Page 144 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               for  the  theory  ignores  the  awful  fact  of  a  depraved   (3)  Preventive  discipline  is  maintained  through  the
               human  nature.  It  would  be  ideal  if  men  could  be   preaching  and  teaching  ministry  of  the  church.  Church
               encouraged to  live godly  lives  without any  warning of   discipline  is  exercised  when  the  leaders  teach  and
               judgment upon ungodliness. But to suppose they will do   preach  the  Bible  in  such  a  way  that  God’s   people
               so  is  idealistic and contrary to  all observation, as  well as   become what they should be. The kind of preaching and
               to Scripture.  God  warns of  impending  judgment  and   teaching a church  has  will largely  (but  not entirely, of
               says, ‘It  is  a fearful thing  to fall into  the hands  of  the   course)  determine what kind of church  it will  be. The
               living  God’  (He.  10:31).  ‘Because  there  is  wrath,   word  translated  “chasten”  in  He.  12:6  is   translated
               beware...’ (Job 36:18). If sin goes unjudged in a church,   “instruct”  in 2 Ti.  3:16, showing  that discipline comes
               we are thereby inviting others  to become self-indulgent.   through  the  Scriptures. Church  leaders who  faithfully
               It  will not do  to  plead  ‘love’  as  a basis for  neglect.  ...   preach the Bible are thereby disciplining their members.
               God does  not put love and punishment in opposition to   This  ministry requires that the Bible be preached plainly
               each  other.  He  says,  ‘For  whom  the  Lord  loveth  he   and  that  it  be  applied  specifically  to  the  lives of  the
               chasteneth...’ (He. 12:5-11). The church  has  a solemn   hearers. Proverbs 6:23 says “reproofs  of instruction  are
               responsibility  to restrain  sin  by proper  discipline. If we   the  way  of  life.”    The  modern  “self-esteem”  type of
               do  not  exercise  the  judgment,  the  Lord  will  (1  Co.   ministry  will  not  discipline  the  church  in  holiness.
               11:31-32)”  (Paul  R.  Jackson,  The  Doctrine  and   Preaching  in  vague  generalities   and  using  examples
               Administration of the Church).                    which  miss  the  mark  of  the  actual  condition  of  the
                  The Exercise of Church Discipline              church family, will not get the job done, either. If people
                  PREVENTIVE CHURCH DISCIPLINE. “Prevention is  the   can sit  year after  year  under  the preaching of  a pastor
               best medicine.” This is  true in  church discipline as well   and remain carnal and  worldly and unfruitful, there is
               as  in other  areas of life. God’s goal in disciplining His   something  seriously  wrong  with  the  man’s  preaching.
               children is  to cause them to  live the right kind of lives.   Sound preaching will drive people one way or the other.
               He does not  want  to  punish  us.  He  simply  wants to   It will not allow them to be comfortable in their sin. The
               instruct  us  from  His Word  by  His Spirit  and  have us   focus  today  on  “church  growth”  rather  than  on  strict
               obey  (Ps. 32:8-9). He punishes only when we refuse to   faithfulness  to  God  and  His  Word  has  encouraged  a
               follow  His  instructions.  Preventive  discipline,  then,  is   generation of cowardly preachers who refuse to rebuke
               everything the church  does in  an attempt  to cause the   sin  plainly.  Such  “preaching”  will  not  provide  the
               members to  live obedient lives and to avoid the need for   discipline that the church  needs  to remain  pure before
               disciplinary correction.                          God.
                  (1) Preventive discipline is maintained through having   (4)  Preventive  discipline  is  maintained  through  the
               Bible standards for church members (Ac. 2:41-42). This is   pastoral ministry of the leaders (1 Th. 2:7-12; Col. 1:28).
               a very basic and essential part of church discipline. It is   While  the  preaching  ministry  of  the church  is  crucial,
               impossible  to keep the  church  pure unless efforts  are   there is  also the need for a personal, private ministry to
               made  to  guard  the  door  into  church  membership  by   individuals.  Love  and  personal  attention  is  necessary.
               seeking  to  ascertain  if  people  are  born  again  and   This   is  referred  to  in  the  title  of  “pastor,”  meaning
               committed to  the N.T. faith before they are brought onto   shepherd.  Many  Christians  have  become  discouraged
               the church roll.                                  because of the failure of church leaders to love and help
                  (2) Preventive discipline is maintained through having   them on  an  individual  basis. I  recall such  a case in  a
                                                                 church  some  years  ago.  The  pastor  faithfully  and  in
               Bible standards  for church officers and workers  (1 Ti. 3;   great detail taught the Bible, but  he did not  exercise a
               Ja. 3:1). One of the most important ways  to  encourage   personal ministry to  the members, and it is not unlikely
               high  moral standards  in  a  church  body  is  to  maintain   that  this   failure  was  partially  to  blame  for  the
               high  standards  for  those  who  teach  and  who   are   subsequent divorce of two young married couples in the
               involved  in  any  capacity  of  leadership.  These  are  the   church. The pastor  did  not visit the couples and  try to
               people who  will set the moral tone for the assembly. The   help them  privately.  He  did  not  have  time  for  them.
               average  church  member  cannot  be  expected  to live  a   Today  two of the people involved  have returned to  the
               higher  standard  of  Christianity  than  his  officers. If  the   Lord and  to the church, but their lives  are marred and
               teachers  and  deacons  are  worldly  and  participate  in   broken by the pain of divorce. It was their own sin that
               questionable  practices,  their  students  will  normally   brought this  ruin upon them, but it is  also possible that
               follow this  poor example and will be even more worldly   the  divorces  could  have  been  avoided  had  the  pastor
               than the teachers. It is wise to  have written guidelines   fulfilled  his responsibility  as a  shepherd. Contrast  this
               which state the various standards  which are expected of   failure with the following testimony of a genuine pastor
               any person who is looked upon as  a teacher or officer in   who recognizes the importance of shepherding his flock:
               the church family.

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