Page 152 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  COMMENTARY. A discussion on a particular passage   COMPREHEND. (1) Understand; perceive (Job 37:5;
               of the Bible; a Bible exposition; a book containing such   Ep. 3:18). (2) Take in;  measure; hold  (Is. 40:12). The
               studies.                                          reference  in  John  1:5  probably  incorporates  both  of
                  COMMODIOUS. Convenient; suitable (Ac. 27:12).   these meanings. The darkness  neither  understands  nor
                  COMMON  LANGUAGE  TRANSLATION.  [See           holds  or  grasps the light.  The  Greek  word  translated
               Dynamic Equivalency.]                             “comprehend”  in  John  1:5  is   also  translated
                  COMMOTION.  Shaking;  trembling;  instability,   “apprehend”  (Ph.  3:12)  and  “attain”  (Ph.  3:11).  It
                                                                 means to lay hold of, either physically or with the mind.
               trouble (Je. 10:22; Lk. 21:9).
                                                                   CONCEIT. Prideful imagination; opinion  (Pr. 18:11;
                  COMMUNALISM.  [See  Private  Ownership  of     26:5, 12, 16; 28:11).
                                                                   CONCEITS.  Plural of  conceit. Imagination;  opinion
                  COMMUNE. To talk with;  fellowship; share  in  (Lk.   (Ro. 11:25; 12:16).
                                                                   CONCISION  (cutting  off). Paul  used  “concision” to
                  COMMUNICATE. (1) To speak with (Ga. 2:2). (2) To   refer  to  Jews   who  demanded  that  circumcision  was
               give; to share; to help; to impart (Ga. 6:6; Ph. 4:14-15;   necessary for salvation (Ph. 3:2). [See Circumcision, Cut
               1 Ti. 6:18; He. 13:16).                           Off.]
                  COMMUNICATION. (1) To speak with; conversation;   CONCLUDED. Comprehended;  included (Ro. 11:32;
               exchange of knowledge (2 Sa. 3:17; Ep. 4:29; Phile. 6).   Ga. 3:22).
               (2) Associations; relationships (1 Co. 15:33).
                                                                   CONCORD.  Agreement;  union;  harmony  (2  Co.
                  COMMUNION. (1) Christian fellowship (2 Co. 6:14;   6:15).  The  Greek  word,  sumphonesis,  refers  to
               13:14). (2) The Lord’s  Supper (1 Co. 10:16). [See Lord’s   harmoniousness.  It  is  translated  “agree”  in  Mt. 20:13;
               Supper.]                                          Lk. 5:30; and Ac. 5:9 The English word symphony comes
                  COMMUNISM. [See Private Ownership of Property.]  from  this   term,  referring  to  musical  harmony.  The
                  COMPACTED.  Pressed  close;  firmly  united  (Ep.   English  word  concord  comes   from  the  Latin  word
               4:16). [See Unity.]                               concordia, which means “of the heart.” [See Unity.]
                  COMPANY  WITH.  Associate  with;  fellowship  with   CONCORDANCE. A Bible study aid which lists words
               (Job  34:8; Pr. 29:3; 1 Co. 5:9; 2 Th. 3:14). [See Church   of  the  Bible and  their  location  by  book,  chapter, and
               Discipline, Separation.]                          verse. It helps  the Bible student understand a particular
                  COMPASS. Circle; encompass (Pr. 8:27; Je. 31:22).  word or subject by enabling him to study Bible words in
                  COMPASSION.  Mercy,  kindness;  tenderheartedness;   the various passages. It  also helps the student  locate a
               loving  care.  “A  suffering  with  another;  painful   particular passage by consulting one of the words in the
               sympathy; a sensation  of sorrow excited by the distress   passage.
               or  misfortunes of  another; pity. Compassion is  a mixed   CONCOURSE. A gathering (Ac. 19:40).
               passion, compounded of love and sorrow; at least some   CONCUBINE.  Wives  of  lower  status than  ordinary
               portion of love generally attends  the pain or regret, or is   wives. Some O.T. men had concubines (Ge. 25:6; 35:22;
               excited  by  it”  (Webster).  The  two  Greek  words   Ju. 8:31; 2 Sa. 5:13; 1 Ki. 11:3; 2 Ch. 11:21). This  was
               translated “compassion” are sumpatheo and sumpathees,   never  God’s will, though. It  has  always  been  God’s  will
               from which the English word “sympathy” is derived. In   for one man to  have one wife (Ge. 2:20-25; Mt. 19:4-6).
               commenting  on  the meaning  of  sumpatheo, W.E.  Vine   God  told  Israel  that  kings  must  not  have many  wives
               says:  “‘to  suffer  with  another,  to   be  affected   (De. 17:17). Those who did were disobeying God in that
               similarly’ (Eng. ‘sympathy’), to have ‘compassion  upon,   particular  matter,  even  though  some were  godly  men.
               He.  10:34,  of  ‘compassionating’  those  in  prison,  is   David is  a key example. He multiplied wives  to  himself
               translated ‘be touched with’ in He. 4:15, of Christ as  the   in spite of God’s  command against this, but his lust also
               High Priest.” Compassion is  particularly a characteristic   brought him into terrible grief. [See Home, Polygamy.]
               of God (De. 13:17; 30:3; 2 Ki. 13:23; Ps. 78:38; 86:15;   CONCUPISCENCE.  Unlawful  desire;  illicit  lust;  a
               111:4; 112:4; 145:8;  La. 3:2, 32; Je. 12:15;  Mi. 7:19;   longing for that which is forbidden (Ro. 7:8; Col. 3:5; 1
               Mt. 5:32;  9:36;  14:14;  18:27;  20:34;  Mk. 1:41; 6:34;   Th. 4:5). The same Greek word, epithumia, is  translated
               Lk.  7:13;  10:33;  15:20).  Christians  are  to  have   “desire” (1 Ti. 3:1; 1 Pe. 1:12; Re. 9:6), “lust after” (Mt.
               compassion  (1  Pe.  3:8;  1  Jn.  3:17;  Jude  22).  [See   5:28; 1 Co. 10:6;  Ga. 5:17;  Ja. 4:2), and  “covet”  (Ro.
               Charity, Labor, Love, Mercy.]                     7:7).  [See  Adultery,  Fornication,  Inordinate  Affection,
                  COMPEL. To  force; to strongly urge; to constrain (Le.   Lascivious, Lust, Modesty, Nakedness, Sodomy.]
               25:39; 1 Sa. 28:23; Mt. 5:41; Lk. 14:23).
                  COMPOUND. Mixing (Ex. 30:25).

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