Page 149 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               his   faith.  See  Romans  4:11.  Circumcision  signifies   the deed” (Barnes). The homicide was  required to abide
               salvation. It signifies  the death  of  the old  life and  the   in the city  of refuge until the death of the high  priest.
               birth  to the new  life.  Circumcision  was performed  on   “The atoning death of the Saviour cast its  shadow before
               the eighth day, which is  the day of resurrection, the day   on  the  statute-book  of  the Law  and  on  the annals  of
               of the new creation. God rested on  the seventh  day of   Jewish  history.  The  High  priest,  as   the  head  and
               the old  creation, and Christ rose from the dead on  the   representative of the whole chosen family of sacerdotal
               eighth day or the first day of the new creation. When we   mediators,  as exclusively  entrusted  with  some  of  the
               are born again, we are born into the new creation. We   chief  priestly  functions,  as  alone  privileged  to  make
               are raised with Christ to  new life. God told the Jews  to   yearly atonement within the Holy of Holies, and to  gain,
               circumcise their  hearts  (De.  10:16;  Je. 4:4).  The true   from  the  mysterious  Urim  and  Thummim,  special
               reality of circumcision will happen to  Israel when Christ   revelations of the will of God, was, preeminently, a type
               returns   (De.  30:6).  See  also   Romans   2:28-29.   of  Christ. And  thus the death  of  each  successive High
               Circumcision is  the same picture as  baptism: it signifies   priest  presignified  that  death  of  Christ  by  which  the
               dying to the old life and rising to  the new life in Christ.   captives   were  to  be  freed,  and  the  remembrance  of
               Romans   6:3-5  says  that  baptism  is  a  “likeness”  of   transgressions  made to  cease”  (Barnes).  The  cities of
               Christ’s  death  and  resurrection  and  of  our  spiritual   refuge also  symbolize Jesus  Christ as  the sinner’s  refuge
               death and resurrection with Him. No one has ever been   from  judgment.  [See  Avenger  of  Blood,  Capital
               saved  by  circumcision  (Gal. 6:15). The Jews perverted   Punishment, Kill, Vengeance.]
               the doctrine of  circumcision  and made it  into  a saving   CITY OF DAVID. (1) Jerusalem, the city where David
               ritual,  believing  that  all  who were  circumcised  in  the   reigned  (2  Sa.  5:6-9). (2)  Bethlehem, David’s original
               flesh were saved (Lk. 3:8). This is  what false Christians   home  (1  Sa.  20:6;  Lk.  2:4).  [See  Bethlehem,
               have  done  with  baptism and  the  Lord’s  Supper.  They   Jerusalem.]
               have  perverted  these  simple  ordinances   that  are   CLAMOROUS,  CLAMOUR.  To  make  a  noise;  to
               supposed to symbolize salvation and have turned them   complain  loudly;  to  make  an  outcry;  repeated  and
               into  “sacraments” or a means  of salvation. This is  true of   urgent  complaining  (Pr.  9:13;  Ep.  4:31).  [See  Anger,
               the  Roman  Catholic  Church,  the  Greek  Orthodox   Evil Speaking.]
               Church, many of the Protestant denominations, and the
               Church  of  Christ  with  its baptismal regeneration. New   CLAVE. The past tense of cleave, meaning (1) to split
               Testament believers are not obligated to  be circumcised   (Ge. 22:3; Nu. 16:31) and (2) to adhere to (Ru. 1:14; 2
               (1 Co. 7:18). [See Born Again.]                   Sa. 20:2).
                  CIRCUMSPECT.  Literally,  looking  on  all  sides;   CLEAN.  (1) Pure;  undefiled  (Pr. 20:9;  Mt. 8:2; Lk.
               looking round.  Hence, cautious;  prudent;  watchful on   11:39).  (2)  Completely  (Jos.  3:17;  4:1;  Ps.  77:8;  Is.
               all sides; examining carefully  all the circumstances  that   24:19).
               may  affect  a  determination,  or  a  measure  to  be   CLEAR. (1) To  be free; guiltless; innocent (Ge. 24:8).
               adopted”  (Webster)  (Ex.  23:13;  Ep.  5:15).  The  Greek   (2) Bright; sunny (2 Sa. 23:4; Song 6:10; Is. 18:4). (3)
               word  translated  “circumspect”  (akribos)  is   also   Transparent; like ice or crystal (Re. 21:11, 18; 22:1).
               translated  “diligently”  (Mt.  2:8;  Ac.  18:25)  and   CLEFT. Cleaved; divided; split (De. 14:6). The same
               “perfect” (Lk. 1:3; 1 Th. 5:2).                   Hebrew word  (shaca)  is translated  “clovenfooted”  (Le.
                  CISTERN.  A  tank  or  reservoir  for  collecting  and   11:3), “cleave” (Le. 1:17), and “rent” (Ju. 14:6).
               storing water (2 Sa. 17:18; 2 Ki. 18:31; Je. 2:13; 38:6).  CLERGY.  The  term  “clergy”  derives  from  a  Welsh
                  CITIES OF REFUGE. Cities set apart in Israel for the   word signifying teachers  or learned men of the druidical
               protection  of  persons  who killed  someone by  accident   order  and  from  a Greek  word  referring  to  the  lot  or
               (Nu.  35;  De.  19;  Jos.  20).    “Inasmuch  as   to  take   estate of those who perform sacred duties (Webster). To
               another’s  life  by  any  means   soever  is  murder,  and   label  church  leaders  “clergy”  is  derived  from  Roman
               exposes  the murderer to the penalty of retaliation; so, if   Catholicism,  whose  priests  hold  a  position  similar  to
               the deed be done in  enmity, it is  in  truth very  murder,   those  of  the  pagan  world  from  whence  the  term
               and the murderer shall be slain; but if it be not done in   originated. It signifies  a special class  of “holy men” or  a
               enmity, then the congregation shall interpose to stay the   priestly  caste.  Though  the  term  has  come  to  signify
               avenger’s  hand.  ... The homicide was safe only  within   ordained preachers in general, we do not use it because
               the walls  of his  city of refuge. He became a virtual exile   of  its  unscriptural  signification  and  origin  and  its
               from his home. The provisions here made serve to  mark   ecumenical overtones.  [See Father,  Holy, Laity, Liturgy,
               the gravity  of  the act  of manslaughter, even  when not   Rabbi, Reverend.]
               premeditated;  and  the  inconveniences  attending  on   CLIFT. Cleft (Ex. 33:22; Is. 57:5). [See Cleft.]
               them fell, as  is  right and fair, upon him who  committed

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