Page 40 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  ASHTOROTH. [See Idolatry.]                     separate  themselves  from  Romanism.  Thus  when  AG
                  ASHUR (blackness). 1 Ch. 2:24; 4:5-7.          minister  David  du  Plessis   began  to  develop  close
                  ASIA.  In  the Bible,  Asia  refers  to one  of  the chief   communications   with  the  Catholic  hierarchy,  he  was
               provinces  of  the Roman  Empire.  Today  this region  is   forced to submit his resignation in 1962. Du Plessis  did
               called Asia Minor. In New  Testament  times, the capital   not  change.  He  grew  so  friendly  with  Rome  that  he
               of  Asia  was  Ephesus,  and  it  included  the  regions of   attended  the  Vatican  II  Council  meetings   in  the
               Bithynia,  Galatia,  Pisidia,  Lycia,  and  Macedonia  (Ac.   mid-1960s.  He  was  received  in  audience  by  three
               19:10-26; 20:4-18; 1 Co. 16:19; 2 Ti. 1:15; Re. 1-3).  Roman  Catholic popes—John XXIII,  Paul VI, and  John
                  ASIEL (God has made). 1 Ch. 4:35.              Paul  II.  He  helped  develop  the  Roman  Catholic-
                                                                 Pentecostal dialogues.  Rome  awarded  Du  Plessis  with
                  ASP. A  poisonous  snake (De. 32:33; Job 20:14, 16;   the  Pax  Christi  award  in  1976  and  the  Benemerenti
               Ps. 58:4; 91:13; Is. 11:8). [See Dragon, Serpent.]  award  in 1983. Du Plessis  did not change, but  the AG
                  ASRIEL (vow of God). Nu. 26:31; Jos. 17:2.     did. By 1980 the attitude within the AG had changed so
                  ASS.  An  animal  of  burden  belonging  to  the  horse   radically  that  du  Plessis   was  welcomed  back  as   a
               family, only  smaller  than a normal horse (Ze. 9:9; Mt.   credentialed minister. Today  it  is  common  for  Catholic
               21:2).                                            priests  to speak in AG churches  and for AG leaders to
                  ASSAY.  To  try;  prove;  examine;  test  (1  Sa. 17:39;   participate with Catholics in ecumenical meetings. [See
               Job 4:2; Ac. 16:7).                               Charismatic,  Doctrine,  Healing,  Holy  Spirit,  Tongues,
                  ASSEMBLIES  OF GOD. A Pentecostal denomination   Women.]
               which was  formed in 1914, eight years after  the Azusa   ASSHUR  (successful). A son  of Shem (Ge. 10:22; 1
               Street  meetings  in Los Angeles, California, from which   Ch. 1:17). His  descendants  inhabited the land of Assyria
               Pentecostalism traces  its roots  in this  century. As  of 1990   around Nineveh.
               the  Assemblies of  God  (AG)  had  2,160,000 members,   ASSIR (captive). Ex. 6:24.
               11,000  churches, 1,530 foreign missionaries, 18 colleges   ASSUR. [See Asshur.]
               and  Bible schools  in  the  United  States, and  299  Bible   ASSURANCE. [For assurance of salvation see Eternal
               schools abroad (Handbook).                        Security,  Gospel,  Grace,  Justification,  Hope,
                  The  AG are evangelical and  dispensational  and  are   Propitiation.]
               sound  concerning  Jesus Christ,  the  Scriptures,  death,   ASSURED, ASSUREDLY. (1) Appointed; established;
               resurrection,  judgment, heaven, and  hell.  Their  major   guaranteed (Le. 27:19; Je. 14:13). (2) Worthy of trust;
               denominational  distinctives  denote  their  errors,  which   dependable; certain; doubtless (2 Ti. 3:14).
               are  these:  (1)  The  baptism  of  the  Holy  Spirit  is  an   ASSWAGE. To subside; to  keep  back; withhold (Ge.
               experience to  be sought  subsequent  to the new  birth.   8:1; Job 16:5).
               (2)  The  baptism  and  filling  of  the  Holy  Spirit  are
               evidenced by tongues’ speaking. (3) A Christian can lose   ASSYRIA. A nation in  the O.T. times located  to the
               his  salvation.  (4)  Physical  healing  is  promised  to  the   north  and  northeast  of Israel by  the Tigris  river  (2  Ki.
               Christian  because  of  Christ’s  atonement.  All  of  these   15-19;  Is.  7:17-20;  10:5;  Is.  36-38).  The  capital  of
               teachings are contrary to the Word of God. [See Eternal   Assyria was  Nineveh, which was founded by Asshur, an
               Security, Healing, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Tongues.]   associate  of  Nimrod  who   was   later  deified  and
                  Ecumenism:  The  AG  has  become  increasingly   worshiped  as  a  god (Ge.  10:11-12).  Assyria  destroyed
                                                                 the  northern  kingdom  of  Israel  and  its  capital  of
               ecumenical during the past fifty  years. In 1943, the AG   Samaria (2 Ki. 18:9-12). Prophecies  against Assyria are
               joined  the National Association  of  Evangelicals (NAE).   found in Nahum, Ze. 2, and Eze. 31. [See Nineveh.]
               Thomas   Zimmerman,  formerly  the  general
               superintendent of the AG, served two terms  as  president   ASTAROTH. [See Ashtoreth.]
               of  the  NAE. In  1948  the  Assemblies helped  form  the   ASTONIED. Astonished (Ezr. 9:3).
               Pentecostal  Fellowship  of  North  America.  They  have   ASTOROTH. [See Idolatry.]
               held  low-key  dialogue  with  the  National  Council  of   ASTROLOGER. The Hebrew word speaks  of one who
               Churches and the World Council of Churches.       views the heavens. An astrologer is  one who believes  the
                  Sadly,  the  AG  have  also  opened  their  arms  to   heavenly  bodies  influence  men’s  lives  and  events  on
               Romanism.  The  change  in  attitude  toward  Roman   earth  (Da. 1:20;  2:2).  Astrology  is  condemned  in  the
               Catholicism is  witnessed  in  the Assemblies’ relationship   Bible  (Is.  47:13).  Called  an  “observer  of  times”  in
               with  the late David du Plessis. In its first  60 years  the   noting, ‘the astrologers, so called  because they  divided
               AG had  taught that  the pope is  of the antichrist, that   the  heavens  into  houses  with  a  view  to  their
               Roman Catholicism is heresy, that Catholics  need to  hear   prognostications” (Treasury). [See Witchcraft.]
               the  Gospel,  and  those  who  are  converted  need  to

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