Page 159 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  Noah’s  Covenant  (Ge.  8). God  gave the  rainbow  to   Israel’s   national  security  and  future  kingdom  (Je.
               symbolize  His  covenant  with  Noah  and  His  promise   31:35-37). (5) It promises  Israel’s possession of the land
               never again to destroy the world with water.      (Je. 32:37,  41-44). (6) It  is  eternal (Je. 32:40). (7) It
                  The  Abrahamic  Covenant  (Ge.  12:1-3,  7;  13:14-18;   promises God’s blessing upon the land (Eze. 36:29-30).
               15:1-21).  God  promised  to   bless  Abraham  and  his   (8)  It  will  be  established  when  Israel  is  restored  and
               nation  and  the entire world  through  Abraham’s Seed.   blessed  before the eyes of all nations  (Is. 61:8-11; Eze.
               Jesus Christ is  the Seed who inherits  these blessings and   37:21-28).  The  New  Covenant  and  the  Church:  If  the
               bestows  them  upon  those  who  believe  (Mt.  1:1;  Ga.   New Covenant is not fulfilled in the church (referring to
               3:6-29). The national aspects  of Abraham’s  covenant are   the church in  a general, institutional sense), why  does
               fulfilled to the nation Israel (Je. 30-33).       the writer of Hebrews  apply it to Christians  (He. 8:6-13;
                  The Mosaic Covenant (Ex. 19-24). This is also called   10:15-19)? Hebrews  does not say the New Covenant is
               the  Old  Covenant  or  the  Law  of  Moses.  The  Mosaic   fulfilled in the church; it says the New Covenant belongs
               covenant was  a system of law God gave to Israel on Mt.   to “the house of  Israel” (He. 8:10).  Hebrews  refers  to
               Sinai. The purpose of this law was to  prepare Israel and   the New Covenant to  show that  the law  of Moses was
               the world for the Saviour by (1) revealing that man is a   temporary and that even the O.T. promised that one day
               sinner  who   cannot  keep   God’s  perfect  standard  of   it  would  be  abolished  and  replaced  by  another
               righteousness;  (2) showing God’s  way  of  salvation and   covenant. The  writer  of  Hebrews indicates  that  every
               pointing to  Christ  in  types such  as the tabernacle,  the   N.T.  believer  partakes  of  the  spiritual blessings  of  the
               Levitical  offerings,  the  priesthood, and  the feasts  (Ro.   New Covenant through Christ, but nowhere does  he say
               3:19-10; Ga. 3:10-13). The Mosaic law was  also  given to   that  this  covenant  has been  transferred  from  national
               separate Israel from other nations that she might remain   Israel to  the church. The Apostle Paul taught  that  the
               pure through the centuries as God accomplished His  will   New  Covenant  will  be  literally  fulfilled  following  the
               through her  (Le. 20:22-26). The Mosaic law was  never   church age (Ro. 11:25-27). [See Allegorical, Kingdom of
               intended to be a means of salvation, which  has  always   God, Millennial, Peace, Prophecy.]
               been, in every age, through faith in God’s revelation on   COVERT.  Shelter;  hiding  place  (1  Sa.  25:20;  Job
               the  basis of  Christ’s  shed  blood  (Ro. 3:19-22;  4:3-13;   38:40; Ps. 61:4; Is. 4:6; 32:2). “Covert” also refers  to  a
               Ga. 3). The Mosaic covenant was done away with when   covered  porch  (2  Ki.  16:18)  and  a  den  or  lair  (Je.
               Christ  died, and the New Testament believer  lives  by  a   25:38).
               higher law, which is  called the law of Christ and the law   COVET.  (1)  To  desire  inordinately;  to  desire  that
               of the Spirit  (2 Co. 3; Ga. 3; Ro. 4; He. 7-9).   which  it  is  unlawful  to  obtain  or  possess;  excessively
                  The  Davidic  Covenant  (2  Sa. 7:12-17).  The  Davidic   eager to obtain and possess (Webster); to be dissatisfied
               covenant  is  an  extension  of  the  covenant  God  made   with  one’s  lot;  to be greedy.  Covetousness is to desire
               with  Abraham.  God’s  covenant  with  David  (1)   that which is not  mine or  that which is forbidden (Ex.
               reaffirmed  the  Abrahamic  covenant  (2  Sa. 7:10);  (2)   20:17; De. 5:21; Jos. 7:21). Covetousness is to love and
               promised that the throne of David would be established   pursue  money  and  personal  gain  instead  of  living  in
               forever through David’s  seed (2 Sa. 7:13); (3) promised   contentment and pursuing righteousness  and the will of
               chastisement  for  sin,  but  never  annulment  of  the   God (1 Ti. 6:6-11). Covetousness  is  to make possessions
               promise (2 Sa. 7:14-15); (4) established David’s house   the focus  of  one’s  life  (Lk.  12:15). Covetousness is  to
               and kingdom forever (2 Sa. 7:16). All of this is fulfilled   live for self-pleasure instead of living for God’s  pleasure
               through Jesus  Christ, David’s Son, who  has  inherited the   (Lk. 12:16-21). Covetousness is to enrich oneself at the
               throne  of  David  (Mt.  1:1)  and  who will establish  the   expense of others;  it  is  to  oppress and  use others for
               Davidic kingdom at His return from heaven (Is. 9:6-7).   one’s   own  selfish  ends  (Pr.  28:16;  Mi.  5:2).
                  The New  Covenant (Je. 31-33; He. 8:7-13; 10:9-22).   Covetousness is the opposite of opening one’s  heart and
               It  was   given  to  the  nation  Israel  (Je.  31-34),  but   goods   to  others  (Pr.  22:26).  The  opposite  of
               Christians  share  in  the  spiritual  aspects  of  the  New   covetousness  is  contentment  (He.  13:5-6).  (2)  Covet
               Covenant  through  Jesus  Christ (He. 8:7-13). The New   also  means  to desire in a positive sense (1 Co. 14:39).
               Covenant  with  Israel  promises  that  God  will  restore   Some key verses on  covetousness: Ex. 20:17; Ps. 10:3;
               them to their promised land and give them a new heart   119:36; Pr. 21:25-26; Eze. 33:31; Mi. 2:2; Mk. 7:20-23;
               to obey Him. This  will happen when Jesus  returns from   Lk. 12:15; Ep. 5:3; Col. 3:5; 1 Ti. 6:6-11; He. 13:5-6.
               heaven (Ro. 11:25-27; Ze. 13-14). The details of the New   Bible  Truths  about  Covetousness:  Covetousness
               Covenant: (1)  It  was  made with  the nation  Israel (Je.   renders   one  disqualified  for  leadership  (Ex.  18:21).
               31:31).  (2)  It  will  replace  the  Mosaic  covenant  (Je.   Covetousness  is  a  product  of  the  fallen  nature  (Mk.
               31:32;  He.  10:8-9).  It  promises   regeneration  and   7:20-23).  It  is  required  of  pastors   that  they  not  be
               cleansing  from  sin  (Je.  31:33-34).  (4)  It  reaffirms   covetous  (1 Ti. 3:3). Covetousness  is a characteristic of

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