Page 145 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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“I truly long to be of service to you as your pastor. When I first (1) The first step in exercising corrective discipline is
got saved, I thought pastors were half human and half divine always to attempt to solve the problem and to bring any
and that it was good to stay away from them. As a result, I did sinning parties to repentance. We see this in
not grow as I should. Had I known that I could approach my Matthew 18:15-17. This passage speaks of problems
pastor, there were many questions he could have answered for
me, and there was much needed counseling that he could have between church members. In all cases, though, we
given me. ... There is a very tender relationship between the should spare no effort in our attempts to help an erring
shepherd and the sheep, and our Lord wills it thus for the person and to bring him to repentance and obedience.
pastor and the members of the church family. When you have The last step of church discipline—dismissal—is a most
sickness, problems, and other difficulties, please call me. ... I serious matter, and should be carried out only when
am busy, but not too busy to be concerned to help you with other steps fail. Following are the steps outlined in
your burdens and heartaches” (James Crumpton, New Matthew 18:15-17: “When one has been offended by a
Testament Church Discipline). See Ps. 23; Je. 23:1-4; Jn. fellow church member, he is to (a) Go to him privately
10:11-30; Ac. 20:28-32; 1 Th. 2; 1 Pe. 5:1-4. and seek to reconcile that offense. If the offender has
Richard Baxter, a 17th-century pastor, spent much of the right attitude, he will want to get right with his
his time dealing personally with his people, with brother. The opposite may also be true; the offended
amazing results. He found that many of the people did party may not know of the offense. If not, and if the
not get much from his preaching but that they offense comes to the knowledge of the offender, he is to
responded to his personal ministrations. “I have found seek the reconciliation (Mt. 5:23-24). The Scripture puts
by experience, that some ignorant persons, who have the responsibility of reconciliation equally upon both
been so long unprofitable hearers, have got more parties. (b) If the first overture is rejected he is to take
knowledge and remorse of conscience in half an hour’s one or two more with him and make a second attempt
close disclosure, than they did from ten years’ public at reconciliation. If the offender is adjudged guilty of
preaching” (Baxter, The Reformed Pastor, 1656). Thus he the offense by the disinterested parties (it is sometimes
began the practice of spending two days a week, from the case that the supposedly offended brother is the one
morning to evening, with the help of two assistants, who really is at fault) and he refuses to make it right
visiting his church members and their neighbors and with his brother, then, and only then, (c) the matter is
acquaintances in their homes, teaching them and to be taken before the church for consideration. Even
leading them to the truth. This was in addition to the here, there is still opportunity for reconciliation and
regular Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday services. righting of the wrong” (Huckabee). We also see this in
When he left that pastorate, there were entire streets Titus 3:10. The church should make one or two
where every single family served Christ, whereas when attempts to deal with false teachers and to bring them
he began, there had been only one or two families. to repentance.
(5) Preventive discipline is maintained through the 2 Timothy 2:23-26 offers some instruction about how
fellowship of the church members. It is not enough for the to deal with a disobedient person. (1) Refuse to get
church leaders to preach and shepherd the flock. They entangled with foolish questions (v. 23). Those are the
are limited in number and simply cannot do everything type of questions that produce strife rather than
that is needed for the sanctification of the assembly. The edification, the type of questions that are not asked
members must minister to one another day by day. sincerely but are asked only to cause doubt and
Every Christian, therefore, has a vital part in confusion. (2) Maintain a godly attitude when dealing
maintaining the discipline of the church. The members with those who are foolish and disobedient (v. 24 — “not
are to teach one another (Col. 3:16), exhort and correct strive, gentle, patient”). This is not easy, because
one another (He. 3:12-14; 10:24-25; Ro. 15:14), disobedient people can be very unreasonable and
minister to one another (1 Pe. 4:9-10), comfort one unkind. (3) Teach the disobedient one, if he will listen (v.
another (1 Th. 4:18; 5:11), love and forgive one another 24 — “apt to teach”). Repentance comes through the
(Ro. 12:10; Ga. 5:13; Ep. 4:32; Col. 3:13; 1 Pe. 3:8), power of the Scriptures, so give the Scriptures whenever
visit and help the sick and widows (Ja. 1:27), confess possible, even if the person does not believe them. (4)
faults to one another and pray for one another (Ja. 5:16). Remain humble (v. 25 — “in meekness”). Be careful not
CORRECTIVE CHURCH DISCIPLINE. Though God to get puffed up at your superior knowledge of the
does not desire to punish His children, if a Christian truth. (5) Trust in God’s power to bring repentance (v.
refuses to walk in obedience, he must be corrected with 25). Don’t forget that it is not your responsibility to
whatever measures are necessary. There comes a time bring the sinner to repentance; that is God’s work. Only
for corrective church discipline when preventive through His great power can a disobedient person come
discipline has failed to do the job. to repentance. (6) Remember that you are dealing with
the devil and not with flesh and blood (v. 26; Ep. 6:12).
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 145