Page 36 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned several other times in the top of the hill where extends the bench on which the
Scripture. They started churches in their home in Rome judges sat. Here Paul delivered a notable address (Ac.
(Ro. 16:3-5) and Ephesus (1 Co. 16:19). They served 17:18-34) (Analytical).
the Lord together, and two times in Paul’s epistles ARIEL (lion of God). Ezr. 8:16-17; Is. 29:1-2, 7. In
Priscilla is mentioned first (Ro. 16:3; 2 Ti. 4:19). She commenting on “Ariel” in Isaiah 29, H.A. Ironside says,
was possibly the more zealous of the two or perhaps “It is the same as that which is rendered ‘lionlike’ in 2
Aquila spent more of his time with the tent business Sa. 23:20. ... but in Eze. 43:16 the first part of the word
while she labored more in the Lord’s work. No matter is translated ‘altar,’ so that Ariel might either be
what the reason, the example of Aquila and Priscilla rendered ‘lion of God’ or ‘altar of God.’ The reference,
teaches us that women have a very important part in undoubtedly, is to Jerusalem, David’s city. ... Jerusalem
God’s work. which had been as the lion of God should become as a
AR (a city, awakening). Nu. 21:15. great altar-hearth where its own population would be
ARA (congregation, flock). 1 Ch. 7:38. sacrificed through the ruthless enmity of their bitter
ARAB (a cave, ambush). Jos. 15:52. foes.”
ARABAH (desert). Jos. 18:18. ARIMATHAEA (heights). Mt. 27:57.
ARABIA. The peninsula between Asia and Africa ARIOCH (lion-like). Da. 2:14-15.
where Paul went after his conversion (Ga. 1:17). ARISTARCHUS (excellent ruler). Ac. 19:29; 20:4-6;
ARAD (wild ass). 1 Ch. 8:15. 27:2; Col. 4:10; Phile. 24.
ARAH (wayfarer). 1 Ch. 7:39. ARK. A vessel. It is used three ways in the King
ARAM (exalted). The country lying to the northeast James Bible:
of Palestine. It embraced both Syria and northern Moses’ ark (Ex. 2:3-6). This was the waterproof
Mesopotamia. That portion of Aram in which Abraham basket in which Moses was hidden from Pharaoh.
had lived before coming to Canaan and in which Nahor Noah’s ark (Ge. 6:14-21). This was the large boat
remained is biblically known as Mesopotamia and Noah built to protect himself and his family and the
Padan-aram (Ge. 24:10; 28:2, 5). It lay east of the animals from the flood. It was very large—300 cubits
Euphrates river (Analytical). long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. “Although we
ARAMAIC. A language similar to Hebrew. It was the do not know the exact length of the cubit at this time,
language of Assyria and other nations nearby to Israel, later it was about 18 inches, making the ark 450 feet
and portions of the books of Daniel and Jeremiah were long, 75 feet broad, and 45 feet high, with a
written in this language. displacement of about 20,000 tons and gross tonnage of
ARAN (wild goat). Ge. 36:28; 1 Ch. 1:42. about 14,000 tons. Its carrying capacity equaled that of
522 standard railroad stock cars (each of which can
ARARAT (high ground). A twin-peaked, majestic hold 240 sheep). Only 188 cars would be required to
mountain located in Armenian Asia. It was here that the hold 45,000 sheep-sized animals, leaving three trains of
ark of Noah came to rest after the great flood recorded 104 cars each for food, Noah’s family, and ‘range’ for the
in Ge. 6-8. The mountain stands 17,000 feet high and is animals. Today it is estimated that there are 17,600
one of the sources of the Euphrates river (Ge. 8:4) species of animals, making 45,000 a likely
(Famous Bible Places). [See Flood.] approximation of the number Noah might have taken
ARCHANGEL. An angel of the highest rank (Da. into the ark” (The Ryrie Study Bible). [See Flood for the
10:13; 12:1; 1 Th. 4:16). The two archangels mentioned typical meaning.]
by name are Gabriel (Da. 8:16; 9:21; Lk. 1:19, 26) and The golden ark in the holy of holies in the Tabernacle
Michael (Da. 10:13, 21; 12:1; Jude 1:9; Re. 12:7). [See (Ex. 25:10-22; He. 9:4). This vessel contained the ten
Angel, Gabriel, Michael.] commandments written on stone (Ex. 25:21; De.
ARCHELAUS (a chief). Mt. 2:22. 10:3-5). It had a lid called the mercy seat. The ark
ARCHIPPUS (a master of the horse). Col. 4:17; pictures God’s throne, which is now a throne of mercy
Phile. 2. and grace for those who come through Jesus’ sacrifice
ARCTURUS. A star constellation called the Great (He. 4:16). The blood sprinkled on the ark each year on
Bear (Job 9:9; 38:32). the day of atonement (Le. 16:15-16) typifies Christ’s
AREOPAGUS (hill of Ares). A rocky height in Athens atonement, whereby the payment for our sins was
opposite the western end of the Acropolis. It was called made. Jesus’ blood perfectly satisfied God’s broken law,
Mars’ Hill from the mythical idea that Mars, or Ares, just as the mercy seat perfectly covered the ark and the
was here tried for murder by Neptune. Here met the ten commandments contained therein. [See Atonement
Council of the Areopagus ... Sixteen steps still lead up to - Day of, Law, Mercy Seat, Offerings, Tabernacle.]
36 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity