Page 154 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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CONSECRATE. (1) To devote; to set apart (Ex. 28:3; Scripture in a positive sense (Pr. 28:4) as well as a
Nu. 6:12). (2) To make new; to dedicate (He. 10:20). negative (Pr. 13:10; 17:14). The difference has to do
[See Holy, Sanctification.] with one’s attitude and motive and goal in the debate.
CONSENT UNTO. Approve of; agree with (Ge. The Bible instructs us to earnestly contend for the faith
34:15; Ro. 7:16). once delivered to the saints (Jude 3), and the Apostles
CONSOLATION. Comfort; encouragement; did this (Acts 15:1-2). The preaching of the Gospel and
satisfaction; alleviation of misery or distress of mind. It the Word of God in this wicked world always involves a
is used of the following: (1) The Christian’s eternal certain amount of contention for truth’s sake (1 Th.
consolation in Christ (2 Th. 2:16; He. 6:18). (2) Israel’s 2:2). The Word of God is preached in the context of
consolation at the coming of her Messiah (Lk. 2:25). (3) spiritual conflict against the fallen nature of man and
God’s consolation in general (Ro. 15:5). (4) Consolation the rulers of the darkness of this world. On the other
in Christ in this present life (Ph. 2:1; 2 Co. 1:5; Ac. hand, contentions for selfish, carnal motives are
15:31). [See Believe, Comfort, Eternal Security, Hope, forbidden by the Word of God (1 Co. 1:11; Tit. 3:9).
Joy, Millennium, Rejoice, Times of Restitution.] [See Anger, Bitterness, Controversy, Debate, Dispute,
CONSPIRACY. To conspire and secretly agree Dissension, Malice, Strife, Variance.]
together to cause injury or overthrow a government (Ac. CONTRARIWISE. The opposite; on the contrary (2
23:13). Co. 2:7).
CONSUBSTANTIATION (to unite in one common CONTRARY. (1) Disobedient to God (Le. 26:21-28).
substance or nature). The erroneous belief of some (2) Contradictory; opposed; adverse; antagonistic (Eze.
denominations that after the bread and juice of the 16:34; Mt. 14:24; Ac. 17:7; 26:9; Ro. 11:24; Col. 2:14;
Lord’s Supper are blessed by a priest, the literal 1 Th. 2:15). (3) In transgression of; against (Ac. 18:13;
presence of Christ is “present in, under, and with the 23:3). (4) In contrast to; contradictory to (Ro. 16:17).
elements so that Christ may be received sacramentally CONTRARY PART. Antagonistic; opposed to (Tit.
by those who observe the ordinance” (Pictorial Bible 2:8).
Dictionary). This is the doctrine of the Anglican and CONTRITE. Contrite is humility; it is the opposite of
Lutheran denominations, and is a compromise between pride (Is. 57:15). Contrite is to be poor (Isa. 66:2),
the abomination of the Roman Catholic mass and the which refers to the opposite of self-sufficiency and self-
true meaning of the Lord’s Supper as a simple memorial righteousness.To be contrite is to acknowledge that one
meal. [See also Lord’s Supper, Mass, Roman Catholic is a sinner before God, that one’s righteousness is filthy
Church, Transubstantiation.] rags, and that apart from God’s grace and the free gift of
CONSULT. Deliberate; to take counsel with others; righteousness in Christ there is no salvation, no
devise; consult (1 Ki. 12:6; Ps. 62:4; Lk. 14:31; Jn. relationship with God, no ability to please God. Contrite
12:10). is to tremble at God’s Word (Is. 66:2). It refers to a holy
CONSULTER WITH FAMILIAR SPIRITS. [See respect for God’s Word, a fervent desire to obey God, a
Familiar Spirit, Witchcraft.] holy fear of displeasing Him. Contrite is a broken spirit
CONSUMPTION. Destruction; judgment (Is. (Ps. 34:18). Contrite is Jacob after he was crippled
(Gen. 32:24-31). Contrite is the publican who stood afar
10:22-23; 28:22). The “consumption decreed” of Isaiah off and did not so much as lift his eyes to heaven,
chapter 10 and 28 is the punishment He had promised saying, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Lk. 18:13).
to rebellious Israel (Le. 26:16; De. 28:22). It points to Contrite is Mephibosheth considering himself a “dead
the Great Tribulation. The word translated dog” before king David because he was a cripple (2 Sa.
“consumption” in Is. 28:22 is translated “riddance” in 9:8). The Hebrew word translated contrite (nakeh) is
Zep. 1:18 and “consume” in Eze. 13:13. [See Great translated “lame” in 2 Samuel 4:4 referring to
Tribulation.] Mephibosheth. Contrite is David pouring out his
CONTAIN. (1) Hold; comprehend (1 Ki. 8:27). (2) To confession before God (Ps. 51). Contrite is Jeremiah
restrain oneself (1 Co. 7:9). saying, “Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am
CONTEMN. (1) To loathe (Ps. 15:4; Song 8:7). (2) a child” (Je. 1:6). Contrite is the servant doing all of his
To refuse; reject (Eze. 21:10, 13). (3) To despise (Ps. duty and then saying, “I am an unprofitable
10:13; 107:11). (4) To be lightly esteemed (Is. 16:14). servant” (Lk. 17:10). Contrite is not to think more
CONTEMPT. (1) To loathe; despise (Job 12:21; Ps. highly of oneself than is proper (Ro. 12:3). [See
107:30; 119:22; 123:3-4). (2) Abhorrence (Da. 12:2). Humble, Repentance.]
(3) Look down upon; think nothing of (2 Co. 10:10). CONTROVERSY. (1) Strife; pleading (De. 17:8; 2 Sa.
CONTEND, CONTENTION. Strive; fight; struggle 15:2). (2) Without argument; spoken unanimously;
(De. 2:9; Jude 1:3). The term “contention” is used in without possibility of contradiction (1 Ti. 3:16). [See
154 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity