Page 162 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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The classics abound with allusions to the untruthfulness glory” (1 Pe. 5:4). These may refer to the same crown,
of the Cretans; and it was so frequently applied to them viewed in different aspects. The Christian is exhorted to
that Kray-tidz-ein, ‘to act the Cretan,’ was a synonym to beware that no man take his crown (Re. 3:11)
play the liar” (People’s Bible Encyclopedia). (Concise). The Greek word diadema is also translated
CRETIANS. Inhabitants of the island of Crete (Tit. crown, referring to a crown of authority (Re. 12:3; 13:1;
1:12). [See Cretes.] 19:12).
CRIB. A rack for feeding animals (Job 39:9; Pr. 14:4; The Crown of Thorns was placed in derision on the
Is. 1:3; Lk. 2:7). head of the Lord Jesus, when he was arrayed in a scarlet
CRIMSON. Brilliant red dye (2 Ch. 2:7, 14; Je. 4:30; robe. Though applied to His sacred head by the rough
Is. 1:18). soldiers, it was connived at by Pilate, who presented the
CRISPING PIN. A pin for curling the hair (Is. 3:22). Lord in this garb to the Jews, but which only drew forth
their cry, “Crucify Him.” We read that the robe was
CROP. (1) A pouch in the gullet of some birds in taken off Him, but nothing is said of the crown, so that
which food is prepared for digestion (Le. 1:16). (2) To He may have worn that on the cross. It is supposed to
pluck off (Eze. 17:4, 22). have been made of the Arabian nabk, which has flexible
CROSS. Wooden beams used by the Romans to put branches with very sharp thorns, and ivy-like leaves:
criminals to death. This was the type of death Jesus mocking the Lord, as some think, both as a king and as
suffered. The hands and feet of the person were nailed a victor (Mt. 27:29; Mk. 15:17; Jn. 19:2, 5) (Concise).
to the cross, and it was raised upright (Mt. 27:32, 40, [See Castaway, Judgment.]
42; Mk. 15:21, 30, 32; Lk. 23:26; Jn. 19:17, 19, 25, 31; CRUCIFIX. A cross with a figure of Jesus fastened on
1 Co. 1:17; Ph. 2:8; He. 12:3). The O.T. prophesied the it. The crucifix is very popular in Roman Catholicism as
crucifixion (Ps. 22:16; Jn. 19:34; 20:25; Mt. 27:35). well as in many of the Protestant denominations. The
When Psalm 22 was written, crucifixion was not a crucifix is used inside of churches and homes, and is
method of capital punishment; not until hundreds of often worn on a necklace. The Bible forbids the making
years later was it employed by the Romans. [See of images such as this (Ex. 20:4; De. 4:15, 16). The
Atonement, Blood, Crucify, Gall, Gospel, Grace, Jesus Christian is to walk by faith, not by sight (Ro. 1:16, 17;
Christ.] He. 11:6). The typical crucifix is not an accurate
CROWN. The common ensign of royalty and of depiction of the crucifixion, in that Christ was horribly
victory (2 Ch. 23:11). It is also used symbolically for maimed and was naked when He was on the cross.
honor or reward, as “a virtuous woman is a crown to Furthermore, the Lord Jesus Christ is no longer on a
her husband” (Pr. 12:4). Paul speaks of those whom he cross, but is risen and glorified! We do not worship and
had been the means of converting as his “joy and pray to a dead Saviour, but to a Living One. [See
crown,” his “crown of rejoicing” (Ph. 4:1; 1 Th. 2:19) Crucify, Roman Catholic Church.]
(Concise). For symbolical use of crown see also Ps. 8:5; CRUCIFY. The manner in which the Lord Jesus was
65:11; 103:4; Pr. 14:8; He. 2:9, 11. put to death (Mt. 27:26-50; Mk. 15:21-37; Lk.
Crown in the Tabernacle. There was a crown around 23:21-46; Jn. 19:16-30; Ac. 2:26; 4:10; 1 Co. 1:13, 23;
the top of the ark of the covenant, the table of 2:2, 8; 2 Co. 13:4; Ga. 3:1; 5:24; 6:14; Re. 11:8). The
shewbread, and the altar of incense in the Tabernacle Romans used crucifixion as punishment for serious
(Ex. 37:2-27). This symbolized the kingly aspect of crimes such as insurrection and murder. “The Romans
these articles, the fact that they pointed to Royalty—to used a short beam fastened to a long upright one, on
the King of kings and Lord of lords. which was placed a piece of wood for the feet to rest on.
The High Priest’s Crown. [See High Priest.] Nails were driven through the hands and feet. Though
Crown in the New Testament. The word commonly historians say that sometimes the feet were only tied,
rendered “crown” is stephanos, which often symbolizes we know that Christ’s feet were pierced (Ps. 22:16). The
victory. It referred particularly to the wreath which was torture was dreadful, and the thirst, great; but in some
given as a prize in the public games or a symbol of cases life lasted three days, none of the vital parts being
honor generally (Strong). It is applied to the Son of Man reached” (Concise). The Bible says that the one hanged
and to others (Re. 6:2; 14:14) and to the 24 elders in is cursed, and the Lord Jesus Christ thus became a curse
heaven, who cast their crowns before the throne (Re. in the place of sinners (De. 21:23; Ga. 3:13). The
4:4,10); and also to the perishable crown won by the Manner of Crucifixion. C. Truman Davis, M.D., provides
victors in the ancient contests, and to the imperishable the following description of a crucifixion from the
crown of the Christian (1 Co. 9:25). This latter is further viewpoint of a medical doctor: “The cross is placed on the
described as a “crown of righteousness” (2 Ti. 4:8), a ground and the exhausted man is quickly thrown backwards
“crown of life” (Ja. 1:12; Re. 2:10), and a “crown of with his shoulders against the wood. The legionnaire feels for
162 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity