Page 198 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCY  DENIES THE NATURE  OF       Dynamic  equivalency  ignores  God’s  warnings  about
               THE BIBLE.                                        adding to or taking away from God’s Word.
                  The  Bible  is  Revelation  from  Heaven.  God  delivered   Consider  the following Scriptures: Re. 22:18-19; Pr.
               the  Bible  message  as  Revelation  from  heaven  and  it   30:5-6; Je. 26:2; De. 4:2; Eze. 3:10-11.
               must  be treated  as such. It  is God’s Book,  not  man’s.   Those who follow dynamic equivalency acknowledge
               Even the very  culture in which the Bible was given was   these warnings  and often have clever ways  of explaining
               chosen  of  God  and  is  not  to   be  changed.  See  Ga.   how their paraphrases  do not disobey these warnings. In
               1:11-12;  2  Pe.  1:21.  Examples:  Moses  (Nu.  16:28),   the end, though, it is  clear that the warnings  are simply
               David  (2  Sa.  23:2), Ne. (9:30), and  the Prophets (Je.   ignored.
               1:9; 30:2; 36:2; Eze. 1:3; Ac. 3:21).               DYNAMIC  EQUIVALENCY  SUBSTITUTES  MAN’S
                  The Bible is verbally  inspired. See 1 Co. 2:12-13; Mt.   THOUGHTS FOR GOD’S WORDS.
               5:18; Ac. 1:16. This means that the words  and details of   In  section two  we considered this fact  in  some  detail.
               Scripture are divinely  chosen. The writers of the Bible   We will repeat  some of  the  examples used  there and
               were not  simply  given  general  ideas  and  then  left  to   include a few others:
               their  own  resources  in  phrasing  them. The words and
               forms  by  which  the message was communicated  were   Ro. 3:25—“blood” (KJV) = “death” (TEV).
               settled in heaven from all eternity, purified seven times.   Re. 5:5—“Root of David” (KJV) = “great descendant of
               Though no one would deny that in translating the Bible   David” (TEV).
               there must be some freedom to  change the form of the   Is.  1:18—“Snow”  (KJV)  =  “Coconut”  (United  Bible
               original in order to  properly  communicate the message   Societies translation).
               of the original, such freedom definitely  does not extend   Jn. 14:6—“I am the way, the truth and the life” (KJV) =
               to   the  liberties   taken  in  dynamic  equivalency   “I am the way  by which people come to  know God and
               translations.                                     so   obtain  real  life”  (Indonesian  Common  Language
                  Third, the Bible contains the deep things of God. See 1   Bible).
               Co. 2:10.  Bible language is  sufficient  to communicate   The following examples are from Bible Translations for
               eternal and divine Truth. “But God hath revealed them   Popular Use by William L. Wonderly. We quoted  earlier
               unto us by his Spirit: for  the Spirit searcheth all things,   from this United Bible Societies’ publication:
               yea, the deep things  of God.” Bible language cannot be   Ph.  2:6—(KJV)  “Who  being  in  the  form  of  God,
               compared with any  uninspired writings  of man. This is   thought it not robbery to be equal with God” = (Today’s
               Divine Revelation and contains very Truth.        Dutch  Version) “Although  he had a divine form, he did
                  There  are those  who use dynamic equivalency  and   not value being like God.”
               yet profess  to  believe the doctrine of the Scriptures we   Ja. 1:17—(KJV)  “the Father  of  lights”  =  (TEV)  “God,
               have  described  briefly  in  the  above  study.  Lynn   the Creator of the heavenly lights.”
               Silvernale,  the  ABWE  missionary  mentioned  earlier,  is   1  Pe.  2:10—(KJV)  “now  have  obtained  mercy”  =
               one example. I find this  very strange. The entire theory   (Spanish CL) “God has compassion on you.”
               of dynamic equivalency  was  built  by  men who do  not
               hold  a high view of Scripture. When one considers  the   Ep.  1:17—(KJV)  “the  Father  of  glory”  =  (TEV)  “the
               very nature of Scripture, it becomes impossible to make   glorious Father.”
               the kind of changes that dynamic equivalency calls for.   Ga.  2:9—(KJV)  “perceived  the  grace  that  was  given
                  DYNAMIC  EQUIVALENCY  CONFUSES  SPIRITUAL      unto me” = (TEV) “recognized that  God had given me
               ENLIGHTENMENT WITH NATURAL UNDERSTANDING.         this special task.”
                  Consider the following Scriptures: 1 Co. 2:14-16; Jn.   The  following  examples  were  given  to  us  by  Ross
               16:8-13; Mt. 13:9-16; Lk. 24:44-45; Ac. 11:21; 16:14;   Hodsdon, formerly with Wycliffe Bible Translators:
               Pr. 1:23.                                         “Lamb” = “seal pup” (Wycliffe translation in Eskimo).
                  Dynamic  Equivalency  fails   to  recognize  the  root   “Son  of  man”  =  “older  brother” (Wycliffe translation,
               problem in regard to man’s inability  to understand  the   Makusi language, Brazil).
               Word of God: spiritual blindness, not cultural ignorance   “Fig tree” = “banana tree” (Wycliffe translation).
               or lack of literary education.                      This  type of thing is wrong. When one departs  from
                  Example:  Ac.  13:44-48.  Here  the  Jews,  in  whose   the  principle  of  a  literal translation,  the  mind  of  the
               cultural setting the Bible was primarily written, rejected   translator  and  the  culture  and  understanding  of  the
               the Scriptures, while the idolatrous  Gentiles  accepted it.   people  become  the  authority  rather  than  the  actual
               Culture and language were not the problem; rebellion of   words of Scriptures.
               the heart was the problem. This remains true today.

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