Page 138 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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974—Idolatry established in Israel (1 Ki. 12). 216—Fifty thousand Jews slain at Alexandria.
924—Samaria built by Omri (1 Ki. 16). 204—Formation of the Sadducdean sect.
918—Jericho rebuilt (1 Ki. 16). 197—Palestine conquered by Ptolemy of Egypt.
906—Elijah slays the prophets of Baal (1 Ki. 18). 170—Palestine conquered by Antiochus of Syria.
896—Elijah translated to heaven (2 Ki. 2). 168—Temple dedicated to pagan god Jupiter by
894—Cure and conversion of Naaman the Syrian Antiochus.
(2 Ki. 5). 166—Era of “the bold Maccabees.”
926—Jonah sent to Ninevah (Jon. 1). 166—Judas Maccabeus takes Jerusalem.
771—King of Assyria invades Israel (2 Ki. 15). 155—Palestine free from the Syrian yoke.
753—Rome founded by Romulus, its first king. 65—Syria becomes subject to Rome
724—Samaria besieged by the Assyrians (2 Ki. 17). 63—Judea becomes subject to Rome.
721—Deportation of the N. tribes to Assyria (2 Ki. 54—Crassus, the Roman general, plunders the
18). temple.
677—Land of Israel colonized by the heathen (2 40—Herod becomes king of Palestine.
Ki. 18). 37—Herod, by Roman assistance, takes Jerusalem,
677—Manasseh carried captive to Babylon (2 Ch. reigns.
33). 31—Thirty thousand Jews destroyed by an
676—Manasseh’s repentance and restoration (2 earthquake.
Ch. 33). 30—Egypt becomes subject to Rome.
625—Fall and destruction of Nineveh. 28—Augustus becomes first Emperor of Rome.
606—First deportation to Babylon of Judah (2 Ki. 20—Herod commences rebuilding the temple.
24). 6—Roman census or enrollment of the people in
599—Second deportation to Babylon of Judah (2 Judea.
Ki. 24). 4—Birth of John the Baptist.
588—Third deportation to Babylon of Judah (2 Ch. 4—BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST, SAVIOUR OF THE
36). WORLD
580—Hebrew youths cast into the furnace (Da. 3). 3—Death of cruel Herod.
568—Nebuchadnezzar becomes insane (Da. 4). Years - Summary
559—Cyrus ascends the Medo-Persian throne (Is. From the creation of man till the flood (Ge. 1-7) —
44:28). 1656
555—Daniel’s vision of the Beasts (Da. 7). From the deluge till the call of Abram (Ge. 9-12)—
538—Belshazzar’s impious feast (Da. 5). 427
538—Daniel cast into the den of lions (Da. 6). From the call of Abram till the law — 430
536—Zerubbabel conducts remnant to Jerusalem From the exodus and the law till Solomon’s temple
(Ezr. 2). — 479
535—Foundation of the new temple laid (Ezr. 3). From the founding of the temple till the destruction
510—Haman slain by Ahasuerus (Es. 7). of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar— 426
457—Ezra conducts remnant to Jerusalem (Ezr. 8). From Jerusalem’s destruction till Christ’s coming —
444—Nehemiah is appointed governor of 586
Jerusalem (Ne. 2). Total — 4004 (Handbook of the Old Testament)
416—OLD TESTAMENT CANON CLOSED WITH CHRYSOLYTE. A transparent precious stone, having
MALACHI. the color of gold mixed with green. It has a fine luster
401—Cyrus the younger slain. (Re. 21:20) (Smith).
359—Philip ascends the throne of Macedon. CHRYSOPRASUS. A gem; the color was golden
356—Alexander the Great born. green (Re. 21:20) (Smith).
336—Alexander succeeds to the throne of CHUN (founding). 1 Ch. 18:8.
Macedon. CHURCH. The word “church” is used 115 times in
332—Alexander’s march against Jerusalem. the KJV. In 114 of those passages the Greek word
320—Jerusalem taken by Ptolemy, the Egyptian translated “church” is ekklesia. (In one passage, Ac.
king. 19:37, the Greek word hierosulos, meaning “a robber of
320—Great settlement of the Jews in Alexandria. a sacred place,” is translated “church.”)
312—Palestine becomes subject to Egypt.
138 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity