Page 156 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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probably refers to “a rattle which gave a tinkling sound COULTER. A plowshare (1 Sa. 13:20-21; Is. 2:4; Joe.
on being shaken” (Wilson). The text says this 3:10; Mi. 4:3).
instrument was made of “fir wood.” [See Music, COUNSEL (advice, instruction). Bible words
Trumpet.] translated counsel: In the O.T. the Hebrew words most
CORRECTION. To be instructed and disciplined (Job frequently translated counsel are yawats (Ex. 18:19),
5:17; Ps. 39:11; 94:10; Pr. 3:12; 7:22; 15:10; 22:15; and aytsaw (De. 32:28). These words are derived from
23:13; 19:19; He. 12:9). [See Admonish, Affliction, the same Hebrew roots and mean the same thing. These
Chasten, Child Training, Church Discipline, Convince, Hebrew words are also translated “advise” (1 Ki. 12:6);
Counsel, Exhort, Guidance, Instruct, Rebuke, Reproof, “determined” (2 Ch. 25:16); “purposed” (Is. 14:24, 26);
Trials.] “consult” (Hab. 2:10). The Importance of Right Counsel:
CORRUPT COMMUNICATION. [See Evil Speaking.] (1) The way of man is not in himself (Je. 10:23). (2)
CORRUPTION. (1) To spoil; rot; ruin (Ac. 2:27, 31; The heart is perverted (Je. 17:9). (3) By counsel
Ja. 5:2). (2) To twist; pervert (2 Co. 2:17). (3) purposes are established (Pr. 15:22; 20:18). (4) By
Wickedness (Ep. 4:22, 29; 2 Ti. 3:8). counsel there is safety (Pr. 11:14; 24:6). (5) To accept
COSMETICS. Preparations for beautifying women (2 counsel is a mark of wisdom (Pr. 1:5; 12:15). Warnings
against Wrong Counsel: Nu. 31:16; 2 Ch. 10:6-13;
Ki. 9:30; Je. 4:30; Eze. 23:40). Isaiah reproved the 22:3-5; Job 5:13; Ps. 1:1; 33:10. A Description of the
women of Israel for following the fashions of pagan Right Kind of Counsel: (1) Wise counsel (Pr. 24:6). (2)
societies and devoting themselves inordinately to Good counsel (Pr. 20:18). (3) Excellent counsel (Pr.
cosmetics and clothing. They had an unrighteous 22:20). (4) The counsel of the Lord (Pr. 19:21; Ps.
devotion to physical beauty and sex appeal (Is. 33:11). (5) Sweet and hearty counsel (Pr. 27:9). The
3:18-23). The Jewish women imitated the fashion of the Source of Right Counsel: (1) The Word of God (Pr. 2:6;
pagan nations such as Egypt and Babylon, just as many 22:17-21; Ps. 16:7; 119:24; 73:24; Is. 28:29; Je. 23:18,
Christian women borrow from the world’s pop fashion 22; 32:18-19; He. 6:17). (2) The Lord Jesus Christ (Is.
industry today. The Bible teaches modesty in dress as 9:6). (3) Wise men (Ex. 18:19; Pr. 13:20; 2 Ti. 2:22).
opposed to extravagance and drawing undue attention
to one’s person (1 Tim. 2:9-10). Evidence has been How to seek good counsel. One of the important
found of this unholy pursuit. The Israel Museum has a parts of making wise decisions in God’s will is to seek
display case filled with cosmetics items, such as perfume godly counsel (Pr. 12:15; 19:20). It is mentioned 13
bottles and combs and fancy containers for kohl, which times in Proverbs, the book of practical wisdom. Before
the women used to paint their eyes black after the making a major decision--such as marriage, education, a
fashion of Egypt. The prophets associated this practice job, or a move--a person should seek godly counsel. But
with harlotry (Pr. 6:25-26; Je. 4:30; Eze. 23:40). There it just as important to know where to get the right
are also bronze mirrors. These were brought out of counsel and how to weigh it. The classic case in
Egypt by the Israelite women and were used to fashion Scripture of someone who listened to unwise counsel is
the laver of brass in the Tabernacle (Exodus 38:8). Solomon’s son Rehoboam (1 Ki. 12:1-16). He followed
Some of the mirrors on display at the Israel Museum foolish advice and lost most of his kingdom. This doesn’t
have handles fashioned like popular goddesses. Isaiah mean that young people always give bad counsel, while
warned that in the judgment of Israel the women would older people always give good counsel. A younger
be left without the things they lusted after in their person that walks with the Lord and knows God’s Word
vanity (Is. 3:17, 24). This was fulfilled in the Assyrian can give better counsel than an older person who lacks
captivity of the northern tribes and the Babylonian these things. In 1 Kings 13 we have the sad case of a
captivity of Judah. Archaeologist Henry Layard said that man of God who got out of God’s will by listening to a
after the Assyrians attacked, the Jewish women “had backslidden, lying older prophet.
been stripped of their ornaments and their fine raiment, 1. Seek counsel from wise people (Pr. 24:6). What is
and were left bare-footed and half-clothed.” God’s a wise counselor? First, wise counselors know God’s
people must guard against the temptation to borrow Word. When seeking counsel in a biblical fashion, we
from modern Egypt’s immodest, self-centered, self- don’t need human opinions; we need biblically-informed
flaunting fashions. [See Modesty.] wisdom. We are not seeking a word from man, but a
COTES. Enclosures for flocks (2 Ch. 32:28). word from God. Thus, we need to seek counsel from
COUCH. (1) A piece of furniture for reclining; a bed believers who have studied the Bible diligently. Wise
counselors are spiritually mature and biblically
(Ge. 49:4; Job 7:13; Ps. 6:6; Am. 6:4; Lk. 5:19, 24; Ac. knowledgeable.
5:15). (2) To crouch or bend down (Nu. 24:9).
Second, wise counselors are doctrinally sound and
likeminded. Many people in fundamentalist homes have
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