Page 33 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               that given by God’s  prophet Jeremiah (Je. 38:1-4). God   APOLOGETICS.  To   speak  in  defense  of  God  and
               warned  the  Israelites   to  submit  to  Nebuchadnezzar   Bible truth. [See Adam, Apostasy, Apostate, Bible, Bible
               rather  than  to resist, because the  Babylonian  captivity   Versions, Canon, Daniel, Evolution, Fable, False Prophet,
               and  destruction  of  Israel  was  a  judgment  from  God   False  Teaching,  Flood,  Foolish  Questions,
               upon the Jew’s rebellion and idolatry.            Fundamentalism,  Heresy,  Heretic,  Inspiration,  Isaiah,
                  THE KING JAMES BIBLE AND THE APOCRYPHA. It is   Jesus Christ,  Jonah,  Modernism,  New  Evangelicalism,
               true that  early  editions  of  the  KJV  (as  well  as many   Preservation,  Prophecy,  Red  Sea,  Separation,  Star,
               other  Reformation Bibles, including the German Luther   Timothy, Tyre, Zidon.]
               Bible) contained  the Apocrypha, but  these books  were   APOSTASY. Desertion  of  the faith  (1  Ti.  4:1;  2  Ti.
               included for historical reference only, not as additions to   4:3-4). The English word “apostasy” is derived from the
               the  canon  of  Scripture.  Alexander  McClure,  a   Greek  word  apostasia,  which  means  a  falling  away,
               biographer  of  the  KJV  translators,  says:  “...the   abandonment.  This   Greek  word  is  translated  “falling
               Apocryphal books  in  those times were more  read  and   away”  (2  Th.  2:3),  “forsake”  (Acts   21:21),  and
               accounted of than now, though by no means  placed on a   “divorcement” (Mt. 19:7).
               level with the canonical books  of Scripture” (McClure,   “The  English  word  ‘apostasy’  is  derived  from  the
               Translators Revived, p. 185). He then lists seven reasons   Greek  noun  ‘apostasia,’  which  is   a  composite  of  a
               assigned  by  the  KJV  translators   for  rejecting  the   preposition  and  a  noun.  The  preposition  ‘apo’  means
               Apocrypha  as  inspired.  The Thirty-nine Articles of  the   ‘the separation of a part from the whole, the separation
               Church  of  England  clearly  states  that  the  Apocrypha   of  one  thing  from  another  by  which  the  union  or
               have no scriptural authority. “...[the Church of England]   fellowship  of  the  two is destroyed.’  The  noun  ‘stasis’
               doth not apply  to them to establish any  doctrine.” The   means  ‘a standing, station or state; to  stand, exist, have
               Westminster  Confession  says,  “The  books   commonly   stability.’  When  combined, these  words form the noun
               called Apocrypha, not being of divine inspiration, are no   ‘apostasia,’  which,  according  to Thayer’s  Greek-English
               part of the canon of the Scripture; and therefore are of   Lexicon,  means   ‘leaving  one  position  and  moving  to
               no  authority  in  the  Church  of  God,  nor  to  be  any   another.’  Webster  defines  it  as it  relates to religion  as
               otherwise approved, or made use of, than other  human   ‘abandonment  of  what  one  has  voluntarily  professed;
               writings."  Luther  included  a  note  on  the  Apocrypha   total desertion of principles of faith’” (James  Henry, For
               which stated, “These are books  not to be held  in  equal   Such  a  Time  As  This,  pp.  200-201).    This   term  is
               esteem with those of Holy Scripture...”           commonly used by Christians  to describe a turning away
                  It is important  to note that  in the early King James   from true Bible doctrine. The Bible teaches  that apostasy
               Bibles  the Apocryphal books  were  placed between  the   among  professing  Christians  will  increase  as  the  age
               Old  and  New  Testaments   rather  than  intermingled   progresses and  the  coming  of  Christ draws  nigh.  This
               within the O.T. itself as is done in Catholic Bibles. In the   apostasy  will  culminate  in  a  worldwide  apostate
               Jerusalem Bible (a Catholic Bible), for  example, Tobit,   religious entity  (2 Ti. 3:1-13;  4:1-5; 1 Ti. 4:1-5;  Jude;
               Judith, and the Maccabees follow  Nehemiah; the Book   Re. 17-18).
               of  Wisdom  and  Ecclesiasticus   follow  Ecclesiastes;   End-time  Apostasy  Is  an  Important  Bible  Doctrine:
               Baruch follows Lamentations; etc.                 New  Testament  prophecy  describes  two   separate
                  Conclusion: Though some of the Apocryphal books do   streams  of  “Christianity”  operating  side  by  side
               have historical value,  giving information  regarding  the   throughout  the  church  age.  First,  there  will  be  true
               inter-testament  “quiet  years”  prior  to  the  coming  of   apostolic churches, against which the gates  of hell shall
               Christ, there is  no justification for giving these a place in   not  prevail.  They  will  be persecuted,  hated,  despised,
               the Holy  Scripture. Their  proper  place is  on  the same   yet they  will continue century  by  century until Christ’s
               level as  (if not lower than) the writings  of the historian   return. The Lord Jesus promised His  faithful ones: “Lo, I
               Josephesus  or  of  some other  uninspired  writer  of that   am  with  you  alway,  EVEN  TO  THE  END  OF  THE
               period.  [The Epistle of  Barnabas  and  the  Shepherd  of   WORLD”  (Matthew  28:20).  Second,  there  will  be
               Hermas  are dealt with under Pseudepigrapha.] [See also   apostate churches, which  will  increase in  number  and
               Bible, Inspiration.]                              grow worse and worse as the centuries pass. Consider
                  APOLLONIA (destroyer, destruction). Ac. 17:1.  the  following  Scriptures—Mt.  24:4,11,  24;  Ac.
                  APOLLOS  (destroyer, laying waste). A leader in  the   20:29-30; 2 Th. 2:3-8; 1  Ti. 4:1-3; 2 Ti. 3:13; 4:3-4; 2
               early  church  (Ac.  18:24-28;  1  Co.  1:12;  3:4-6;  4:6;   Pe. 2:1-3; Jude 3-4; Re. 17.
               16:12; Tit. 3:13).                                  The  parables  of  Christ  in  Matthew  13  depict  the
                  APOLLYON (destroyer). The angel of the bottomless   course of this  present “church age,” and they describe a
               pit (Re. 9:11).                                   progression  of  apostasy. The parable of  the leaven, for
                                                                 example,  depicts  a  woman  putting  leaven  into  three

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