Page 141 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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services were typically conducted in homes in the early biblical justification for the “worship service,” cannot
days, the services themselves were to be set apart from find it in the writings of the Apostles. They must go to
common Christian activities by an orderliness and godly the Old Testament temple worship or to the book of
respect befitting an occasion during which the church of Revelation, but the pattern for the churches is the
God assemblies before its Head. Apostolic writings. There are three key words for
The only specific occasion for regular church worship in the New Testament: worship, praise, and
services mentioned in Scripture is the first day of the glorify, and none of these are used in the context of a
week (Acts 20:7; 1 Co. 16:2). That is the resurrection corporate church worship service. The only time the
day, the day that Christ rose from the dead (Mark 16:9) word “worship” is used in the Acts or Epistles in
and the day He first appeared to the disciples (Jn. connection with the church services is in 1 Co. 14:25,
20:19). This does not mean, though, that Sunday is the and it is speaking of individual worship, not corporate
only day that churches can have services. Again, this is a worship. Likewise, the words “praise” or “glorify” are
matter that is decided by each church under the never used in the New Testament of corporate worship
direction of the Holy Spirit. It is largely a practical in church meetings. They are used, rather, of individual
matter of what are the specific needs of that time and praise to God through private thanksgiving and godly
place. When the church leaders determine that meetings living (Acts 2:47; Ro. 15:5-6; 1 Co. 6:20; Ph. 1:11; He.
should be held, the members should submit to that 13:15; 1 Pe. 4:16).
decision and support the meetings with their faithful This does not mean that it is wrong for churches to
attendance (He. 10:25; 13:7, 17). worship the Lord together. Just the opposite. Certainly,
We know that the early churches had the teaching of that is what we are to do at all times, including during
apostolic doctrine, fellowship, Lord’s Supper, and the church services. In fact, there is a gross lack of
prayers (Acts 2:41-42). They preached the Word of God conscious worship in the average church service in
and ministered spiritual gifts (1 Co. 14). They took up strong Bible-believing congregations today. Everything is
offerings (1 Co. 16:2). They sang songs, hymns, and treated with such a lack of solemnity and with such a
spiritual songs (Ep. 5:19). They exhorted one another lack of heart-felt praise directed toward God. Even the
(He. 10:25). singing is approached in a “ho hum” manner, more as a
The Bible only gives a few very general instructions ritual that we go through than an occasion of directing
about the order of church service. (1) We know that one’s heart to God. It often appears that little or no
everything is to be done “decently and in order” (1 Co. godly and wise forethought has gone into the selection
14:40). All speaking is to be done in turn (1 Co. 14:31). of the songs, and there is commonly no exhortation for
(2) There is to be no confusion (1 Co. 14:33). (3) The the people to turn their hearts and minds toward Christ.
women are restricted from speaking (1 Co. 14:34-35). What, then, is the difference between the typical
(4) Nothing is to be done contrary to apostolic contemporary worship service and the biblical pattern
instruction (1 Co. 11:2; 14:37). for worship in the church?
The Worship Service. There is a great emphasis (1) Biblical worship has no emphasis on the use of
among churches today on “worship services.” music. The two mentions of music in the New Testament
Commonly this involves the use of a “praise band” and a epistles focus as much on edifying the saints as on
“worship leader.” The traditional hymns are discarded in singing unto the Lord (Ep. 5:19; Col. 3:16). In fact,
favor of powerful contemporary rock type songs that biblical worship emphasizes that God is worshipped
literally take control of the people. An invitation is given through everything done in the church rather than
to the church members to move with the flow of the merely through one particular type of worship offered to
music and to abandon themselves in adoration to God. Him via a praise time (1 Pe. 4:11). In direct
There is commonly an emphasis on inviting the Holy contradiction to this, contemporary worship focuses
Spirit to minister to the people during these occasions. almost exclusively on one type of worship to God, that
In such circles, it is typical to find a concept that the being the worship that is associated with contemporary
Holy Spirit should not be “put in a box,” and that it is music.
not wrong if strange manifestations such as shakings (2) Biblical church worship is submitted to the
and fallings occur during the worship. It is not apostolic commandments, which require that everything
uncommon to find disorder, confusion, women leaders, be done decently and in order, that there be no
and other blatantly unscriptural things in contemporary confusion, that women cannot lead, etc. (1 Co. 11:2;
worship services. 14:37). This means that all of the unscriptural things
The New Testament does not give any pattern for commonly associated with contemporary worship,
conducting a specific corporate worship service in the particularly in charismatic circles, are rejected.
churches. None whatsoever. Those who try to find
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 141