Page 135 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               that the Bible contains  many  mistakes and her  “key” is   and  lessons.  There  is  no  pastor  as  such  in  Christian
               necessary  to properly interpret the Bible and unlock its   Science congregations. There are two  “readers,” usually
               mystical secrets. In  1876 she established  the Christian   a  man  and  a woman;  in  all  services  on  Sundays  and
               Scientists Association and  three years  later changed its   Thanksgiving Day, they  read  alternately  from the Bible
               name  to The  Church  of  Christ,  Scientist, and  it  grew   and  from  Science  and  Health.  A  midweek  meeting,
               quickly until the first quarter of the 20th century.   conducted by the first reader alone, features  testimonies
                  Chronically  ill  and  emotionally  unstable,  Mary   of healing.
               Patterson  (her  second husband’s  name) was powerfully   Christian  Science  appeals  to  intellectuals  and
               influenced  by  mental  healer  Phineas  P.  Quimby   mystics. It  is  a  gnostic-type  faith,  something  only  the
               (1802-1866).  Quimby,  a  student  of  hypnotist  Anton   supposedly  wise  and  initiated  can  understand  and
               Mesmer, believed that illness  and disease was an illusion   appreciate.  Those  who  scoff  its   strange  ideas  are
               created  by  wrong thinking and  that  it  could  be cured   oftentimes looked down upon and pitied.
               through  “correct” and  positive thoughts. Mary  claimed   Many  also   follow  this   false  religion  because  it
               that Quimby cured her through his hypnotism, and after   promises   physical  healing.  A  large  number  of  its
               his  death in 1866 she even claimed that she was visited   followers  are  elderly.  Rather  than  going  to  doctors,
               by  his   ghost.  Though  she  renounced  Quimby,  she   Christian Scientists try to convince themselves  that there
               derived much of her teaching from his writings, without   is   no  such  thing  as   sickness.  Christian  Science
               giving  him  credit,  claiming  instead  that  her  teachings   Practitioners  are called in to  help  sufferers  have faith in
               came directly from God.                           the unreality  of  illness. It is true that  some have been
                  Eddy  taught  that  sickness and  death  are  not  real.   healed of various  problems, but this  does not necessarily
               Instead of doctors and medicine, Christian Scientists use   mean they were healed by God. Witch doctors and New
               “Practitioners” who are trained  to help the sick person   Age practioners  sometimes  practice successful healings.
               see through the “false reality of illness.”       The Bible warns  that Satan and  false teachers  perform
                  Mary  Baker  Eddy’s “Scientific Statement  of  Being,”   great  miracles (Mt. 7:22-23;  24:24; 2  Th.  2:7-12;  Re.
               which  is read  every  week  in  every  Christian  Science   13:11-15).  It  is   true,  also,  that  many  illnesses  are
               congregation, says: “There is no life, truth, intelligence,   psychological in nature and therefore respond favorably
               nor  substance  in  matter.  All  is  infinite  Mind  and  its   to mental  suggestion. It  is  also true  that  God, in  His
               infinite  manifestation,  for  God  is   All-in-all.  Spirit  is   great mercy, extends  His blessings  even to those who do
               immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real   not obey His Word (Mt. 5:45). [See Healing.]
               and eternal; matter is  the unreal and temporal. Spirit is   Christians  are told  to avoid  those  who teach  false
               God, and man is  His image and likeness. Therefore man   things and should therefore avoid the Christian Science
               is not material; he is spiritual.”                Church (Ro. 16:17-18; 2 Jn. 10-11). [See Doctrine, False
                  Christian Science teaches  that men are not sinful and   Teaching, Separation.]
               that they do not need to  be saved. Jesus  did not actually   CHRISTIANITY.  The  beliefs   and  practices   of
               die  nor  shed  His  blood.  There  is  no  Satan,  sin,   Christians.  Christianity  usually  refers  to  everything
               judgment, or hell. According to Christian Science, God is   which claims to be Christian, even to  that  which  is not
               everything--“all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise,   patterned according to the N.T. [See Christendom.]
               all-loving,  and  eternal;  Principle;  Mind;  Soul;  Spirit;   CHRISTMAS.  Christmas  is   the  celebration  of  the
               Life; Truth;  Love; all substance;  intelligence.” Man  is  a   birth of Christ. It refers  to Christ’s  mass, which obviously
               part  of  God  and  all he needs  is  to recognize  it. Thus   has  a Roman Catholic origin. Normally it is  observed on
               anything that appears to  be evil is only a mirage of sorts   December  25.  The  practice  was   popularized  by  the
               and is  not  real: “All reality  is  in  God  and His  creation,   Catholic  Church,  and  like  many  other  Catholic
               harmonious and eternal. That which He creates is good,   traditions, it  was  adopted from paganism; in this case,
               and  He  makes  all  that  is  made.  Therefore  the  only   from the pagan mid-winter solstice marking the turn of
               reality  of sin, sickness, or  death  is  the awful fact that   the year. The following is a brief overview of its  origin:
               unrealities  seem real to human, erring belief, until God   “Saturnalia  extended  from December  17  to  24  and  in
               strips  off their disguise. They are not true, because they   A.D.  274  the  emperor  Aurelian  made December  25  a
               are not of God.”                                  feast  of  the  invincible  sun.  January  6  was  sacred  to
                  Christian  Science  congregations are  directed  rather   Dionysus.  With  the  toleration  of  Christianity  under
               autocratically from the “mother  church” in  Boston. The   Constantine, both December  25 and January  6 became
               lesson-sermons  of  Sunday  services  are  prepared  by  a   Christianized  feasts   (Christmas   and  Epiphany,
               central committee and issued quarterly  by the Christian   respectively). Symbols, originating largely from classical
               Science  Publishing  Society,  and  all  congregations   or  Teutonic-Celtic paganism,  such  as  lights,  greenery,
               throughout the world follow exactly  the same program   and  special  foods,  gradually  became  associated  with

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