Page 31 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  ANXIOUS.  Worrying;  fretting;  carefulness.  [See   The Apocryphal Books
               Careful.]                                           I and II Esdras
                  ANYWAYS. Any wise; in  any manner  (Le. 20:4; Nu.   Prayer of Manasseh
               30:15; 2 Ch. 32:13).                                I and II Macabees
                  ANY WHILE. For any length of time (Mk. 15:44).   Tobit
                  ANY WISE. [See Wise, Any.]                       The additions to the Book of Esther
                  APACE.  At  a  great  pace;  swiftly  (2  Sa.  18:25;  Ps.   The Wisdom of Solomon
               68:12; Je. 46:5).                                   Ecclesiasticus, or  the  Wisdom of  Jesus  the Son of
                  APELLES (black). Ro. 16:10.                      Baruch
                  APARSACHITES (dividing). Ezr. 6:6.               The Letter of Jeremiah
                  APARSATHCHITES  (dividing, tearing asunder). Ezr.   The  Prayer  of  Azariah  &  the  Song  of  the  Three
               4:9.                                                   Young Men
                  APHEK (fortress). Jos. 12:18.                    Susanna
                                                                   Bel and the Dragon
                  APHEKAH (vigor, rapid stream). Jos. 15:53.       The Apocrypha have a variety  of content. Some are
                  APHIK (soundness, strength). Jud. 1:31.        histories of events concerning the Jews. Some are short
                  APHRAH (dust, female fawn). Mi. 1:10.          sayings   similar  to  the  Proverbs.  Some  are  sermons;
                  APHSES (dispersion). 1 Ch. 24:15.              others  are like novels.  One  purports  to be  symbolical
                  APOCALYPSE.  A  term  referring  to  the  book  of   prophecy.
               Revelation, and less  frequently, to  O.T. prophecies  of the   WHY  REJECT THE  APOCRYPHA: It  is  important that
               future. It  is  also used  of  prophetic visions  in  general.   God’s   people  understand  why  the  Apocryphal  books
               [See Prophecy, Revelation.]                       (also  called  the  Deuterocanonical  Books)  are  rejected
                  APOCRYPHA. The word  apocrypha  is derived  from   from  the  canon  of  inspired  Scripture.  Because  of
               the  Greek  abscondita,  which  historically  identified   ecumenical  activities  involving  the  Roman  Catholic
               writings which  had  an  obscure  origin  or  which  were   Church, there is  an increasing tendency for publishers to
               heretical.  In  the  Talmud  the  Jewish  rabbis  used  this   include the Apocryphal writings with  the Bible. This is
               word  to  describe  works   which  were  not  canonical   being  done  by  the  United  Bible  Societies  in  many
               Scripture. The term has  come to  be applied particularly   languages.  By  1981,  for  example, the American  Bible
               to the 15 books added to the Roman Catholic Bible but   Society  had  published  over  500,000  copies  of  the
               ordinarily rejected by non-Catholics. These were written   Today’s  English  Version  with  the  Apocryphal  books
               during  the  two  hundred  years   preceding  and  one   included. In  the  mid-1980s I  visited  the  Bible  Society
               hundred  years   following  Christ’s  birth.  The  Roman   book depot  in  Calcutta, India, and was shown massive
               Catholic Church  considers  most of these writings  to  be   stacks  of Revised Standard Version Bibles containing the
               part  of  the  inspired  Scripture. In  1546 the Council of   Apocrypha. These had been published by  the American
               Trent decreed that the canon of the O.T. should include   Bible Society and  shipped to India for  distribution. The
               them  (except  the  Prayer  of  Manasseh  and  I  and  II   1992-93  American  Bible  Society  catalog  of  Scripture
               Esdras)  ...  the  decree  pronounces  an  anathema  upon   Resources lists at  least  nine different Bibles  containing
               anyone who  “does not  accept  as  sacred  and  canonical   the Apocrypha.
               the aforesaid  books in  their  entirety  and  with all their   Following are the reasons the Apocrypha are rejected by
               parts” (The Oxford Annotated Apocrypha, pp. x,xv).  Bible believers:
                  The Council of Trent was an attempt by the Catholic   1. They are not included in the original Hebrew O.T.
               Church  to  counteract  the Protestant  Reformation  with   preserved  by  the Jews. Ro.  3:1-2 states that  God  used
               its  battle cry  of “faith  alone” and  “Scripture alone.” By   the Jews  to preserve His Word; therefore, we know that
               adding  the  Apocrypha  to the  canon  of  Scripture,  the   He  guided  them  in  the  rejection  of  the  Apocryphal
               Catholic Church, in effect, rendered the rest of the Bible   books from the canon of Scripture.
               impotent.  “The  books named  in  the  decree  [of  Trent]   2. They  were not  received as inspired  Scripture by
               include the apocryphal Old Testament books, and placed   the churches during the first four centuries after Christ.
               unwritten traditions of the church upon an equal footing   3. They  were not  written  in  the Hebrew  language,
               with  Holy  Scriptures as approved  of  Christ  or  of  the   which  was  alone  used  by  the  inspired  historians and
               Holy  Spirit. Any  appeal to Holy Scripture as expressing   prophets of the O.T.
               the supreme will of God  was thereafter  useless  in  the   4. They do  not claim to be the inspired Word of God.
               Latin  Church”  (Edwin  W.  Rice,  Our  Sixty-six  Sacred   Unlike  the  inspired  Scriptures,  the  Apocryphal  books
               Books, p. 112).

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