Page 137 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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2346—Birth of Arphaxad (Ge. 11:10). 825—Jeroboam II rules northern tribes.
2281—Birth of Heber (Ge. 10:21-25; 11:14). 810—Uzziah rules Judah.
2247—Birth of Peleg (Ge. 10:25; 11:16). 773—Zachariah rules northern tribes.
2126—Birth of Terah (Ge. 11:24). 772—Shallum rules northern tribes.
1996—Birth of Abram (Ge. 11:26). 772—Menahem rules northern tribes.
1920—Birth of Ishmael (Ge. 16:15). 761—Pekahiah rules northern tribes.
1896—Birth of Isaac (Ge. 21:2-3).. 758—Jotham rules Judah.
1837—Birth of Jacob and Esau (Ge. 25:24-26). 758—Pekah rules northern tribes.
1758—Birth of Reuben (Ge. 29:32). 742—Ahaz rules Judah.
1757—Birth of Simeon (Ge. 29:33). 730—Hoshea last king of northern tribes.
1756—Birth of Levi (Ge. 29:34). 726—Hezekiah rules Judah.
1755—Birth of Judah (Ge. 29:35). 698—Manasseh rules Judah.
1745—Birth of Joseph (Ge. 30:24). 643—Amon rules Judah.
1571—Birth of Moses (Ex. 2). 641—Josiah rules Judah.
1405—Othniel judges Israel (Jud. 3:9). 610—Jehoahaz rules Judah.
1325—Ehud judges Israel (Jud. 3:15). 610—Jehoiachim rules Judah.
1303—Shamgar judge Israel (Jud. 3:31). 610—Jehoiakin rules Judah.
1285—Barak and Deborah judge Israel (Jud. 4). 599—Zedekiah last king of Judah.
1245—Gideon judges Israel (Jud. 6-8). Chronological Table of Events
1232—Tola judges Israel (Jud. 10:1). B.C.
1232—Jair judges Israel (Jud. 10:3). 2348—The Deluge (Ge. 7).
1188—Jephthah judges Israel (Jud. 11). 2247—Confusion of tongues at Babel (Ge. 11).
1182—Ibzan judges Israel (Jud. 12:8). 2218—Nineveh founded (Ge. 10:11).
1175—Elon judges Israel (Jud. 12:11). 1921—Call of Abram (Ge. 12).
1165—Abdon judges Israel (Jud. 12:13). 1912—Lot taken captive (Ge. 14).
1137—Samson judges Israel (Jud. 14-16). 1897—Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed (Ge. 19).
1137—Birth of Samuel (1 Sa. 1). 1728—Joseph sold into Egypt (Ge. 37).
1114—Samuel judges Israel (1 Sa. 3:20). 1706—Jacob and his family go down into Egypt
1085—Birth of David. (Ge. 46).
1033—Birth of Solomon. 1531—Moses’ flight to Midian (Ex. 22).
975—Rehoboam rules Judah. 1491—The exodus of Israel from Egypt (Ex. 14).
975—Jeroboam rules northern tribes. 1490—The law given by Moswes (Ex. 20).
958—Abijah rules Judah. 1471—The death of Korah and his company (Nu.
955—Asa rules Judah. 26).
954—Nadab rules northern tribes. 1452—Moses writes Pentateuch (Lk. 24:44).
953—Baasha rules northern tribes. 1452—Eleazar becomes high priest (Nu. 20).
930—Elah rules northern tribes. 1451—The river Jordan crossed (Jos. 1).
929—Zimri rules northern tribes. 1444—The land divided (Jos. 24).
918—Ahab rules northern tribes. 1417—book of Joshua written.
914—Jehoshaphat rules Judah. 1116—The ark captured by the Philistines (1 Sa. 4).
897—Ahaziah rules northern tribes. 1063—David slays Goliath (1 Sa. 17).
896—Jehoram rules northern tribes. 1055—Battle of Gilboa (1 Sa. 31).
889—Jehoram rules Judah. 1045—Ark removed to Jerusalem (1 Ch. 15).
885—Ahaziah rules Judah. 1024—Absalom’s rebellion (2 Sa. 15).
884—Athaliah rules Judah. 1017—David numbers the people (2 Sa. 24).
884—Jehu rules northern tribes. 1014—Solomon’s marriage to Pharaoh’s daughter
878—Jehoash rules Judah. (1 Ki. 3).
856—Jehoahaz rules northern tribes. 1012—Foundation of the temple laid (1 Ki. 7).
839—Amaziah rules Judah. 1004—Dedication of the temple (1 Ki. 8).
839—Jehoash rules northern tribes. 990—Queen of Sheba’s visit to Solomon (1 Ki. 10).
975—Division of the kingdom (1 Ki. 12).
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 137