foundation upon which all rests. In
               various  usages of the Greek word for convict remind us   addition to this, as  the stone which the Jewish builders
               of the fact that conviction is for the saved as well as  for   rejected,  Christ  has   become  ‘the  head  stone  of  the
               the  unsaved.  The  child  of  God  needs  the  continual   corner’ (Ps. 118:22; Ze. 4:7; Mt. 21:42; Mk. 12:10; Lk.
               reproof of the Word  of God and  conviction  of the Holy   20:17; Ro. 9:33; 1 Pe. 2:7)” (Concise) [See Jesus Christ,
               Spirit to keep him walking in the light. [See Convince.]  Rock.]
                  CONVINCE.  To   make  manifest;  to  convict;  to   CORNET. There are three Hebrew words  translated
               persuade or satisfy the mind by evidence; to subdue the   “cornet”  in  the O.T. (1)  keren  is  translated “cornet”  in
               opposition  of the mind  to truth (Webster) (Job 32:12;   Da. 3:5, 7, 10, 15, and is  translated “horns” in Da. 7:7-8,
               Jn. 8:46; Ac. 18:28; 1 Co. 14:24; Tit. 1:9; Jude 15). The   11, 20, 21, 24. It refers to  a wind  instrument, a horn.
               G r e e k  w o r d  m o s t  c o m m o n l y  t r a n s l a t e d   (2) shophar,  the  common  Bible word  for  “trumpet”  is
               “convince”  (elenko)  is   also  translated  “tell  him  his   translated “cornet” in 1 Ch. 15:28; 2 Ch. 15:14 and Ps.
                                                                 150:3.  (3)  menana,  translated  “cornet”  in  2  Sa.  6:5,

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