Page 136 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Christmas, as did St. Nicholas, whose feast on December God, but I have never heard of a Christmas tree being
6 had been a time for giving gifts, especially to used in such a manner. At the same time, it is fearful to
children” (New 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Religious see Christmas trees and such things set up in churches.
Knowledge, pp. 181,182). At least in my estimation, that is a step toward
All of these things can still be observed in some Catholicism. One might as well get some crucifixes and
pagan religions. For instance, in Hinduism, there is a pictures of Jesus and a Mary with a halo to put
festival of lights in early winter that features bright alongside of it!
lights, special foods, the giving of gifts, the alleged We can’t “put Christ back in Christmas” because He
visitation of a goddess who bestows blessings on those never was in Christmas! Christmas really has nothing to
who are good, etc. do with the Bible. Christmas is not Christ’s day. The first
The Santa Claus observance is a Roman Catholic/ day of the week is the Lord’s Day, the day of His
pagan myth. The Catholic Pocket Dictionary of Saints has resurrection, and it is the only special day God has given
this to say about “Saint” Nicholas: “His popularity, Christians. We are to honor Christ’s resurrection, not His
already great, increased enormously in the West when birth.
his relics were brought to Bari in 1087, and his shrine The bottom line is that Christmas is a Catholic myth.
was one of the great pilgrimage centers of medieval We know that Christ was not born in December. The fact
Europe. He is the patron of storm-beset sailors (for that the shepherds were out in the fields when He was
miraculously saving doomed mariners off the coast of born (Lk. 2:8) is evidence that Jesus was not born in the
Lycia), of prisoners, of children ... which led to the winter time. There is no indication in the Bible that God
practice of children giving presents at Christmas in his wants us to celebrate His birth with a special festival. If
name and the metamorphosis of his name, St. Nicholas, He did, He would have told us when He was born and
into Sint Klaes, into Santa Claus by the Dutch. It should what we should do on that day. Christianized error is
be noted though that the figure of Santa Claus is really error still.
non-Christian and is based on the Germanic god Thor, Dear Christian friend, enjoy your freedom in Christ
who was associated with winter and the Yule log and during the Christmas season. If your activities are not
rode on a chariot drawn by goats named Cracker and condemned in the Scriptures and you have a clear
Gnasher” (Dictionary of Saints, pp. 369,370). conscience before the Lord (Ro. 14), you are free to
We don’t have to reject every social pleasantry of the enjoy yourself. At the same time, “Little children, keep
Christmas season, but God’s people are plainly warned yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21).
to beware of philosophy, the tradition of men, and the CHRISTOCENTRIC. Christocentric means Christ-
rudiments of the world which are not after Christ (Col. centered. Jesus Christ, as Creator and Saviour, is to be
2:8). Christmas can be a pleasant social holiday, and the center of all of life. [See Jesus Christ.]
there is nothing wrong with such things; and I see CHRISTOLOGY. The doctrine concerning Jesus
nothing wrong with remembering the wonderful birth of Christ. [See Jesus Christ.]
Christ, so long as the emphasis is not on His birth but on
His death, burial, and resurrection. CHRONOLOGY - BIBLE.
At the same time, we reject the paganism and the Chronological Table of Persons
Catholicism of the occasion. Our children have never B.C.
believed in Santa Claus; we have never had Santa’s 4004—Adam created; lived 930 years (Ge. 1-2).
image in our home. I believe that is idolatry. My wife 3876—Abel martyred; lived 128 years (Ge. 4).
was talking recently with a Hindu woman who thought 3874—Birth of Seth; lived 912 years (Ge. 5:3).
that the Christian’s God is Santa Claus, and that Santa 3769—Birth of Enos; lived 905 years (Ge. 5:6).
Claus had a son who is the Christian’s Saviour. Sadly, for 3679—Birth of Cainan; lived 910 years (Ge. 5:9).
many professing Christians, that is probably close to the 3609—Birth of Mahalaleel; lived 895 years (Ge.
truth; because they glibly and mindlessly follow such 5:12).
pagan traditions. 3544—Birth of Jared; lived 962 years (Ge. 5:15).
As for the Christmas tree, we have often enjoyed one 3382—Birth of Enoch; lived 365 years (Ge. 5:18).
in our home, but we see it as merely a pleasant social 3317—Birth of Methuselah; lived 969 years (Ge.
thing that has nothing to do with our faith in Christ. 5:21).
Some have tried to intimate that Christmas trees are 3130—Birth of Lamech; lived 777 years (Ge. 5:25).
condemned in Jeremiah 10:2-5, but I think that is off 2948—Birth of Noah; lived 950 years (Ge.
base. Jeremiah 10 is condemning idolatry, and I don’t 5:28,29).
know anyone who makes an idol of a Christmas tree. 2448—Birth of Shem (Ge. 5:32).
We certainly don’t. An idol is something used to portray
136 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity