Page 44 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  BAAL. [See Idolatry, Witchcraft.]              the Euphrates  River. Babylon was  first  built by Nimrod
                  BAALAH (mistress). Jos. 15:9-10.               after  the  great  flood  of  Noah’s day  (Ge. 10:10).  The
                  BAALATH-BEER (mistress of the well). 1 Ch. 4:33.  Tower  of  Babel  was  built  there  (compare Ge. 11:2,9).
                  BAAL-BERITH. [See Idolatry.]                   Thus,  the  city  of  Babylon  has  always  been  associated
                                                                 with evil and rebellion against God. God used the nation
                  BAAL-GAD (lord of fortune). Jos. 11:17.        of  Babylon  to  judge  Israel  in  the  days  of  the  kings.
                  BAAL-HAMON (lord of a multitude). Song 8:11.   Nebuchadnezzar,  king  of  Babylon,  carried  the  Jews
                  BAAL-HANON (the lord is gracious). Ge. 36:38.  away  captive  and  destroyed  the  walls  and  temple  of
                  BAAL-HAZOR (lord of a village). 2 Sa. 13:23.   Jerusalem  (2  Ki.  24-25;  2  Ch.  36;  Je.  52).  After  the
                  BAAL-HERMON (lord of Hermon). Ju. 3:3.         seventy-year  captivity,  God  destroyed  Babylon  (Je.
                                                                 50-52; Is. 13:17-22; Da. 5).
                  BAALI (my master). Ho. 2:16.                     “Babylon  is repeatedly  used  by  the  prophets  in  a
                  BAALIM. The plural of Baal. [See Idolatry.]    symbolic sense. Two Babylons  are to  be distinguished in
                  BAAL-PEOR (lord  of Peor). A form of Baal worship   the Revelation: ecclesiastical Babylon, which is  apostate
               practiced by the Moabites. (Nu. 25:1-9). [See Idolatry.]  Christendom, headed up under the Papacy; and political
                  BAAL-PERAZIM (lord of breaches). 2 Sa. 5:18-20.   Babylon, which is  the Beast’s confederated empire, the
                  BAAL-TAMAR (lord of the palm). Ju. 20:33.      last  form  of  Gentile  world-dominion.  Ecclesiastical
                  BAAL-ZEBUB (lord of the fly). [See Idolatry.]  Babylon  is   “the  great  whore”  (Re.  17:1),  and  is
                  BAAL-ZEPHON (lord of the watchtower). Ex. 14:2,9.  destroyed  by  political Babylon (Re. 17:15-18), that  the
                                                                 beast  may  alone be the object of worship (2 Th. 2:3-4;
                  BAASEIAH (work of Jehovah). 1 Ch. 6:40.        Re. 13:15). The power  of political Babylon is destroyed
                  BAASHA (boldness). A king of Israel (1 Ki. 15:27—  by the return of the Lord in glory” (Scofield).
               16:6).                                              BABYLON  IN 1 PETER  5:13 — The Roman  Catholic
                  BABEL -  TOWER  OF (confusion, gate of God). The   Church claims that Babylon in 1  Peter  5:13 is  symbolic
               tower  built by  men after  the flood of Noah’s day. Babel   for Rome. The following summary for rejecting this  view
               occurred about 1750 years after creation and about 105   is from Barnes Notes on the New Testament:
               years  after  the  Flood. Nimrod  was the  founder  of  the   “Others have  supposed that  Rome  is intended by  the
               Babel  kingdom  (Ge.  10:8-10).  Men  were  in  rebellion   name Babylon.  This was the opinion of many  of  the
               against God, and God stopped the work by creating the   Fathers,  and  also  of  Bede,  Valesius,  Grotius,  Cave,
               different  languages  (Ge. 10:10;  11:1-9). The purposes   Whitby, and Lardner. The  principal reasons for this are,
               of the Tower of Babel: (1) Pride. The Tower was built as   that  such  is  the testimony  of  Papias,  Eusebius,  and
               an attempt  to glorify  man  (Ge. 11:4).    (2)  Rebellion.   Jerome;  and  that  at  that  time  Babylon  on  the
               God had commanded the sons of Noah to “replenish the   Euphrates was destroyed.  But  the  objections  to  this
               earth”  (Ge.  9:1,  7).  This means to fill,  which  would   opinion seem to me  to be  insuperable. (a)  There  is no
               involve  scattering  throughout  the  earth.  Instead,  the   evidence  that at  that early period  the  name  Babylon
                                                                   was  given  to  Rome,  nor  were  there   any  existing
               Babel builders  defied God’s  command and established a   reasons  why  it  should  be.  The  name  is  generally
               centralized  headquarters.  (3)  Man-made  unity.  The   supposed to have  been applied  to it by  John,  in  the
               Tower of Babel was  an attempt to unify mankind and to   book of Revelation, (chap. xvi. 19; xvii. 5; xviii. 10,21;)
               establish a one-world government (“let us,” Ge. 11:3-4).   but  this  was  probably  long  after  this  epistle   was
               (4)  Idolatry.  This  was   the  beginning  of  idolatrous   written, and for reasons which did not exist in the  time
               religions. The desire to build  a tower  to heaven had  a   of  Peter.  There   is  no  evidence   that  it  was  given
               religious meaning  associated  with  the  worship of  the   familiarly to it in the  time of Peter, or even at all  until
               sun,  moon,  and  stars.  What  happened  at  Babel  is   after  his death. Certain it  is,  that it was not given so
               described in Romans  1:21-23. Revelation 17:5 says that   familiarly  to  it  that  when  the   name  Babylon  was
               Babylon  is  the  mother  of  false religion. Ancient  Babel   mentioned it would be generally understood that Rome
                                                                   was intended.  But the only reason which Peter  could
               typifies  the end-time Babylon or one-world religion (Re.   have  had for mentioning the  name  Babylon at all, was
               17). [See Babylon,  Church, Prophecy,  Roman  Catholic   to  convey  some  definite  and  certain  information  to
               Church, Separation, Timothy, Unity.]                those  to  whom  he  wrote.  (b)  As  has  been  already
                  BABYLON  (confusion).  The  city  Babylon  was   the   observed, the apostles, when they sent an epistle to the
               capital of the kingdom of Babylon  and was  located on   churches, and mentioned a  place  as the one  where the

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