Page 134 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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CHILIASM. A term which refers to the 1,000 year describe Christ’s followers. (1) They are called
millennial reign of Christ in Revelation 20. The term DISCIPLES (Ac. 1:15; 6:1-2, 7; 9:1, 19, 25, 26, 38;
“millennium” is Latin for 1,000, while the term 11:26, 29; 13:52; 14:20, 22, 28; 15:10; 18:23, 27; 19:1,
“chiliasm” is Greek for 1,000. The latter is pronounced 9, 30; 20:1, 7, 30; 21:4, 16). (2) They are called
kill-e -azm. [See Millennium, Prophecy.] BELIEVERS (Ac. 5:14; 1 Ti. 4:12). (3) They are called
CHILDREN OF GOD. Children of God refers to those SAINTS sixty times in the N.T. (for example, Ac. 9:13;
who have been born again into God’s family through 26:10; Ro. 8:27; 12:13; 16:2; 1 Co. 6:1; 16:1; 2 Co. 1:1;
faith in Jesus Christ (Jn. 1:12; 11:52; Ro. 8:26). [See Ep. 1:1; Ph. 1:1; Col. 1:1; 1 Th. 3:13; 1 Ti. 5:10; 2 Ti.
Adoption, Born Again, Christian, Gospel, Justification.] 1:10; Phile. 7; He. 6:10; Jude 3; Re. 5:8). (4) They are
CHILION (wasting away). Ru. 1:2. called BRETHREN 73 times in Acts and the Epistles (for
CHIMHAM (longing). 2 Sa. 19:37. example, Ac 9:30; 12:17; Ro. 1:13; 1 Co. 1:10; 2 Co.
1:8; Ga. 1:2; Ep. 6:10; Ph. 1:12; Col. 4:15; 1 Th. 1:4; 2
CHINNERETH (circuit). District around the Sea of Th. 1:3; 1 Ti. 4:6; 2 Ti. 4:21; He. 13:22; Ja. 1:2; 1 Pe.
Galilee (Nu. 34:11; De. 3:17; Jos. 11:2; 1 Ki. 15:20). 1:22; 2 Pe. 1:10; 1 Jn. 2:7; 3 Jn. 3; Re. 22:9). Each of
CHISLEU (rashness, confidence). The 9th month of these terms emphasizes a different truth. “Christian”
the Hebrew sacred calendar, corresponding to parts of speaks of Christ-likeness. “Disciple” speaks of dedication
November and December (Ze. 7:1) The beginning of to Christ to His service. “Believer” speaks of faith in
winter (Potts). [See Calendar.] Christ and in His Word. “Brethren” speaks of Christians
CHISLON (strong). Nu. 34:21. as members of one spiritual family.
CHISLOTH TABOR (loins of Tabor). Jos. 19:12. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. [See Churches of Christ.]
CHITTIM (giants, terrible). Nu. 24:24; Is. 23:1,12; CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. [See Adam, Apostasy,
Je. 2:10; Eze. 27:6; Da. 11:30. Apostate, Bible, Bible Versions, Canon, Daniel,
CHIUN. [See Idolatry.] Evolution, Fable, False Prophet, False Teaching, Flood,
CHODE. To chide; to scold; to reprove; to clamor; to Foolish Questions, Heresy, Heretic, Inspiration, Isaiah,
find fault; to contend in words of anger; to quarrel Jesus Christ, Jonah, Modernism, Preservation, Prophecy,
(Webster) (Nu. 20:3). Red Sea, Separation, Star, Timothy, Tyre, Zidon.]
CHOLER. Anger; rage; bitterness (Da. 8:7; 11:11). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. The Church of Christ,
The same Hebrew word, marmar, is translated Scientist, was founded in Boston in 1879 by Mary Baker
“grieved” (1 Sa. 30:6), “bitter” (Ex. 1:14), Glover Patterson Eddy (1821-1910). Today there are
“provoke” (Ps. 78:40,56), “vex” (2 Ki. 4:27). approximately 1,886 functioning congregations in 66
countries which follow Christian Science (Handbook).
CHORASHAN (smoking furnace). 1 Sa. 30:30. Most of these operate “reading rooms” open to the
CHOZEBA (deceitful). 1 Ch. 4:22. public. Though the denomination does not give
CHRIST. Anointed One (Mt. 16:16). [See Jesus membership statistics, the US News & World Report for
Christ, Messiah.] Nov. 6, 1990, estimated membership at less than
CHRIST’S DEITY. [See Jesus Christ.] 170,000. If accurate, this is a significant decline from
CHRISTENDOM. A name used to describe everything the membership of 268,915 reported in 1936. The
which calls itself Christian, including those who do not number of congregations has declined by nearly 500 in
follow the Bible, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the past two decades. It is possible that the decline has
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and the liberal reversed in recent years. It should also be kept in mind
Protestant denominations yoked together in the World that at any given time there are many who are
Council of Churches. [See Anglican Church, Assemblies aggressively studying Christian Science at the reading
of God, Baptist, Brethren, Charismatic, Christian rooms and through their literature but who are not
Science, Churches of Christ, Fundamentalism, Jehovah’s formally members. The Christian Scientists publish the
Witnesses, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Christian Science Sentinel, Christian Science Journal,
Modernism, New Evangelicalism, Presbyterian, Roman Christian Science Quarterly, and the Herald of Christian
Catholic Church, Seventh-day Adventism, World Council Science. These are published in 12 languages and in
of Churches.] Braille. The Christian Science Monitor, a general news
CHRISTIAN. This term is used only three times in publication operated by the Christian Scientists, had a
circulation of 158,700 in 1984; and the newspaper’s
the Bible, and means Christ-like or follower of Christ one-hour radio program, Monitoradio, is heard on 160
(Ac. 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pe. 4:16). In the early churches the stations.
term Christian was first used in Antioch (Ac. 11:26). In
the Bible, other words are more commonly used to Between 1875 and 1883 Mary Baker Eddy published
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She taught
134 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity