Page 22 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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the meaning out of such representations as noted. I laboring, and prayer. The reader perhaps is beginning to
doubt that any amillennialist can say that he is feel that I have no patience with amillennialism or time
expecting Christ at any moment. One amillennialist says for it. That is exactly right. I regard it as being wholly
that the loosing of Satan (Re. 20:7), which he puts, of and absolutely false and as just another system of
course, before the second advent, will be the revival of deception that has emerged from the bottomless pit to
paganism; and he says that there will emerge “some be used of the devil in blighting the lives of individuals
kind of collectivism whose paganism embodied in some and disturbing the peace of churches. I am truly sorry
kind of world state of government will vent its wrath for those who have been duped by it. I urge them to
against the saints to stamp out the remembrance of repent and return to their first love. (“Amillennialism:
them and historic Christianity in the earth.” Certainly Refuted by the Word of God,” by the late T.P. Simmons,
then he cannot believe that Christ’s coming is imminent The Baptist Challenge, January 1984). [See Allegorical,
[could happen at any moment]. Millennium, Prophecy, Rapture.]
Flagrantly Contradicts God’s Word by Teaching a AMINADAB (noble nation). Lk. 3:33.
General Resurrection. As plainly as language can express AMISH. A group of Mennonites who settled
it God’s Word describes a resurrection in which only the particularly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
righteous take part. (See 1 Th. 4:15-16; 1 Co. 15:21-23; Nebraska, and Canada. [See Mennonite.]
Re. 20:5-6). Then it tells of another resurrection in AMITTAI (true). 2 Ki. 14:25; Jon. 1:1).
which only the wicked have part (Re. 20:11,15). But
amillennialists think they know more than the inspired AMMAH (two ways, a mother). 2 Sa. 2:24.
writers did about this matter, so they put the two AMMI (my people). A name God called Israel in
together. The Word of God is not final to amillennialists. Hosea 2:1.
Their pet theory is final, so they presumptively AMMIEL (people of my God). Nu. 13:12; 2 Sa. 9:4-5;
rearranged God’s Word to suit that. 17:27; 1 Ch. 3:5; 26:5.
Accuses God of Repenting. God says He does not AMMIHUD (people of Judah). Nu. 1:10; 34:20, 28; 2
repent of His gifts and calling (Ro. 11:29), but Sa. 13:37; 1 Ch. 9:4.
amillennialism says that He does. They admit that God AMMINADIB (the people are generous). Song 6:12.
once called national Israel and bestowed national AMMISHADDAI (people of the Almighty). Nu. 1:12;
blessings upon them, but they say that these have now 2:25.
been forfeited forever. Thus, according to AMMIZABAD (people of the giver). 1 Ch. 27:6.
amillennialism, there is no such thing as the
immutability [unchanging nature] of God. AMMON (son of my relative). A form of Ben-ammi,
Accuses Jesus and the Prophets of Falsifying. Lot’s younger son who became the ancestor of the
Ammonites (Ge. 19:38).
Amillennialists say that when Jesus comes again He will
not reestablish the Jewish nation at earthly Jerusalem. AMMONITES (workman). Ge. 19:38; Ju. 11:4-33; 2
Jesus and the prophets said that He would. In Matthew Sa. 10:6-14; 12:26-31; Ne. 4:3, 7; Eze. 25:1-7. [See
19:28 Jesus said: “Verily I say unto you, that ye which Ammon.]
have followed me, in the regeneration, when the Son of AMNON (faithful). The son of King David who was
man shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye shall sit on murdered by Absolom because of his immoral act with
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Now Absolom’s sister (2 Sa. 13:1-39).
let not any amillennialist expose his ignorance by saying AMOK (deep). Ne. 12:7.
that the “regeneration” here is the triumph of AMON (workman). 1 Ki. 22:26; 2 Ki. 21:19-26; Ne.
Christianity over paganism in the first three centuries or 7:59.
at any other time. AMORITES (mountaineers). Inhabitants of the land
The apostles have not yet sat on thrones judging the of Canaan who fought against Israel (Ex. 3:8; 33:2; Nu.
twelve tribes of Israel. Moreover the “regeneration” is 13:29; Jos. 2:10; 7:7; 9:10; 10:5-14; 11:3; Ju. 1:35;
represented as coinciding in time with the sitting of 3:5; 6:10; 11:22).
Christ on the throne of His Glory, and this is to be when AMOS (burden-bearer). The prophet of Israel who
he returns (Mt. 25:31). This regeneration connects with wrote the book called by his name. He was a farmer
the “restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by until called by God to prophesy against the sins of
the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world northern Israel (Amos 1:1; 7:14-15).
began” (Acts 3:21) and with Isaiah 65:17-25, where the
prophet describes a state of affairs in Jerusalem that AMOZ (strong). Is. 1:1.
could exist only in earthly Jerusalem. It is a state that AMPHIPOLIS (about the city). An important city of
will involve death, sinners, building houses, planting, Macedonia. Deriving its name from the fact that it was
22 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity