Page 148 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               carnal sword (Ro. 13:-14), but the churches  have only   CHURCH OF ENGLAND. [See Anglican Church.]
               the sword of the Spirit.                            CHURCH  OF  JESUS  CHRIST  OF  LATTER-DAY
                  (3) Church discipline pertains only to matters  within   SAINTS. [See Mormons.]
               a given  church. A church  only  has the authority  to act   CHURCH POLITY. A term used  to describe church
               upon disorders within its  own  ranks. Let me hasten to   organization  and  operation.  Polity  means  government.
               say, though, that churches  should honor the discipline of   [See Church.]
               sister churches. If a believer is  under the discipline of a   CHURCHES  OF  CHRIST.  The  Churches of  Christ,
               church, it  is  wrong for  another  church  to receive him   Disciples  of Christ, and Christian Church are groups  of
               until he makes  things  right. There are rare occasions, of   churches  which  grew  out  of  the  early  19th  century
               course,  in  which  a  believer  is   wrongly  accused  and   Restoration  Movement  on  the  American  frontier.  Key
               wrongly disciplined, but a church is unwise not to look   leaders  were  Barton  Stone,  Thomas   and  Alexander
               into   such  matters  very  carefully  before  making  the   Campbell (hence the term “Campbellites”), and Walter
               serious  decision  to  overrule  the  discipline  of  a  sister   Scott,  all  from  Presbyterian  backgrounds.  These  men
               church. The work of God is much weakened by churches   claimed  the  desire  to  restore  the  church  to  its   N.T.
               that are so carnal and so eager  for  new  members that   purity. These movements  were first independent of one
               they  receive  people  who  have  been  disciplined  by  a   another, later combined, then divided again in the 20th
               sister  church, without  even discussing the matter  with   century.
               the  leaders.  This   type  of  thing  has   many  serious
               consequences. (a) It renders  the discipline ineffective by   Alexander  Campbell  was  noted  for  his  abilities  in
               allowing the sinning parties  to go  on in their service for   debating. He loved to  argue and  even  boasted  that an
               Christ  as  if  nothing  happened.  (b)  It  weakens  the   hour of debating was  more profitable than an entire day
               receiving  church by  bringing  into   its   bosom  the   of preaching. Sadly, this proud, argumentative spirit has
               unrepentant sin, rebellion, and bitterness  of the sinning   often been evident among Church of Christ leaders.
               parties.  (c)  It  discourages  the hearts  of the  leaders  and   The  Christian  Church  (Disciples   of  Christ)  was
               members  of  the  disciplining  church,  tempting  them  to   organized  nationally  in  1968  with  headquarters   in
               think that it is  more trouble than it is worth to  obey the   Dallas,  Texas,  and  has  become  very  ecumenical  and
               Bible  and  that  their  struggle  to deal  with  sin  was  in   modernistic. It is  represented in the National and World
               vain. (d) It is also a direct affront to the Lord Jesus Christ,   Council of Churches.
               who, as  the Head  of  the church, has commanded that   Though  there have been  differences among  Church
               unrepentant sin be disciplined rather than ignored.   of  Christ  congregations concerning things such  as  the
                  (4) Church discipline pertains  only to the exclusion   role  of  elders   in  the  churches,  the  formation  of
               of the person from the privileges and  fellowship of the   denominational structures, and whether  or  not musical
               church.  No  corporal  or  physical  punishment  is  to  be   instruments  should  be  used  in  the services,  some  key
               inflicted  by  the church. Once outside the  church, God   distinctives are as follows: (1) Salvation is  by faith plus
               administers  the judgment, sometimes even  to the point   good works. (2) Water baptism is an essential means of
               of  taking  the life (He.  12:6-8;  1  Co.  11:30-32;  1  Jn.   salvation (baptismal regeneration). (3) The Churches of
               5:16)  (Huckabee).    [See  Chasten,  Church,  Pastor,   Christ  are the only  true churches today.  (4) Christians
               Rebuke, Reproof, Timothy.]                        should  not  be called  by  names  other  than  “Church  of
                  CHURCH HISTORY. [For overview of church history   Christ,” “Disciples,” or  “Christian.”  (5) A Christian can
               see Prophecy, Roman  Catholic  Church.]  [For  particular   lose his salvation.
               denominations  and  movements   see  Anglican,      These  doctrines are contrary  to the teaching  of  the
               Assemblies  of  God,  Baptist,  Brethren,  Churches  of   N.T.; therefore, the Churches  of Christ must be avoided
               Christ,  Eastern  Orthodoxy,  Episcopal,  Lutheran,   in  obedience  to  Ro.  16:17-18.  [See  Baptism  -
               Mennonite,  Methodist,  Presbyterian,  Prophecy,   Immersion,  Church,  Eternal  Security,  Gospel,  Grace,
               Protestant Reformation, World Council of Churches.]  Justification.]
                  CHURCH  PROPHECY.  [See  Prophecy,  Roman        CHURLISH. Selfish; harsh; unfeeling (Is. 32:5; 1 Sa.
               Catholic Church.]                                 25:3).
                  CHURCH OF  CHRIST.  (1)  A  biblical name for  the   CIEL. To cover  over; panel;  overlay  (2  Ch. 3:5; Je.
               church,  emphasizing  Christ’s   lordship  over  it  (Ro.   22:14; Eze. 41:16; Hag. 1:4).
               16:16). This  term is used only one time in the N.T. (2) A   CIRCUMCISION. The Jewish custom of cutting away
               denomination. [See Churches of Christ.]           the foreskin of male children. Circumcision was  the sign
                  CHURCH  OF  CHRIST,  SCIENTIST.  [See  Christian   of  God’s  promise and  the sign  of Abraham’s faith  (“it
               Science.]                                         shall  be  a  token”  Ge.  17:11).  Abraham  had  already
                                                                 believed and been  justified; circumcision  was  a sign of

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