Page 150 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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CLOAK. (1) A mantle; a garment (Mt. 5:40; 2 Ti. The coats with which the Lord clothed Adam and Eve
4:13). (2) To hide; to cover; pretense; deception (Jn. covered their nakedness; they also symbolized salvation.
15:22). The phrases “cloak of covetousness” (1 Th. 2:5) In vain Adam and Eve had tried to cover their own
and “cloak of maliciousness” (1 Pe. 2:16) mean a cloak nakedness and undo their evil deeds. God showed them
or covering for covetousness and maliciousness. In 1 Th. that He Himself would provide their salvation. He killed
2:5, the Apostle Paul testified that his ministry was not a animals and covered the man and the woman. Some
cloak of covetousness, meaning he did not use the lessons from this: (a) Man’s efforts at self-redemption
ministry to conceal a motive to make a personal gain. are unacceptable to God (Is. 64:6). (b) God has
False teachers, on the other hand, are characterized by provided full salvation; garments often picture salvation
this sin (Ro. 16:18; 2 Pe. 2:3). (Is. 61:10; Ze. 3:4). (c) This salvation is through the
CLOSE. (1) Secret; concealed (Nu. 5:13; 1 Ch. death and blood of an innocent substitute (Is. 53:6). (d)
12:12). (2) Near (Je. 42:16; Da. 8:7; Ac. 27:13). (3) To This salvation is offered freely; man’s part is simply to
enclose; to shut (Am. 9:11). receive it from God’s hand (Ep. 2:8-9; Ro. 3:24; Tit.
CLOSED. (1) To unite; close up; make whole (Ge. 3:5). (e) God Himself instigated salvation; men do not
2:21). (2) To enclose; cover over (Nu. 16:33). (3) To seek God; God seeks sinful man. His hand has been
shut; stop; withhold (Ge. 20:18). extended to man ever since the Fall. His coat of
CLOSET. Inner room (Mt. 6:6; Lk. 12:3). salvation in Jesus Christ is freely offered to “whosoever
will.” (f) Nakedness is no longer a proper condition for
CLOTHING. [See Coat, Modesty, Nakedness.] man because of the sinful condition of his heart. (2)
CLOUD. (1) The clouds in the atmosphere and the Body armor (1 Sa. 17:5, 38). (3) Protective armour (1
mist or dew of the morning (Ge. 9:13-16; 1 Ki. 18:44; Sa. 17:5, 38). [See Coat of Mail.] [See Adam,
Ho. 6:4; 13:3). As early as in the book of Job the Bible Atonement, Blood, Lamb, Gospel, Justification, Modesty,
revealed the fact that water is bound up in the clouds Nakedness.]
(Job 26:8). (2) The cloud of glory. This was the COAT OF MAIL. Protective armor (1 Sa. 17:5, 38).
manifestation of God’s presence during Israel’s [See Breastplate, Military.]
wilderness wandering. (Ex. 13:21-22; 14:19-24; 19:9, COCKATRICE. Adder; viper (Is. 11:8; 14:29; 59:5;
16; 24:15-18; 34:5; Le. 16:2, 13; Nu. 9:15-22; Nu. Je. 8:17). [See Adder, Asp, Dragon, Serpent.]
10:11-12, 34; 11:25; 12:5, 10; 14:14; 16:42; De. 1:33;
5:22; 31:15; Ne. 9:19; Ps. 78:14; 1 Co. 10:1-2). The COCKLE. A weed with an unpleasant odor (Job
cloud of glory marked God’s approval upon the 31:40). “A weed which grows in cornfields, called also
Tabernacle (Ex. 40:34-38) and Solomon’s Temple (1 Ki. corn-campion: its botanical name is agrostemma githago.
8:10-11; 2 Ch. 5:13-14). [See Holy Spirit.] The cloud of The Hebrew word thus rendered is by some supposed to
glory was witnessed by Ezekiel departing from the denote the same plant as the ‘tares’ of Mt. 13:30” (The
Temple (Eze. 1:28; 10:3-4, 18). It was witnessed by the Bible Word-Book).
Lord’s apostles (Mt. 17:5; Mk. 9:7; Lk. 9:34-35). Christ CODEX SINAITICUS. An ancient manuscript
was received up in a cloud at His ascension (Ac. 1:9) containing parts of the Bible and discovered in 1844 by
and will return in a cloud of glory (Lk. 21:27). (3) The Constantine Tischendorf. [See Bible Versions, Codex
cloud is used to symbolize God’s forgiveness (Is. 44:22). As Vaticanus, Erasmus, Inspiration, Masoretic Text,
when a cloud covers an object so that it cannot be seen, Preservation.]
though it is still there (Eze. 32:7), God’s mercy covers CODEX VATICANUS. An ancient manuscript of the
the repentant sinner. Though he is still a sinner, his sin Bible which was kept in the library of the Roman
has been covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. [See Catholic Vatican in Rome, Italy, and not allowed to be
Glory, Holy Spirit, Rainbow, Temple.] publicly examined until the mid-1800s. It was examined
CLOUD OF GLORY. [See Cloud.] briefly by Constantine Tischendorf, a German scholar, in
CLOUTED. Patched; mended clumsily (Jos. 9:5). 1867, and later was used by the translators who worked
CLOUTS. Rags; old patched clothes (Je. 38:11-12). on the English Revised Version of 1881. [See Bible
Versions, Erasmus, Inspiration, Masoretic Text,
CLOVEN. Divided; split (Le. 11:26; Ac. 2:3). Preservation.]
COAST. Border; region (Mt. 2:16). This term has COGITATION. Thought; meditation (Da. 7:28).
come to be limited to the narrow strip of land along a COLHOZEH (wholly a seer). Ne. 3:13.
sea, but as used in the Authorized Version it refers to a
border or region in general. COLLOPS. Pieces of flesh (Job 15:27).
COAT. (1) Clothing; a covering (Ge. 3:21; 37:3; Ex. COLORS. Matchless, marvelous Book of God! As we
28:4; 1 Sa. 2:19; 2 Sa. 15:32; Job 30:18; Song 5:3; Da. contemplate even the threads comprising its warp and
3:21, 27; Mt. 5:40; 10:10; Jn. 19:23; 21:7; Ac. 9:39).
150 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity