Page 130 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  * There is  to  be no confusion or lack of peace (“For   in such a manner that no  reproach is brought upon it by
               God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all   our  actions. When  we  think  about  the deception  and
               churches  of the saints” 1 Co. 14:33). Every  time I  have   fraud that is so prevalent in the Pentecostal-Charismatic
               been  in  a  Pentecostal-Charismatic  service  where  “the   movement  and  when  we think  about  the  many  times
               Spirit  was moving”  I  have thought  to  myself, “This is   that  women  are allegedly  overcome by  the  Spirit  and
               confusing.”  Disorder  reigns.  The  “tongues”  cannot  be   fall in an indecent manner and have to be covered, it is
               understood. Things  happen that make no sense and that   obvious that all things are not done decently.
               are not found in the Bible. But we are told that God is   * Everything is to be orderly (“Let all  things be done
               not  the author  of  confusion,  and  that  covers  a  lot  of   decently and in order” 1 Co. 14:40). The God of creation
               territory.                                        is  the God of order. He is  not the God of confusion and
                  * Women are not allowed to  speak in tongues  (“Let   disorder.
               your  women  keep  silence  in  the  churches:  for  it  is  not   George Gardiner  was a Pentecostal for  many  years,
               permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to   and  he  said  that  his   journey  out  of  Pentecostalism
               be under obedience, as also saith the law” 1 Co. 14:34).   “began  with  nagging questions  about  the gulf between
               Paul  refers  to the  Law  of  Moses, which  also said  the   Charismatic  practices and  Scriptural statements--a very
               woman  is  under  the  man’s  authority  (Ge.  3:16;  Nu.   wide gulf!” (Gardiner, The Corinthian Catastrophe, p. 8).
               30:3-13).                                         He determined to study  the book of Acts. “I reread  the
                  Women  have  been  at  the  forefront  of  “tongues”   book  of  Acts,  slowly  and  carefully,  praying  as  I  did,
               speaking  since  the  inception  of  Pentecostalism.  A   ‘Lord, let me see what it says, and only what the Word
               woman  was  the first  to  speak  in  tongues at  Parham’s   says. Give me grace to accept  it if  I  have been  wrong
               Topeka Bible School. A woman was the first to  speak in   and  grace to  apologize if  I  have been  unduly  critical.
               tongues at  Seymour’s  Azusa Street Mission. A reporter   The  journey  through  Acts  was  an  eye  opener!  The
               with  the Los  Angeles  Times  who visited  the Mission on   actions and experiences of  the early  churches were far
               April 17, 1906, observed, “The old exhorter  [Seymour]   removed  from  the  actions   and  ‘experiences’  of  the
               urged the ‘sisters’ to let the ‘tongues  come forth’ and the   modern movement. In some ways  they were completely
               women  gave  themselves  over  to  a  riot  of  religious   opposite!”
               fervor.”                                            I  discovered  the  same  thing  as  a  young  Christian.
                  If  you could  remove  the  women  from  the  modern   One thing that convinced me that Pentecostalism is  not
               tongues-speaking movement it would  collapse, but  the   scriptural was that their “tongues” were not practiced in
               Spirit of God plainly forbids them to speak in tongues  or   a  biblical  manner.  I  have  attended  Pentecostal  and
               to  prophecy  in  the  meetings   where  the  saints  are   Charismatic  meetings  dozens  of times  in various parts  of
               gathered  together  and  men  are  present.  Women  are   the world and I have never  witnessed tongues  operated
               allowed to  teach  women  (Titus  2:3-4) and children (2   in a biblical manner.
               Ti.  1:5;  3:15)  but  are  forbidden  to   teach  or  usurp   Seventh,  the  Pentecostal-Charismatic  method  of
               authority over men (1 Ti. 2:12).                  “speaking  in  tongues”  is  unscriptural  and  dangerous;
                  *  Those  who  are  truly  spiritual  will  acknowledge   biblical  tongues  were  not  sought  or  learned  but  were
               Paul’s   authority  (“If  any  man  think  himself  to  be  a   sovereignly and miraculously given by God.
               prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things   If we were to  agree that there is such a thing today
               that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord”   as  “tongues  speaking”  or  a  “private  prayer  language”
               1  Co.  14:37).  Many  times  when  I  have  shown  these   and that it would help us live better Christian lives  and
               restrictions  to Pentecostals and  Charismatics  they  have   if we were to accept the Charismatic’s challenge to “try
               argued  against  them  and  given  various  reasons  why   it  and  see,” the next  question  is, “How  do I  begin  to
               they don’t feel obligated to obey them. This only proves   speak in this ‘tongue’ or ‘prayer language’?”
               that  they  are  not  truly  spiritual  and  are  not  truly   The first step, we are told, is  to stop analyzing things
               attuned  to and obedient to  the voice of Almighty God.   carefully  by  the  Scriptures   and  to  open  up  to   new
               They are self-deceived, and the evidence is that they will   experiences. A chapter in the book These Wonderful Gifts
               not  acknowledge  that  the  things  Paul  wrote  are  the   by  Michael Harper  is  entitled  “Letting Go and  Letting
               commandments of God.                              God,”  in  which  the  believer  is  instructed  to  stop
                  * Everything is  to be decent  (“Let all  things  be done   analyzing  experiences so  carefully  and  strictly,  to stop
               decently”  1  Co.  14:40).  The  Greek  word  translated   “setting  up   alarm  systems”  and  “squatting  nervously
               decent  is   “euschemonos,”  which  is   also  translated   behind  protective  walls.”  He  says  the  believer  should
               “honestly” (Ro. 13:13; 1 Thes. 4:12). It carries the idea   step out from behind his “walls  and infallible systems”
               of moral decency and sincerity and integrity, of adorning   and  just  open  up  to   God.  That  is  a  necessary  but
               the gospel of Jesus  Christ and the church of Jesus  Christ

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