Page 39 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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ARMOURY. Arsenal; a place where military it was in colour like blood, and might truly be called a
equipment is stored (Ne. 3:19; Je. 50:25). [See bloody sweat; the matter is not great. Some reckon this
Military.] one of the times when Christ shed his blood for us, for
ARMS. [See Military.] without shedding of blood there is no remission. Every
ARMY. (1) A collection or body of men armed for pore was as it were a bleeding wound, and his blood
war (1 Sa. 17:1, 8; Lk. 21:20; He. 11:34; Re. 19:14). stained all his raiment.”
(2) A great number; a vast multitude (Joel 2:25). [See AS MUCH AS LIETH IN YOU. This phrase in Ro.
Military.] 12:18 means as we are to do everything possible on our
ARNAN (agile). 1 Ch. 3:21. part to maintain peace with our neighbors.
AROER (naked). 1 Sa. 30:28; De. 2:36; Nu. 32:34. ASA (physician). A good king of Judah (1 Ki.
ARPHAXAD (great diffusion, one that heals). Ge. Ge. 15:8-24; 2 Ch. 14-16).
10:22,24; 11:10, 11, 12, 13; 1 Ch. 1:17, 18, 24; Lk. ASAHEL (God has made). 1 Ch. 2:16; 2 Ch. 31:13;
3:36). 17:8; Ezr. 10:15.
ARRAY. (1) Arrange; put in order (Jud. 20:20). (2) ASAIAH (the Lord has made). 1 Ch. 6:30; 4:36; 9:5;
To clothe (Es. 6:9; 1 Ti. 2:9). 2 Ki. 22:12.
ARROW. A missive weapon of offense, straight, ASAPH (gatherer). Asaph was a prophet (2 Ch.
slender, pointed and barbed, to be shot with a bow 29:30) and one of King David’s chief musicians who
(Webster) (1 Sa. 20:36). “The arrow is frequently used wrote many of the Psalms (1 Ch. 6:32, 39; 16:4-7; Ps.
as the symbol of calamity or disease sent by God (Job 50,73-83). The family of Asaph continued to be chief
6:4; 34:6; Ps. 38:2; De. 32:23). ‘The arrow that flieth by musicians in Israel even after the restoration from the
day’ (Ps. 91:5) denotes some sudden danger. The arrow Babylonian captivity (Ezr. 2:41; Ne. 7:44).
is also figurative of anything injurious, as a deceitful ASAREEL (God has bound). 1 Ch. 4:16.
tongue (Je. 9:8), a bitter word (Ps. 64:3), a false ASCENSION. Ascending upward. Chiefly a reference
witness (Pr. 25:18). A good use of ‘arrow’ is in Ps. to Jesus’ bodily ascension to heaven after His
127:4-5, where children are compared to ‘arrows in the resurrection (Ac. 1:9; Jn. 6:62; Ac. 2:33-34). Other
hand of a mighty man;’ i.e. instruments of power and Bible ascensions include Enoch (Ge. 5:18-24; He. 11:5)
action. The word is also used to denote the efficiency of and Elijah (2 Ki. 2:9-13).
God’s Word (Ps. 45:5)” (People’s Bible Dictionary). [See ASCETIC. A hermit who lives in relative solitude and
Bow, Military.] practices fasting, meditation, etc. [See Asceticism.]
ARTAXERXES (the great one). Ezr. 4:7. ASCETICISM. The practice of seeking salvation and
ARTIFICER. A worker in metal, wood, stone, etc. (1 sanctification through solitude, fasting, celibacy,
Ch. 29:5; 2 Ch. 34:11). meditation, self-flaggalation, etc. It is contrary to the
AS CONCERNING. This phrase means “with regard teaching of the N.T. While the Christian is to sacrifice his
to” (Le. 4:26; 5:6; Ro. 9:5). own self will for God’s will, true Christianity is not
AS IT WERE. This phrase carries three different withdrawal from the world, but abstention from evil
meanings: (1) It most frequently means “like” or practices (1 Co. 5:9-11; Ep. 5). Doctrines which forbid
“signifying” (Ex. 24:10; Is. 26:20; Eze. 1:16; Ja. 5:3). It marriage and meat are demonic and false (1 Ti. 4:1-5).
is used in this sense throughout the book of Revelation [See Beast, Celibacy, Fasting, Meat, Sanctification,
(Re. 4:1; 6:1; 8:8, 10; 9:7, 9, etc.). (2) “As it were” can Vegetarian.]
also mean “in the sense of” or “having the appearance ASHAN (smoke). Jos. 15:42; 19:7; 1 Ch. 4:32.
of” or “compared to” (Ro. 9:32; Phile. 1:14). (3) ASHDOD (fortress). A Philistine city (Jos. 13:3;
Similarly, “as it were” is used to describe approximation 15:46-47; 1 Sa. 5:1-8).
(Nu. 11:31; 1 Sa. 14:14). Matthew Henry gives an ASHER (happy). One of Jacob’s twelve sons, the
interesting commentary on the phrase in Luke 22:44 — father of the tribe of Israel called by his name (Ge.
“his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling 30:13; Jos. 19:24-31; Re. 7:6).
down to the ground” — could therefore mean that ASHERAH. [See Idolatry.]
Christ sweat actual drops of blood or it could mean that
it appeared that he sweat drops of blood. “There is some ASHIMA (2 Ki. 17:30). See Idolatry.
dispute among the critics whether this sweat is only ASHKELON. A Philistine city (Jos. 13:3; Ju. 1:18;
compared to drops of blood, being much thicker than 14:19; 1 Sa. 6:17).
drops of sweat commonly are, the pores of the body ASHNAH (strong). Jos. 15:33.
being more than ordinarily opened, or whether real ASHTORETH. [See Idolatry.]
blood out of the capillary veins mingled with it, so that
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 39