Page 132 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Pentecostal-Charismatic movement one must read many CHEER. To be glad; to be encouraged (De. 24:5; Ec.
things into the Bible that are not there, and this is not 11:9; Ac. 27:22, 25, 36). This is a term frequently used
the way that honest brethren use the Scriptures. by the Lord Jesus Christ to encourage His disciples (Mt.
(For more about the doctrine of tongues speaking 9:2; 14:27; Mk. 6:50; Jn. 16:33; Ac. 23:11). The Greek
and for a fuller study of this subject see The Pentecostal- words which are 5 times translated “be of good cheer”
Charismatic Movements: Its History and Error, which is are also 3 times translated “be of good comfort” (Mt.
available from Way of Life Literature.) 9:22; Mk. 10:49; Lk. 8:48). [See Cheerful, Comfort,
CHARITY. Godly love (1 Co. 8:1; 13:1-13; 14:1; Dancing, Delight, Glad, Happy, Hope, Jesting, Joy,
16:14; Co. 3:14; 1 Th. 3:6; 2 Th. 1:3; 1 Ti. 1:5; 2:15; Laughter, Merry, Mirth, Music, Oil of Gladness, Rejoice.]
4:12; 2 Ti. 2:22; 3:10; Tit. 2:2; 1 Pe. 4:8; 5:14; 2 Pe. CHEERFUL. To be glad (Pr. 15:13; Ze. 8:19; 9:17; 2
1:7; 3 Jn. 6; Re. 2:19). [See Love, Mercy.] Co. 9:7). The Greek word translated “cheerful” in 2 Co.
CHARMER. In Ps. 58:5; Je. 8:17 the allusion is to 9:7, hilaros, is used only one time in the N.T. It “signifies
those who can charm serpents, probably by soft and that readiness of mind, that joyousness, which is prompt
gentle sounds. In De. 18:11; Is. 19:3 it is associated with to do anything” (Vine). [See Cheer, Joy, Merry.]
idolatry and sorcerers: these also carry on their CHELAL (completeness). Ezr. 10:30.
incantations with low mutterings (Concise). [See CHELUB (Boldness). Ezr. 10:35.
Witchcraft.] CHEMARIMS. A reference to idolatrous priests in
CHARRAN. [See Haran.] Zep. 1:4. “Chemarims” is defined as “an ascetic (as if
CHASTE. Pure; clean; consecrated (2 Co. 11:2; Tit. shrunk by self-maceration), i.e. an idolatrous
2:5; 1 Pe. 3:2). The Greek word hagnos, in its various priest” (Strong). The word is used only in the plural,
forms, is translated “purify” (Jn. 11:55; Ac. 21:24,26; suggesting groups, or monkish orders. [See Celibacy,
24:18; Ja. 4:8; 1 Pe. 1:22; 1 Jn. 3:3), “by pureness” (2 Idolatry, Vegetarian.]
Co. 6:6), and “sincerely” (Ph. 1:16). [See Discreet, CHEMOSH. [See Idolatry.]
Modesty, Nakedness, Sanctification, Separation, World.] CHERAN (union) Ge. 36:26.
CHASTEN. Chastening involves the entire work of CHERETHITES (executioners). (1) A Philistine tribe
discipline, not only correction, but teaching and guiding (1 Sa. 30:14; Eze. 25:16; Zep. 2:5). (2) David’s
and encouraging (He. 12:5-11). The Hebrew word bodyguards (2 Sa. 8:18; 15:18; 20:7, 23; 1 Ki. 1:38;
translated “chasten” (Pr. 22:15) is translated 1:44; 1 Ch. 18:17).
“discipline” (Job 36:10), “doctrine” (Je. 10:8), CHERITH (trench). 1 Ki. 17:3.
“instruction” (Pr. 8:33), and “rebuke” (Ho. 5:2). The
Greek word for chasten, paideia, is translated CHERUBIM. The cherubim are the living creatures
“learned” (Ac. 7:22), “taught” (Ac. 22:3), “instruct” (2 which appear to guard the presence and secrets of God.
Ti. 2:25), “nurture” (Ep. 6:4), “punish” (Lk. 23:16), and They are probably “spirit beings.” Three times they
“teach” (Tit. 2:12). Thus the Bible doctrine of appear in the Scriptures: (1) They guarded the tree of
chastening incorporates the entire realm of child life (Ge. 3:24). (2) They were carved upon the ark in
training—instructing and guiding in the right way and the Tabernacle and in the holy of holies in Solomon’s
correcting the erring one. How Does God Chasten? (1) Temple (Ex. 25:18-20; 1 Ki. 6:23-28). As these were
Through the Scriptures (2 Ti. 2:25; 3:16). (2) Through patterns of things in heaven (He. 8:5; 9:23), we see that
preachers and teachers (2 Ti. 4:2; Titus 2:15). (3) the cherubim stand over the very presence of God in
Through grace (Tit. 2:12). Grace is a powerful Glory. (3) They were seen by Ezekiel (Eze. 10:1-22). It
motivator. The more the believer learns about God’s is in Ezekiel’s vision that we find the most instruction
goodness and mercy, the more he wants to serve Him. about the cherubim. They are associated with the glory
We love him because he first loved us (1 Jn. 4:10, 19; of God (Eze. 10:4). They have four wings which make a
Ps. 116:1). (4) Through Satan (1 Ti. 1:20). (5) Through great sound when they fly (Eze. 10:5, 21). They have
sickness and death (1 Co. 11:32; Ps. 38:1-8). (6) hands like a man’s (Eze. 10:8). They have many eyes
Through the circumstances of life (Ja. 1; Ro. 5; 1 Pe. 1) (Eze. 10:12). They have four faces, one like a cherub,
[See Admonish, Affliction, Bible, Chasten, Child one like a man, one like a lion, and one like an eagle
Training, Church Discipline, Convince, Correction, (Eze. 10:14). They have wheels that accompany them
Counsel, Exhort, Guidance, Instruct, Pastor, Rebuke, wherever they go and in which is their spirit (Eze.
Reproof, Suffering, Timothy, Trials.] 10:16-17). The wheels appear as a wheel in the midst of
a wheel and they are the color of a beryl stone, which is
CHEBAR (joining). Eze. 1:1. sea green (Eze. 10:9-10). “The beryl is a gem of a green
CHECKER. Lattice work (1 Ki. 7:17). colour, passing from one side into blue, on the other
CHEDORLAOMER (sheaf band). Ge. 14:1. side into yellow” (Adam Clarke). They transport the
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