Page 147 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               We believe this  principle applies to other  instances  of   (1  Co.  5:5).  This   refers   to  turning  the  unrepentant
               refusing  to obey  the Apostolic pattern. It  would  seem   offender over to Satan’s domain, the world, and over to
               preposterous to  think  that  churches are  to  discipline   Satan’s power  for chastisement (Lk. 22:31-32; 13:16; 2
               members who refuse to work while ignoring even more   Co. 2:7; 1 Jn. 5:16). Though Job  was  not  undergoing
               serious  offences. Other  examples  are as follows: (a) A   church discipline, he does  give us an example of how
               wife who refuses  to submit to  her husband’s  authority in   the Lord can use the devil for his good purposes (Job).
               the home (Ep. 5:22). (b) A husband who  refuses to  love   The  Power  for  Dismissal  (1  Co. 5:4; Mt. 18:18-19).
               and care for his family (Ep. 5:25—6:4; 1 Ti. 5:8). (c) A   Dismissing  someone  from  the  church  is  not  an  easy
               young person who is  rebellious against his  parents (Ep.   matter. There are often  many  doubts and  fears. Will it
               6:1-4)  (d)  An  individual  who is  a  reproach  to  Christ   hurt the church? Has everything possible been done to
               because of his  actions  in the workplace (Ep. 6:5-8). (e)   correct  the problem  in  other  ways? Will some protest
               A  young  widow  who  is  idle  and  a  busybody  (1  Ti.   and sympathize with the offender? How will the erring
               5:11-14).  (f)  those  who  refuse  to  practice  Bible   one(s)  react?  How  will his or  her  friends  or  relatives
               separation (Ro. 16:17-18; 2  Co. 6:14-17; 1 Ti. 6:3-5; 2   react?  I  know  of  a  church  that  had  to   discipline  a
               Ti. 2:16-21; 2 Jn. 9-11). An  example of this would  be   member  for  marrying  an  unsaved  man;  and  the
               ecumenical evangelists  such  as Billy  Graham and  Luis   offending party’s mother  and sister sided with her, and
               Palau and leaders of Christian organizations such as  Bill   all of  them left  the church. This  is  very  common. The
               Bright  who  blatantly  ignore  the  Word  of  God  and   power of God is  needed in exercising church discipline,
               fellowship  with  false  teachers.  There  would  not  be  a   though,  and  the  Bible  promises  that  His  power  and
               neo-evangelical movement if  the churches  would  have   blessing will be available when His  people are earnestly
               exercised  discipline  toward  those  who   are  rebelling   trying  to  walk  in  obedience  to  Him.  I  received  the
               against  the  Bible  in  these  matters. Billy  Graham  is  a   following  note from a pastor  recently:  “I brought a lady
               member  of a Baptist church, and  he should have been   before our Church back in 1999 because she would not repent
               disciplined  long  ago  for  his  great  compromise  of  the   of  the  poker  machines [used for  gambling]  in the restaurant
               truth  and  for  his  efforts  to break  down  the  walls of   she  just purchased. They had her picture  on the  front page  of
               separation  between  truth  and  error.  (g)  Those  who   the paper with the poker machines behind her and her smiling.
               disregard  the  N.T.  pattern  for  church  order,  such  as   I  found  out  about  the   poker  machines  when  I  got  the
               those  who   ordain  women  to   the  ministry  or  who   newspaper  out  of  the paper  box  that  Sunday  morning.  She
               exercise spiritual gifts contrary to  the N.T. pattern. It is   promised me she would get them out,  and I explained to her
               common  in these days to despise church  doctrine and   what we  would do if she did not repent.  Well to make a long
                                                                 story  short,  she   held  on  to  the  poker  machines!  After  we
               practice,  relegating  it  to an  very  unimportant  sphere.   excommunicated her out of the Church I sent her a  letter to let
               But this is  not what  the Apostle Paul taught  Timothy.   her  know.  But she  already  knew what  was going to happen.
               The  epistle of 1 Timothy  was written  to teach church   She took the letter to the  news media and the  newspaper. I had
               doctrine (1 Ti. 3:15), and at the end of the epistle, Paul   poker parlors calling my house and screaming and cussing at
               exhorted Timothy to  “keep this commandment  without   me  and  threatening to  come to our  Church and disrupt  our
               spot,  unrebukeable,  until  the  appearing  of  our  Lord   worship. There  was only one Church that stood with us openly!
               Jesus Christ” (1 Ti. 6:14). Thus  we see that church truth   Every  other  Baptist  Church  around,  Southern  Baptist  or
               is  very  important  before the Lord, that it  is to be kept   Independent,  seemed  to  dodge   the   issue.  We  are  an
               until Christ returns.                             Independent Baptist Church. We  stood firm upon the  Word of
                                                                 God and He has Blessed our Church because  of it. I, for  one,
                  The  Attitude  of  Dismissal. God’s  people  must  be   believe  in practising  what the  Bible  says! And I thank God that
               careful  to  maintain  the  proper  attitude  when  dealing   the poker parlors  were shut down in my state of South Carolina
               with sinning Christians  and not to give the devil a place.   on my Birthday July 1st 2000!”
               (1) The attitude of humility  (Ga. 6:1). (2) The attitude   The Limitations of Church Discipline
               of love and  concern  (2  Co. 7:12). (3)  The  attitude of   (1) Church discipline pertains only  to matters upon
               mourning (2  Co. 2:4). (4)  The attitude of firmness of   the earth. The church cannot  open and  close the doors
               purpose (1 Co. 5:3-5, 13).                        of  heaven  at  will.  Only  Christ  “openeth, and  no man
                  The  Meaning  of  Dismissal.  What  does  it  mean  to   shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth” (Re. 3:7).
               dismiss  s a member  from a congregation? (1) It means   (2)  Church  discipline  pertains  only  to   church
               the members must not have close fellowship with the one   matters, not to civil matters. To confuse these things  has
               under discipline (1 Co. 5:11). (2) It means the offender is   often  been  at  the  root  of  persecution.  The  Roman
               not allowed to partake in the Lord’s Supper (1 Co. 5:11).   Catholic Church of old believed that it held two  swords,
               The  eating  in  this  verse  can  refer  to  personal  social   the sword of the Spirit and the physical sword; but this
               eating  as  well  as  to eating  the  Lord’s  Supper  (1  Co.   is  great  confusion. The  secular  government  bears  the
               11:26,29). (3) It involves  turning someone over to Satan

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