Page 139 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
P. 139
The Meaning of the Church. Ekklesia means a lawful, give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven...”).
organized assembly. It is used in three ways in the N.T. Mt. 18:18 makes it clear that this promise of authority is
(1) Israel in the wilderness (Ac. 7:38). (2) A political to the church and not just to Peter.
assembly (Ac. 19:32-41). (3) Christ’s assembly (Mt. The Beginning of the Church. We believe the church
16:18). Of the 115 N.T. references to the “church,” 111 began to be built during the earthly ministry of the Lord
refer to Christ’s assembly. The references to Christ’s Jesus Christ, that it was empowered on the day of
church are divided into three categories: (1) The Local Pentecost, and that it was organized and established by
Assembly on earth (Ac. 2:47; 13:1). This forms the vast the Apostles as recorded in the Acts and Epistles. Why
majority of the Bible references to the church. do I believe the church began during the earthly
Sometimes “church” refers to the local church in a ministry of Christ? (1) There is no statement in
general, generic, institutional sense (1 Co. 15:9; Ga. Scripture which supports the common view that the
1:13; Ph. 3:6). (2) The Heavenly Assembly of the saints church started on the day of Pentecost. (2) In Matthew
(He. 12:23; 2:12). (3) The Eternal Assembly of all the 16:18, Christ said he would build His church. Christ is
saints of all ages (Ep. 1:10-11; 2:16-22). the Founder and Rock of the church. I can see no
The Bride of Christ. There is endless speculation biblical reason for not assuming that He began building
about the bride of Christ, but the Bible says very little the church during His earthly ministry. (3) Matthew
about it. The term “bride” is used only five times in the 18:17 implies that the church already existed during
New Testament, and only two of those refer directly to Christ’s earthly ministry. (4) Acts 2:41 says those saved
the bride of Christ (Re. 21:9; 22:17). Both of these are on the day of Pentecost were “added unto” the
applied to the eternal city described in Revelation 21. congregation which already existed. The four Gospels
Ephesians 5:32 says the husband and wife picture Christ and the early part of the book of Acts describe a
and the church. One could say, therefore, that the transitional period during which God is turning from
church is the bride of Christ, but the Bible does not Israel to the church.
specifically use that terminology so again we are The Constitution of the Church. The book of Titus was
speculating about its exact meaning. Revelation 19 written to describe the proper organization of churches.
describes the “marriage of the Lamb” but, again, the There were believers in Crete, but there was still
term “bride” is not used and we enter into the realm of something lacking: They needed to be organized into
speculation when we try to connect this term with the N.T. churches (Tit. 1:5). According to Titus, the
events in Revelation 19. Debating doctrinal positions following are necessary for a proper church: (1) A
which are based on assumption and speculation is Proper Gospel (Tit. 1:1-3). The one true Gospel is
unprofitable. By the way, whatever the bride of Christ is eternal life through faith in the grace of Jesus Christ. It
I do not believe it is a “Baptist” bride. The term Baptist is grace alone and faith alone without admixture.
is a good historical term and can be an important label Anything else is cursed (Ga. 1:6-9). The sound Gospel
today if defined correctly; but it is not used even once in also calls for sound ordinances which symbolize the
the Bible in direct connection with the church. Gospel—believer’s baptism as symbolic of the death,
The First Mention of the Church. The first mention of burial, and resurrection of Christ (Ro. 6:3-5), and the
the word “church” in the N.T. is Mt. 16:16-19. Consider Lord’s Supper as a memorial meal symbolizing Christ’s
some important lessons from this passage: (1) The atonement through His shed blood and broken body (1
church is built by Christ (“I will build”). This is one of Co. 11:23-26). Churches which pervert the Gospel also
His most important present occupations. (2) The church tend to pervert the ordinances. (2) Proper Leadership
is built upon Christ. The Rock upon which the church is (Tit. 1:5-9). The only proper leaders for a N.T. church
built is Christ Himself—not Peter (compare 1 Co. 3:11; are the pastors, also called “elders” (Tit. 1:5) and
10:4; Ep. 2:20; 1 Pe. 2:6). (3) The church did not exist “bishops” (Tit. 1:7). A church is not to be run by a
until Christ came. It is an entity distinct from Israel (1 Co. deacon board, or trustees, or a denominational
10:32). (4) The church belongs to Christ (“I will build my hierarchy. (3) Proper Doctrine (Tit. 2:1). A N.T. church
church”). This means that Christ is the sole Head of the is grounded in the whole counsel of God (Ac. 20:27; Mt.
church. He has given this position to no man, not even 28:20), in sound doctrine pertaining to Christ, God,
Peter and his so-called successors! Christ is also the sole Man, Sin, Death, Heaven, Hell, Angel, Prophecy, the
legislator, law-giver, of the church. The church itself has Church, and every other Bible truth. (4) Proper Living
no lawmaking powers; its sole purpose is to obey those (Tit. 2:2-12). A N.T. church will manifest godliness in
laws that Christ has given in His Word. (5) The church Christian life and service. (5) Proper Discipline (1 Co. 5;
will be preserved through all generations (“the gates of Tit. 3:10-11). A N.T. church will discipline sinning
hell shall not prevail against it”). (6) The church is the members and heretics.
only institution blessed with Christ’s authority (“And I will
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 139