Page 133 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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throne of God (Eze. 1:22, 25-28; 10:18-19). [See Angel, parents (Ju. 13-16); Hannah (1 Sa. 1-2);. Eli (1 Sa. 2:12
Gabriel, Michael, Seraphim.] - 3:14); Samuel (1 Sa. 7:15 - 8:3); David (1 Ki. 1:5-6);
CHESALON (fortress). Jos. 15:10. Job (Job 1:1-5); Solomon (Pr. 10-10); Timothy’s mother
CHESIL (fleshy, fat). Jos. 15:30. (2 Ti. 1:5; 3:15); the lady (2 Jn. 1-4).
CHESULLOTH (fatness). Jos. 19:18. Principles of Child Training in Proverbs. (1)
CHEZIB (deceitful). Ge. 38:5. Instructions must be repeated. Solomon was guided by
the Holy Spirit to repeat the same truths almost
CHIDE. To scold at; to reprove; to utter words in monotonously. (2) The foremost thing we are to teach
anger, or by way of disapprobation; to rebuke; to blame; children is that God is to be preeminent in their lives
to reproach; to quarrel (Webster) (Ex. 17:2, 7; Ju. 8:1; (Pr. 1:7). This means trusting Jesus Christ for salvation
Ps. 103:9). and seeking God and His perfect will. (3) The subject of
CHIDON (destruction). 1 Ch. 13:9. immorality should be dealt with frequently and plainly
CHILD TRAINING. Following is a survey of the (Pr. 2:16-22; 5:1-23; 6:23-35; 7:1-27; 9:13-18). (4)
Bible’s teaching on this subject: Youth must be shown that only a personal appropriation
What Makes a Good Parent? (1) Salvation and of wisdom will protect from sin (Pr. 2:10-11). (5) Youth
wholehearted love for the Lord (De. 6:4-5; Pr. 20:7). (2) must be shown that God does not look lightly upon
God’s Word dwelling in the heart (De. 6:6). (3) A those who reject instruction (Pr. 1:24-32). (6) The
diligent teacher of the Scriptures (De. 6:6-9). (4) One teacher should have a serious attitude. Contrary to the
who corrects the child and does not draw back because philosophy and attitude so prevalent in youth ministries
of his protests (Pr. 13:24; 19:18). (5) A good example today, the mood of the instruction given in Proverbs is
(Pr. 4:11). (6) Provide the children’s physical needs (1 serious. Proverbs is not a party book! (7) Instruction
Ti. 5:8). (7) Train the child in the nurture and should be plain and direct. The parent must not fear
admonition of the Lord (Ep. 6:4). (8) Do not provoke being negative; this is the style of Proverbs. (8) The law
the child to wrath and discourage the child by your of sowing and reaping should be emphasized; this is a
inconsistency and unreasonableness and unspirituality major theme of Proverbs (Pr. 5:22). (9) God should be
(Ep. 6:4). portrayed as the exciting Source of every good thing, as
Training the Child to Know God. (1) Lead the child to the One who personally, urgently seeks men and desires
Jesus Christ (Mt. 19:13-15). (2) Teach the child the their love in return (Pr. 1:20-23; 8:1-36; 9:1-12).
Bible (De. 6:6-9). (3) Correct the child (Pr. 13:24; The Seven Most Important Truths to Teach to Children.
19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15, 17). (4) Warn the child Proverbs was written especially for children. The phrase
to stay away from evil (Pr. 1:10; 4:14-27; 5:1-23; “my son” is repeated throughout the book. By
19:27). (5) Exhort the child to seek God with all his examining the first nine chapters of this book we can
heart (Pr. 2:1-9; 4:1-9; 7:1-27). (6) Teach the child how see the seven most important truths that God wants
to be godly and wise in his everyday life (Pr. 6:1-19; children to be taught: (1) Teach them to put God first
10:1—31:31). (7) Rear the child in faithfulness to the (Pr. 1:7). (2) Teach them to submit to parents and
church (Ac. 2:41, 42; 1 Ti. 3:15; He. 10:25). authority (Pr. 1:8-9). (3) Teach them to separate from
The Blessings of Proper Child Training. (1) The evil companions (Pr. 1:10-19). (4) Teach them to put
disciplined child goes the right way (Pr. 22:6). (2) The God’s Word first (Pr. 2:1-4). (5) Teach them to flee
disciplined child is wise (Pr. 29:15). (3) The disciplined immorality (Pr. 2:16-22; 5:1-6; 6:23-35; 7:1-27;
child is saved from eternal wrath (Pr. 23:13-14). (4) The 9:13-18). Fleeing immorality involves the following
disciplined child is not foolish (Pr. 22:15). (5) The things: staying away from every source of temptation
disciplined child is obedient and submissive to authority (Pr. 5:7-8; 7:24-25); remembering that this sin will ruin
(Pr. 13:1). (6) The disciplined child causes the parents the person’s life (Pr. 5:8-12); waiting for the right
joy (Pr. 15:20; 23:24-25; 29:17). husband or wife (Pr. 5:15-18); staying away from
worldly females (Pr. 6:24-25; 7:10-13)—she will be
Woes of the Wayward Child. (1) Parental shame (Pr. identified by her seductive speech (Pr. 6:24), her
29:15; 19:26). (2) Disobedient children (Pr. 13:1; immodest dress and the suggestive way she carries
15:20). (3) Sorrow and bitterness (Pr. 17:25; 19:13). herself (Pr. 6:25; 7:10), and by her flirting eyes (Pr.
(4) Financial loss (Pr. 29:3). (5) Foolish children (Pr. 6:25); staying away from promiscuous males (Pr.
22:15). (6) Eternal destruction if the child does not get 30:18-19); remembering that God hates and judges sin
saved (Pr. 23:13-14). (Pr. 7:27; 9:13-18). (6) Teach them to receive God’s free
Bible Examples for Parents. Abraham (Ge. 17:9-11, salvation (Pr. 9:1-5). (7) Teach them to love and serve
23-26; 22:1-18); Lot (Ge. 19); Isaac and Rebekah (Ge. the Lord Jesus Christ (Pr. 8). [See Chasten, Fornication,
25:28); Moses’ parents (Ex. 2:1-3; He. 11:23); Samson’s Friend, Harlot, Home, Instruct.]
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 133