Page 28 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               languishing  in  prison  could  do nothing  to assist  their   the bread and  wine.  Episcopal priests  believe they  are
               destitute families.                               somehow  offering  the  sacrifice  of  Christ  in  their
                  The  long arm  of  the Anglican  Church  also brought   Eucharist. “Q. Why is  the Eucharist called a sacrifice? A.
               persecution  to   Bible  believers   in  America  before  her   Because the Eucharist,  the Church’s  sacrifice  of  praise
               independence. The Virginia colony was Anglican, and in   and thanksgiving, is  the way  by  which  the sacrifice of
               1643,  the  governor  unleashed  persecution  against   Christ is  made present, and in which he unites us  to his
               dissenters. Many  were whipped, branded, incarcerated,   one offering of himself” (Book of Common Prayer). The
               fined, and driven out of the colony.              Handbook of Denominations in the United States observes
                  Between  1660  and  1689,  some  70,000  men  and   that “the Episcopal Church [the American branch of the
               women  suffered  under  religious  persecution;  8,000   Church  of  England]  believes  in  the  real  presence  of
               perished; and  tens of  millions  of  dollars were paid  in   Christ in the elements of the Eucharist.” [See Church.]
               fines. (The previous  information about the persecution   We can see, then, that though the Church of England
               of  the  Church  of  England  in  the  17th  century  are   is  separate from the Catholic Church organizationally, it
               adapted from Cushing Hassell, History  of the Church of   has  clung to many  of  the false beliefs  and practices of
               God, 1886).                                       Romanism.
                  The Anglican Church Today                        Modernism:  In  this   century  liberalism  has  largely
                  According  to   the  London-based  Anglican    taken  over  the  Anglican  denomination.  A  large
               Consultative  Council,  there are more than  70 million   percentage  of  its bishops  and  pastors  are  modernists
               Anglicans  in  164  countries.  The  Episcopal  Church  in   who deny the miracles  of the Bible. Former Archbishop
               America is  part of the worldwide Anglican communion.   of Canterbury Robert Runcie illustrates  this sad trend. In
               Though the Church of England claims a membership  of   an interview with a newspaper  the editor  picked up in
               27  million,  this  counts   every  person  who  has  been   London  on  Easter  1982,  Runcie  was  asked  about  the
               baptized  as   an  infant;  only  nine  million  have  been   meaning  of the cross. He replied, “As  to that, I am an
               confirmed, and  fewer  than  1.7  million  attend  services   agnostic.” Runcie was  not certain of the meaning of the
               even  at  Christmas  or  Easter  when  attendance is  at  its   cross! In the same interview he said he felt Buddhism is
               peak.                                             a proper way to  God and that Christians  should not say
                  Though  not  under  papal  authority,  many  Catholic   that Jesus Christ is  the only  way of salvation. Anglican
                                                                 bishop  David  Jenkins   openly  questions   every  major
               practices remain intact in the Church of England.   teaching  of  the  Bible.  Of  Christ’s  resurrection,  this
                  Episcopal  church  government:  Anglican  church   Church  of  England  bishop says, “The Christian  is not
               government is the unbiblical episcopal system—the local   bound up  with freak biology  or corpses  getting up and
               church  is   governed  by  outside  control  through  a   walking around.” Of Christ’s virgin  birth, Jenkins says,
               hierarchy  of priests  and  bishops.  The highest  Anglican   “As for the virgin birth, they’re the sort of stories  that get
               bishop  is  called  the  Archbishop   of  Canterbury.  [See   told  after  you  already  believe  somebody  is   very
               Church.]                                          important.  You  don’t  have  to  believe  in  the  virgin
                  Infant baptism: The Anglican Church practices  infant   birth...” [See Modernism.]
               baptism,  teaching  that  infants  receive the  Holy  Spirit   Ecumenism: For  the past two decades or  more many
               and  are  regenerated  through  baptism.  [See Baptism -   Anglican  leaders, including the archbishops, have been
               Infant.]                                          attempting to reconcile the Church of England with the
                  Ritualistic worship: The Anglican Church has a highly   RCC.  The  Catholic pope  visited  England  for  the  first
               ritualistic  form  of  worship  foreign  to   that  of  the   time in 1982 and held a joint meeting and service with
               churches of the N.T. They use prayer books  and follow a   Archbishop  of  Canterbury  Robert  Runcie.  Runcie  has
               formal  liturgy.  Contrary  to the apostolic  pattern,  they   said, “We should  like to see  the churches  of England,
               have  a  special  priesthood  and  seven  sacraments   Scotland,  the  United  States  and  any  other  countries,
               (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Ordination,   bound together  in  one body. If  the pope would like to
               Matrimony,  and  Healing).  The  sacraments are  defined   come in as  chairman, we should all welcome him” (Why
               as  “outward  and  visible signs of  inward  and  spiritual   Were Our Reformers Burned? p. 13). After three years of
               grace,  given  by  Christ  as  sure  and  certain  means  by   theological  debate,  the  members  of  the  Second
               which  we  receive that  grace”  (The  Book  of  Common   Anglican-Roman  Catholic   International  Commission
               Prayer).  Thus,  like  the  Catholic Church,  the  Anglican   issued a statement which concluded that the doctrine of
               Church falsely believes  the sacraments  to be channels of   salvation taught by Rome and by Anglicanism is  so  close
               Christ’s grace.  The  Lord’s Supper  is called  the  “Holy   that  there  need  be  no  more  division  between  them.
               Eucharist”  and  is  considered,  not  simply  a  memorial   They are correct, of course, because both preach a false
               meal, but an  event  in  which Christ becomes present  in

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