Page 23 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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almost surrounded by the Strymon river (Ac. 17:1) the rebellion are called the elect angels and continue to
(Analytical). serve and worship God (1 Ti. 5:21).
AMPLIAS (extended, enlarged). Ro. 16:8. Do Angels Exist? Angels are spoken of throughout the
AMRAM (exalted people). Ex. 6:20; Nu. 3:17-27; Bible. No one can therefore deny the existence of angels
Ezr. 10:34. without denying the Bible. (1) They are spoken of in the
AMRAPHEL (very gigantic). Ge. 14:1. O.T. (Ge. 19:1; Ps. 8:5; Da. 3:28; etc.). (2) They are
AMZI (strong). 1 Ch. 6:46; Ne. 11:12. spoken of in Jesus’ earthly life (Mt. 4:11; Lk. 22:43). (3)
They are spoken of by the Apostles (Ac. 5:19; 11:13;
ANAB (place of grapes). Town of Judah out of which 12:7-15; 12:23; 27:23; Ro. 8:23; 1 Co. 4:9; etc.). They
the Anakim were driven (Jos. 11:21; 15:50). are spoken of in the book of Revelation (Re. 5:11; etc.).
ANAH (answering). Ge. 36:2,14 The Origin of Angels: (1) They were created by Jesus
ANAHARATH (groaning, wrath). Jos. 19:19. Christ (Col. 1:16). (2) They were created before the
ANAIAH (he answered). Ne. 8:4. world was made (Job 38:7).
ANAK (long-necked). The founder of the giants Division of Angels into Good and Evil: (1) Evil angels
called Anakim (Nu. 13:22-28). are those which followed Satan in his rebellion against
ANAKIM. A people of large stature who were God (Mt. 25:41; Re. 12:9). They are also called demons,
conquered by Israel (Nu. 13:22-28; De. 9:2; Jos. 10:36; devils, and evil spirits (Mt. 4:24; Lk. 8:2) and are
11:21-22; 15:13-14; 21:11). organized under Satan’s command to help carry out his
ANAMMELECH (Anu is king). 2 Ki. 17:31. evil designs in this world (Ep. 6:12). Some of the fallen
angels are already in a place of confinement awaiting
ANANIAH (Jehovah hath covered). Ne. 3:23; 11:32. judgment (2 Pe. 2:4; Jude 6). (2) Good angels are those
ANANIAS (Jehovah is gracious). A man in the early which continue to serve and obey God (Ps. 103:20-21).
church who, with his wife Sapphira, lied about their They are also called “elect angels” (1 Ti. 5:21), and in
offering and was killed by God (Ac. 5:1-11). He. 1:14 are called “ministering spirits, sent forth to
ANATH (answer). Ju. 3:31; 5:6. minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.”
ANATHEMA (accursed). The phrase “anathema What Are Angels Like? (1) They are spirits (He. 1:7).
maranatha” in 1 Co. 16:22 means “accursed at Christ’s (2) Though they can fly and move quickly, the Bible
coming,” and refers to judgment upon the unsaved at never says angels have wings (Da. 9:21). Though
Christ’s return. [See Hell, Judgment, Prophecy, Second cherubim and seraphim have wings, they aren’t
Coming.] specifically called angels (Is. 6:2; Eze. 1:6).(3) They are
ANATHOTH (answers). A city of priests (Jos. 21:18; always referred to as masculine (Ge. 18:1-2; Ju. 13:3, 6;
1 Ki. 2:26; 1 Ch. 6:60; Je. 1:1; 11:21). Lk. 24:3-4). (4) They do not marry or bear children (Mt.
ANCHOR. A device which fastens to the bottom of a 22:30). (5) They are very powerful (Ps. 103:20). (6)
lake or ocean and holds a boat in one place (Ac. They are very wise (2 Sa. 14:20), but they are not all-
27:29-30). Christian hope is said to be “an anchor both wise. 1 Pe. 1:12 speaks of things the angels desire to
sure and steadfast” (He. 6:19), referring to the certainty know, and in Ep. 3:10 we find that angels are learning
of one’s salvation in Christ. Compare Jn. 10:27,28; Ro. from God’s revelations to and workings in the church.
5:1-11; Ep. 1-3; 1 Pe. 1:2-5; 1 Jn. 5:11-13. [See Eternal (7) They cannot die (Lk. 20:36).
Security, Hope.] How Many Angels Are There? They are innumerable
ANCIENTS. Elderly; old age (Ps. 119:100; Is. 3:2). (He. 12:22; Ps. 68:17; Mt. 26:53; Re. 5:11).
[See Old Age.] What Do Angels Do? (1) They worship God (Re.
ANDREW (manliness). One of the twelve apostles of 5:11-12; Ps. 148:2). (2) They serve and obey God (Ps.
Christ (Mt. 4:18; 10:2; Mk. 1:16-18; Jn. 1:35-42). 103:20-21). (3) They minister to and protect God’s
ANDRONICUS (man conquering). Ro. 16:7. people (He. 1:14; 13:2). Examples are Elijah (1 Ki. 19),
Daniel (Da. 6:22), Peter (Ac. 5:19; 12:7-11), and Paul
ANEM (double fountain). 1 Ch. 6:73. (Ac. 27:23). (4) They help in the Great Commission of
ANER (he shook off, affliction of light). Ge. 14:13. world evangelism (Ac. 8:26; 10:3, 7, 22). (5) They
ANGEL (messenger). A supernatural being created to watch over children who believe in Jesus (Mt. 18:6,10).
serve God. Angel means “messenger.” The Bible speaks (6) They accompany saints to heaven when they die
of two major groups of angels—good and evil. One (Lk. 16:22). (7) They will return with Jesus from
group of angels rebelled against God and followed heaven and help establish the kingdom (Mt. 24:30-31;
Satan (Mt. 25:41). These fallen angels are also called 25:31; 2 Th. 1:7-10). (8) An angel will bind Satan (Re.
demons or evil spirits. Those angels which did not join
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 23