Page 41 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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AT HAND. Near; close (Ge. 27:41; De. 15:9). 40:20) and “purged” (Is. 6:7).
AT ONE. (1) At the same (Da. 11:27). (2) Reconcile The word “atonement” is used only once in the N.T.
(Ac. 7:26). (Ro. 5:11). A corresponding N.T. word is
AT THE HAND OF. From; from the hand of (Ge. 9:5; “propitiation” (1 Jn. 2:2; 4:10; Ro. 3:25), which means
Is. 51:17). satisfaction, as when a debt is satisfied and paid in full.
AT THE LAST. (1) At last; at the end (Ge. 49:19; Pr. The Greek word translated “propitiation” (hilasmos) is
5:11; 23:32; Da. 4:8). (2) The final (Jn. 6:39; 1 Co. also translated “mercy seat” in He. 9:5.
15:52). Atonement speaks of the price which was demanded
AT THE LENGTH. At length; at last; in the end (Pr. by God’s just law for man’s sin. The blood and death of
29:21). Christ were the ALL-SUFFICIENT payment which
AT YOUR HAND. From your hand; from you; of you satisfied that demand, so that now the believing sinner
is set at liberty (Mt. 20:28; 2 Co. 5:21; 1 Co. 6:20; Is.
(Is. 1:12; Mal. 1:10). 53:4-6; He. 9:12,28). It is crucial to understand that
ATARAH (a crown). 1 Ch. 2:26. both BLOOD and DEATH were required by the Law.
ATAROTH (crowns). Nu. 32:3. Some modern teachers claim that the blood is merely
ATER (shut). Ezr. 2:16. symbolic of Christ’s death, and some modern Bible
ATHACH (lodging). 1 Sa. 30:30. translations exchange the word “blood” for “death.” This
ATHALIAH (whom Jehovah afflicts). (1) Daughter of is a great error. The BLOOD was required as surely as
Ahab and Jezebel (2 Ki. 8:18, 26; 2 Ch. 21:6). (2) A was His death. Thus in Ro. 5:9-10 both aspects of the
Benjamite (1 Ch. 8:26). (3) Father of Jeshaiah (Ezr. Atonement are in view. Verse 9 says we are justified “by
8:7). his blood”; verse 10 says we are reconciled “by his
death.” Leviticus chapters 1-9 describe the Old
ATHEISM. The philosophy which denies the Testament sacrifices, which depicted Christ’s atoning
existence of God. According to the Bible, the fool says in Sacrifice. In Leviticus 1-9 the word “death” is mentioned
his heart there is no God (Ps. 53:1). The Bible does not 22 times, whereas the word “blood” is mentioned 44
seek to prove the existence of God. It simply begins with times. Again, we see that BOTH blood and death were
an affirmation of God. Though man is called upon to requirement for the atonement.
believe God by faith, it is not a blind faith. There are
many witnesses to God, including creation, conscience, An example of the denial of the blood atonement is
the Scriptures, and fulfilled prophecy. [For evidences of found in the writings of Eugene Nida, one of the most
God see Bible.] [See also Canon, Evolution, Fool, God, influential men in the world of Bible translation.
Infidel, Inspiration, Prophecy.] Originally with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Nida worked
for many years with the United Bible Societies.
ATHENS. Capital of Greece, founded by Cecrops, “Associated with the American Bible Society since 1943,
B.C. 1556. Visited by Paul (Ac. 17:15-34; 1 Th. 3:1). Dr. Nida served as Executive Secretary of the
The people were lovers of music, painting, sculpture, Translations Department from 1946 to December 1980.
architecture, and oratory, and took part in politics. The In addition to administrative responsibilities, his work
fine arts, history, and philosophy were a part of the involved field surveys, research, training programs,
education of all freemen. Pausanius says the Athenians checking manuscripts of new translations, and the
surpassed all others in attention to the gods; and their writing of numerous books and articles on linguistics,
city was crowded with temples, altars, statues, and anthropology and the science of meaning. This work has
other idolatrous works (Smith). taken him to more than 85 countries, where he has
ATHIRST. Thirsty (Jud. 15:18; Re. 21:6, 17). conferred with scores of translators on linguistic
ATONEMENT (to cover). Atonement means to cover problems involving more than 200 different languages.
over. The Hebrew word for atonement, kapar, is first Dr. Nida was also Translation Research Coordinator for
used in the Bible in Ge. 6:14. Noah was instructed to the United Bible Societies from 1970 to 1980.” Though
cover the ark with pitch within and without. This is the retired, Nida retains his relationship with the ABS and
same Hebrew word translated “atone” in other O.T. UBS as a Special Consultant for Translations, and is
passages. It is most frequently used in Exodus and active in research, writing and lecturing. Consider what
Leviticus, referring to the O.T. animal sacrifices (Ex. Nida says about the atonement:
29:33; 30:10; Le. 4:20; 16:10). These did not actually “Most scholars, both Protestant and Roman Catholic,
take away sins, but symbolically pointed to Jesus Christ, interpret the references to the redemption of the
who removed sin by His shed blood (He. 10:4-19; 1 Pe. believer by Jesus Christ, not as evidence of any
1:18-19; Ro. 5:9-11). Kapar is also translated “mercy commercial transaction by any quid pro quo between
seat” (Ex. 25:17-22; 26:34; 30:6; 31:7; 35:12; 39:35;
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 41