Page 151 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               woof we stand amazed. Let us look a bit just at the color   ingenuity, is  utterly  insufficient. God  must provide our
               scheme that runs through the Bible.               covering. He did it in Eden and in so doing pointed His
                  Throughout the Book GOLD is emblematic of Deity.   finger down  the course of time to Calvary to  the Lamb
               The Thread of  gold  begins  in  Eden where it  is  said of   that taketh away the sin of the world.
               this  metal that it  “is good.” It  plays  an important part   Again and again, woven into the whole texture of the
               throughout  the  whole  Old  Testament.    With  it  the   Book, this  blood thread appears. It cannot be escaped. It
               Tabernacle furniture was covered,  as  also the walls of   is  seen climatically at Calvary where sins  were expiated
               the  Temple.  With  it  kings  were  crowned,  designating   once for all. In this scarlet thread the CROSS has  been
               their  divinely-appointed  supremacy.  Thus   throughout   woven  inextricably  into the texture  of  the  Bible—the
               the Book, it speaks to  us of the beauty and preciousness   one Book of adequate substitutionary sacrifice for man’s
               of our God and His Christ.                        redemption.
                  The SILVER thread of redemption also runs through   What do these colors mean  to YOU? Where do you
               the  Book. Silver  was  designated  as  atonement  money   stand in respect to the Word of life which is nigh thee,
               and symbolized the one price for all in the experience of   even  in  thy  mouth?  “If  thou  shalt  confess   with  thy
               redemption. Christ paid this price in  His own  blood  at   mouth the Lord Jesus, and  shalt believe in  thine heart
               Calvary. WHITE is the thread of righteousness  or purity.     that God  hath  raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
               Used  in  the  Tabernacle  and  Temple  hangings,  it   saved.  For  with  the  heart  man  believeth  unto
               portrayed  the  righteousness   of  Jehovah.  Christ  was   righteousness;  and with  the mouth  confession  is made
               transfigured  before His  apostles in the Mount  and His   unto salvation” (Ro. 10:9-10) (V.C. Oltrogge). [See also
               “raiment  was white and  glistering,  so as  no fuller  on   High Priest, Tabernacle.]
               earth  could white them.” Angelic  messengers  from His   COLOUR.  (1)  Color  (Nu.  11:7).  (2)  Pretense;
               holy  habitations  make their appearances in the white of   outward show (Ac. 27:30).
               heaven.                                             COME AT. Come near (Nu. 6:6; Lk. 8:19).
                  BLACK is  not omitted from the sacred page. It made   COME  BY.  (1)  To  approach  by;  to pass  near  (Jos.
               its  first appearance in  the rebellion  of  Lucifer.    In  the   7:14; Ro. 15:28). (2) To get possession of (Ac. 27:16).
               records of time it first besmirched the restored creation
               of  God  in  Eden. Satan  is  its author  and  it  is  SIN.  At   COMELY.  Elegant;  well-fashioned;  attractive;
               Calvary  the ebony hue of sin is beheld in its  awfulness;   befitting (1 Sa. 16:18; Ps. 33:1; 147:1; Pr. 30:29; Song
               the  sun  loses  its  light  and  the  earth  is   bathed  in   1:5; Is. 53:2; Eze. 27:10; Da. 10:8; 1 Co. 7:35; 11:13;
               blackness, that portrays the wrath of God.        12:24).
                  BLUE  is   the  thread  of  heaven,  one  of  the  most   COMFORT. Relief from pain; ease; rest or  moderate
               predominant colors in  the coverings  and  trimmings  of   pleasure  after  pain,  cold  or  distress  or  uneasiness of
               the Tabernacle and  Temple. It presents  to us  the truth   body;  relief from distress of mind;  the ease and  quiet
               that  Israel’s   system  of  faith  and  worship  was  from   which  is experienced  when  pain,  trouble,  agitation  or
               heaven,  a  revelation  brought  down,  not  a  religion   affliction  ceases;  support;  consolation;  encouragement
               gotten up.                                        (Webster) (Ge. 5:29; 18:5; 27:42; 37:35; 2 Sa. 10:2; 1
                                                                 Ch. 7:22;  Job  2:11;  Ps. 23:4;  Is.  40:1;  Lam.  1:2;  Mt.
                  PURPLE  is  the  color  of  royalty,  evident  in  the   9:22; Jn. 11:19). The child  of God has comfort in  the
               drapings   of  Tabernacle  and  Temple,  typifying  the   Holy  Spirit  (Ac.  9:31),  the  Scriptures   (Ro.  15:4),
               coming regal One whose undisputed right to  reign was   preaching  (1  Co.  14:3),  the  ministry  of  the  godly
               contested at Calvary. When He was  mocked, they put a   preachers (2 Co. 1:4; Ep. 6:22; Col. 4:8; 1 Th. 3:2), the
               purple robe upon  Him. Little did  they  realize His  right   fellowship of the brethren (1 Th. 4:18; 5:11, 14). [See
               to be  clothed  in  royal  array. They  stripped  Him  of  it   Cheer,  Consolation,  Delight,  Hope,  Joy,  Rejoice,
               again and with hissing mockery born of hell they cried,   Suffering, Trial.]
               “Hail, king of the Jews!” But He is  again to be clothed in
               royal purple, for as King of kings and Lord of lords, He   COMFORTER. A name for  the Holy  Spirit, referring
               is to rule from David’s throne in Jerusalem.      to His  ministry  of  encouraging  and  strengthening  the
                                                                 believer (Jn. 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7). [See Holy Spirit.]
                  SCARLET  is the color  of blood  atonement,  without
               which “there is  no  remission of sins.” The scarlet thread   COMMEND.  (1)  To  commit  to  (Lk.  23:46;  Ac.
               of  sacrifice begins  in  Eden.  After  man  had  sinned,  he   14:23). (2) To  approve; recommend (Pr. 12:8; Ro. 16:1;
               realized  his  nakedness  and  sought to  cover  his  shame   1 Co. 8:8; 2 Co. 3:1; 5:12; 10:12). (3) To commend to
               with  fig  leaves. But  God  in  mercy  and  grace, ere  He   the care of (Ac. 20:32). (4) To  make known; to manifest
               drove man  forth, slew the lamb  and  provided a blood   (Ro. 5:8).
               covering. Fig leaf religion, that provided by  man’s own   COMMENDATION.  Recommendation;  introduction
                                                                 (2 Co. 3:1).

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