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               person. This  is the mistake that was  made in the 1970s   the counsel from the wise person. Most people who are
               by the Pentecostal Shepherding Movement. They taught   considered wise will not hastily pass out counsel.”
               that each believer  should  submit to a “shepherd” who   6. Seek counsel in  fellowship  with  God  and  in  the
               was  someone appointed by the church. No  decision was   light of His Word. It is  idolatry to put one’s trust in man
               to  be  made  without  consulting  this  “shepherd.”  The   rather  than  God  (Je.  17:5-8)  or  to submit  to  a  man
               result was widespread  abuse. Pastors  and teachers and   blindly as  if he were God. God gives  human authorities
               disciplers are important  helpers, but the believer  is  to   and teachers  to help us, and  they  are very  important.
               have only one Master, which is  Christ. I must warn that   But ultimately  our  confidence must be in  God and  we
               “a multitude of  counselors”  can  result  in  confusion  if   must  get wisdom directly  from Him. The Bill Gothard
               those  counselors   are  not  godly,  biblically  wise,  and   “chain  of authority” approach  is  to obey  the authority
               doctrinally likeminded!                           blindly,  but  the Bible doesn’t  support  that.  Jesus  said
                  3. Seek counsel from near  people (Pr. 27:10). Many   that if we love even mother or father more than Him we
               times  people seek  counsel  from  those  who are far  off   are  not  worthy  to   be  His  disciples   (Mt.  10:37).
               rather than those who are near, and though  this  is not   Obviously,  then,  there  is   a  time  when  we  must  go
               always wrong, it is often done for the wrong reason. A   against what our authority figures  demand. And when is
               lot of strangers have written to  me through the years to   that? It is when  they  are leading us  contrary  to God’s
               ask  my  opinion  about  situations   in  their  family  or   will as supported by His  Word. The apostles  taught that
               church, and  I  have always  thought  this to be strange,   we must obey God rather than man (Ac. 5:29). One of
               since I know nothing  about  them and have no way  of   the first converts in one of our churches  in Nepal was a
               knowing the full picture. People sometimes want to seek   teenage  girl.  Her  Hindu parents  and  her  older  sisters
               counsel from those afar off for the very reason that they   forbade her  to  attend  church,  but  she  put  Christ  first
               don’t  know them and  their  situation, but  it is for  this   and  obeyed  God’s Word  and  attended  services  every
               very  reason  that we should  usually  seek  counsel from   chance  she  got.  As  a  result,  nearly  her  entire  family
               those who are near. For a young person, the first line of   came to Christ. We must honor earthly authorities as far
               counsel should be his or her own parents, particularly if   as  possible, but Christ must be our first and only Master.
               they are believers (Ep. 6:1-3). The next line of counsel   As  we noted earlier, the bottom line is that we must be
               would be one’s church leaders. God gives leaders to the   Bereans and test everything by God’s  Word (Ac. 17:11).
               churches to watch  over  His people and  to  help them,   Let  us  hasten  to  emphasize  that  we  must  not  test
               like a shepherd with sheep. Godly church leaders “watch   counsel  by  our  personal  opinions, by  the  thinking  of
               for  your  souls”  (He.  13:17).  They  think  about  the   society,  by  our  peers,  by  the  pop culture,  by  human
               church members and pray  for them and desire the best   psychology,  or  by  any  other  thing  other  than  God’s
               for  each  of  them,  and  God  gives  them  particular   Word.  [See  Admonish,  Chasten,  Convince, Correction,
               wisdom. In our  church we urge the young people who   Exhort, Rebuke, Reproof.]
               are thinking  about marriage to  talk with  their  parents   COUNT.  (1)  To  number;  estimate  (Ex.  12:4;  Le.
               and then to discuss  the matter with their church leaders.   19:23;  Nu.  23:10).  (2)  Account;  deem;  consider  (Is.
               If a boy is  interested in a certain girl, we urge him not to   5:28; Ac. 20:24; Ja. 1:2; 5:11; 2 Pe. 2:13; 3:9).
               pursue the matter  until he has talked  it  over  with  the   COURSE.  (1)  In  due  order;  one  by  one  (1  Co.
               leaders. They  know things  that  the young people don’t   14:27). (2) Company; distribution of service among the
               know, and they can give good advice about whether it is   priests   (1  Ch.  27:1;  Lk.  1:8).  (3)  Proper  order  (Ps.
               wise to  pursue a certain relationship. Invariably, those   82:5). (4) Way;  path;  progress  (Je. 23:10;  Ac. 16:11).
               who have ignored  this  procedure have made a mess  of   (5) Career; race; assigned duty (Ac. 13:25; 20:24).
               things!                                             COUSIN.  A  kinsman  or  kinswoman.  The  word
                  4. Seek counsel from caring people. It is  wise to  seek   denotes   any  one  who  is  not  in  the  first  degree  of
               counsel  from  those  who not  only  know  you  but  who   relationship (The Bible Word-Book) (Lk. 1:36, 58).
               care  about  you  and  are  interested  in  your  spiritual
               welfare.  A  young  person,  for  example, will get  better   COUNTENANCE.  (1)  Face;  expression;  disposition
               counsel from a spiritual leader  who is  praying for  him   (Ps. 10:4; Da. 5:6). (2) Appearance (1 Sa. 16:7; 17:42;
               rather than from someone else who  is not interested  in   2 Sa. 14:27; 25:3; Da. 1:15; Mt. 28:3; Re. 1:16).
               his  spiritual well-being and who is  uninvolved in his  life   COUNTERVAIL. To act  against with  equal  force, or
               in this way.                                      power;  to equal;  to balance;  to compensate  (Es.  7:4)
                  5.  Seek  counsel  earnestly  (Pr.  20:5).  One  pastor   (Webster).
               observed:  “Not  every  counselor  will  be quick  to  give   COVENANT.  A  covenant  is  an  agreement  and  a
               counsel.  The  person  seeking  the  counsel  has  the   promise. God has made several covenants with man.
               responsibility of sincerely  and purposefully  drawing out

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