Page 42 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  Christ  and  God  or  between  the  ‘two  natures  of   He uses the  same words  as the  Bible  believer, but  he
                  God’ (his  love  and his justice), but as a figure of the   reinterprets  key  Bible  passages.  This   is   called  neo-
                  ‘cost,’  in  terms of  suffering”  (E.A.  Nida and  Charles   orthodoxy. Beware.
                  Taber, Theory and Practice, 1969, p. 53, n. 19).  Bible translator  J.B. Phillips  expressed  a doctrine of
                  Nida  was  co-author  (with  Barclay  M.  Newman)  of   the  atonement  similar  to  Nida’s.  “I  think  He  [Jesus
               the  United  Bible  Societies’  publication  A  Translator’s   Christ]  saw  it  as the only  way  out  of  the  impossible
               Handbook  on Paul’s  Letter  to the  Romans.  Commenting   situation  into  which men were jammed. He, God, as  a
               on Ro. 3:25, which  says, “Whom God  hath set forth to   Human  Being,  as  the  Representative  Human  Being,
               be  a  propitiation  through  faith  in  his  blood,”  this   must  take  the  rap!  It  happened  to   have  been  a
               commentary states:                                crucifixion, but it might just as  well have happened in a
                  “... ‘blood’ is used in this passage  in the  same way that   gas-chamber  or  an  electric  chair.  (J.B.  Phillips,  Plain
                  it  is  used  in  a  number  of  other  places  in  the  New   Christianity, London, Wyvern  Books, 1957, p. 82). I’m
                  Testament,  that  is,  to  indicate   a  violent  death.  ...   sorry, my  friends, but Mr. Phillips was wrong. if Christ
                  Although  this  noun  [propitiation]  (and  its  related   had died a bloodless  death, His  death  would  not  have
                  forms) is sometimes used by pagan writers in the  sense
                  of propitiation (that is, an act to appease or placate  a   atoned for man’s sin.
                  god), it is never used this way in the Old Testament.”  The Atonement was depicted by  the O.T. mercy  seat
                  In  Good  News  for  Everyone,  Nida’s  defense  of  the   which perfectly covered the tables of the law in the Ark
               Good  News  for  Modern  Man  paraphrase,  he  says,  “To   of  the Covenant, and  which  was sprinkled  with  blood
               translate  haima as  ‘blood’  in  Acts   20:28  (as   in   every year at the Day of Atonement (Le. 16:15-16).
               traditional  translations  ...)  could  give  the  impression   The Atonement Christ has provided is UNIVERSITY and
               that Christ’s blood became an object of barter, as though   UNLIMITED in its offer. Paul Reiter notes  that Christ died
               focus  were on the substance of the blood rather than on   for all (1 Ti. 2:6; Is. 53:6). He died for every man (He.
               the death  of  the  person,  for  which  the  substance is a   2:9). He died for  the world (Jn. 3:16). He died for  the
               figurative substitute” (p. 77).                   sins of  the whole  world  (1  Jn. 2:2).  He died  for  the
                  We do  not doubt that Nida’s  view of the atonement is   ungodly (Ro. 5:6). He died for false teachers  (2 Pe. 2:1).
               held by a majority  of theologians, but the fact remains   He died  for  many  (Mt. 20:28). He died for  Israel (Jn.
               that it is  heretical. The sacrifice of Christ was  not just a   11:50-51). He died for  the Church (Ep. 5:25). He died
               figure; it WAS a placation of God—of His holiness  and   for  “me” (Ga. 2:20).  [See Atonement  -  Day  of, Blood,
               of  the righteous  demands in  His law. Christ’s  sacrifice   Eternal Security, Justification, Mercy Seat.]
               WAS  a commercial transaction between Christ and God,   ATONEMENT - DAY OF. The annual Jewish holy day
               and  was NOT  merely  a figure of  the  cost  in  terms  of   during  which  the  high  priest  offered  sacrifices  for  his
               suffering.                                        own  sins and  for  the sins  of  the nation  (Le.  16:1-34;
                  The sacrifice of Calvary was a true sacrifice, and that   23:27-32;  Nu.  29:7-11).  This  was  symbolic  of  Jesus
               sacrifice  required  the  offering  of  blood—not  just  a   Christ as  the Great High Priest who has made a sacrifice
               violent death as Nida says. Blood is blood and death is   for sins by His  own blood and death (He. 9-10). As one
               death,  and  we  believe  God  is  wise  enough  to  know   of Israel’s  appointed feasts, the Day of Atonement points
               which of these words  should be used. Had Christ  died,   to that happy day when Israel will be converted and the
               for  example, by  beating, it would  not  have atoned  for   New Covenant fulfilled. In that  day  a fountain will be
               sin  because blood  is required. Those who tamper  with   opened “to the house of David and to  the inhabitants of
               the blood atonement often, like Nida, claim to believe in   Jerusalem for sin and for  uncleanness” (Ze. 13:1). [See
               justification by grace, but they  are rendering the Cross   Atonement, Blood, Covenant, Gospel, High Priest, Mercy
               ineffective  by  reinterpreting  its  meaning.  There  is  no   Seat, Scapegoat.]
               grace  without  a  true  propitiation.  Propitiation  means   ATONEMENT - HEALING. [See Healing.]
               “satisfaction,”  and  refers to the fact  that  the sin  debt   ATTENDANCE. Attend  to;  wait  on; give  application
               was  satisfied  by  the  blood  atonement  of  Christ.  The   to (Ac. 16:14; 1 Ti. 4:13; He. 7:13).
               great  difference  between  the  heathen  concept  of   ATTENT. Attentive (2 Ch. 6:40; 7:15).
               propitiating God and that of the Bible is  this—the God
               of the Bible paid  the propitiation  Himself  through His   AUDIENCE. Hearing (Ge. 23:10, 13, 16; 1 Sa. 25:24;
               own Sacrifice, whereas the heathen  thinks  that he can   Ne. 13:1; Lk.20:45; Ac. 13:16).
               propitiate God through his human labors  and sacrifices.   AUTHORITY. [See Power.]
               The fact remains that God did have to be propitiated.  AUTONOMOUS. Self-governing;  independent. Local
                  Notice that  Nida does  not  openly  assault the blood   churches are to be autonomous (Ac. 14:23; Tit. 1:5; Re.
               atonement. He claims  to  be orthodox and  evangelical.   2-3). [See Church.]

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