Page 142 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  (3)  Biblical  church  worship  emphasizes  the   nothing  like  this  taught  in  the  New  Testament
               understanding  rather  than  the emotions  (1 Co. 14:15).   Scriptures.  The  Apostles   and  early  churches  did  not
               The  emphasis   is   not  on  “feeling  God”  but  on   practice anything like this. When the Corinthians began
               understanding  and  knowing  God  through  the  truth  of   to dabble in similar things  and were allowing confusion
               His Word. We see this  reflected in the traditional hymns.   and disorder to reign in their midst, the Apostle rebuked
               The old hymn writers  aimed to  edify  the understanding   them and corrected  their error. [See Apostle, Baptism -
               rather  than  to  create  an  emotional  high.  In   Immersion,  Baptism  -  Infant,  Baptist,  Brought  on  the
               contemporary  worship,  though,  “songs  are  chosen  in   Way,  Church  Discipline,  Daniel,  Deacon,  Diotrephes,
               order  to induce  feelings in  the  worshippers.  .  .  . [to   Doctrine,  Footwashing,  Holy  Spirit,  Korah,  Lord’s
               induce]  an  altered  state  of  consciousness  by  flagrant   Supper, Missions, Ordain, Pastor,  Prophecy, Revelation,
               manipulation” (Alan Morrison, The New Style of Worship   Separation, Timothy, Unity.]
               and the Great Apostasy).                            CHURCH  DISCIPLINE.  The  term  discipline  might
                  (4) Biblical church worship emphasizes the unity of the   sound harsh and cruel to the ears of this  pampered, self-
               faith  rather  than  the  ecumenical  concept  of  unity  in   esteem-mad  generation,  but  true  Bible  discipline  is
               diversity  that is so common  in  contemporary  Christian   neither.  Bible  discipline  is  training  and  chastening  with
               worship (Ro. 15:6; Mt. 15:9; John 4:24). There can be   the goal  of conforming  an  individual  or a  church to the
               no true worship  unless  there is  complete commitment to   will  of  God. It  involves  teaching,  encouragement,
               sound  Bible  doctrine.  The  hodgepodge  of  doctrine   correction and reproof, punishment when required, and
               present in the typical ecumenical setting does not glorify   restoration.  Church  discipline  involves  everything
               God and is not acceptable to Him, regardless of the zeal   necessary to keep a church pure before God. It is a matter
               and enthusiasm exhibited during the worship sessions.   of love—love for God and for holiness, love for the truth,
                  (5) Biblical church worship requires moral purity  and   love  for  Christ’s  testimony  in  the  church,  love  for  the
               separation  from  the  world  (Ro.  12:1-2;  Ph.  1:11),  in   brethren, and love for the unsaved who are observing the
               contrast  to the contemporary  worship  which  typically   church’s  testimony. “The discipline of a church  consists
               ignores   separation  and  which  builds   bridges   to  the   in  their  admitting  or  rejecting  those  who   offer
               world through the use of the world’s music, dress, etc.   themselves  to join with them; in the members  watching
               Typical contemporary worship also ignores  the necessity   over  each  other;  in  reproving  and  admonishing  those
               of  moral  purity  and  is   very  careless   about  how   who walk disorderly, and  taking all proper  methods to
               Christians  live.  It  is  enough  that  they  enter  into  the   reform  them;  and  in  rejecting  those  who will  not  be
               “worship times” with great enthusiasm. If  they  divorce   reclaimed,  but  continue  obstinate  and  unreformed,
               their  spouses  and  commit  adultery and  are crooked  in   when  all  proper  means  have been  previously  used  to
               their business practices  and dress like harlots  and watch   bring them to  repentance” (Samuel Hopkins).   “. . . so
               filthy television programs  and Hollywood movies, that is   long as the churches  fail to preserve a pure membership,
               overlooked.  Among  churches  that  incorporate   so  long as  they  refuse to purge out the obvious  leaven,
               contemporary  worship  styles,  there  is  little  or  no   so  long as  they  fail to seek to  reconcile those who  may
               preaching against the world in  any plain  and  practical   have  been  excluded,  there  is  little  hope  for  any
               sense and little or no  church discipline exercised. There   improvement in the condition of the churches, and good
               are exceptions, but this is the rule.             reason to  expect the churches  to move in  the opposite
                  (6)  Biblical  church  worship  is  constantly  vigilant  of   direction” (Davis W. Huckabee, The Constitution  of the
               spiritual  dangers  (1 Pe. 5:8; 2 Co. 11:1-4). At least 11   Church).
               times  the Apostles warn Christians to be “sober.” Pastors   The Neglect of Church Discipline
               are to be sober  (Titus  1:8); aged  men  are to be sober   One of the root  problems with  the lack of  spiritual
               (Titus  2:2);  the  women  are  to  be  sober  (Titus  2:4);   power and zeal in Baptist churches today  is  the neglect
               young men  are  to  be sober  (Titus  2:6);  the  wives  of   of  discipline.  This  affects  nations  as  a  whole.  When
               pastors  and  deacons  are  to  be  sober  (1  Ti.  3:11).  1   President  Bill Clinton  committed  adultery  and  lied  to
               Thessalonians 5:6 and  1 Pe. 5:8  explain  what it means   the  country  about  it  and  tried  to  pervert  the judicial
               to be sober; it means to  be spiritually alert and watchful   system to cover  himself, there was a call for  his home
               and  vigilant.  To   the  contrary,  though,  contemporary   church to exercise discipline;  but the call was  ignored.
               worship  teaches   people  to  open  up   unreservedly  to   Bill Clinton is a member of Immanuel Baptist Church in
               spiritual influences  without any sense of danger or  fear   Little  Rock,  Arkansas,  which  is  affiliated  with  the
               of deception. They instruct the people to  “let go and let   Southern  Baptist  Convention.  At  that  time,  an
               God,” to “be open and vulnerable,” to “open yourself to   Associated Press  article quoted Timothy George, dean of
               the Spirit,” to “invite the Holy Spirit to come and do  his   Beeson Divinity School at Samford University (Southern
               thing,” to “be ready for the unusual.” There is absolutely   Baptist)  as  follows:  “Church  discipline  was  common

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