Page 43 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  AVAILETH.  To be of  use;  to turn  to  advantage;  to   renewed  and  unbelievers  are  brought  to  conviction,
               assist  or  profit;  to  have  strength,  force  or  efficacy   repentance, and faith in Christ. The American revival in
               sufficient to  accomplish  the object  (Webster) (Es. 5:13;   the  early  to  mid-1700s  under  the  leadership  of  such
               Ga.  5:6;  6:15;  Ja.  5:16).  The  Greek  work  (ischuo)  is   men  as  George Whitefield  and  Jonathan  Edwards  was
               translated “be able” six times (Lk. 13:24).       called the Great Awakening. Churches had become filled
                  AVEN  (nothingness,  vanity).  An  abbreviation  for   with  unconverted  members  and  were  lukewarm  and
               Bethaven  which  Hosea  applied  to  Bethel  (Ho.  10:8;   powerless.  “Moral  respectability,  rather  than  spiritual
               4:15; 5:8). Because of idolatry, Bethel had ceased to be   rebirth,  had  become  the  criterion.”  During  the  Great
               “the house of  God” and  had  become “nothingness”  or   Awakening a great many of the churches  were revived,
               “vanity.”                                         church  members were  saved,  worldliness  was rooted
                  AVENGE. [See Vengeance.]                       out,  the  churches   became  burdened  for  the  lost,  a
                  AVENGER  OF  BLOOD. The relative  of  a  murdered   harvest of  souls was reaped, and the moral climate of
                                                                 the nation uplifted. An  awakening  can  be experienced
               person intent upon avenging the death of a loved one. It   by  an  individual Christian, by  a congregation, or  by  a
               was  customary in Israel, as elsewhere in the East, for  a   region of the world. [See Renew, Revive, Revival.]
               relative to seek the life of a person  who murdered  his
               next of  kin. The cities of refuge were set up to protect   AWAY WITH. Endure (Is. 1:13).
               those who  killed someone accidentally or in self-defense   AZALIAH (God spared). 2 Ki. 22:3.
               (Nu.  35:19-27;  De.  19:6,12;  Jos.  20:3,6,9;  2  Sa.   AZANIAH (God hears). Ne. 10:9.
               14:5-11).  “That office rested on the principle of Ge. 9:6,   AZAREL, AZAREEL (God helps). 1 Ch. 12:6.
               ‘whose sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his  blood be   AZARIAH (God has  helped). (1) The Hebrew name
               shed.’ The unwritten code of  the East conceded  to the   for  one  of  Daniel’s  friends  who  was  put  in  the fiery
               nearest  kinsman  of  a  murdered  man  the  right  of   furnace (Da.  1:7;  3:12-30). His Babylonian  name was
               avenging  the  blood  that  had  been  shed.  Such  rude   Abednego, meaning “servant of  expedition” or  “servant
               justice  necessarily  involved  grave  evils.  It  gave  no   of light.” (2) Another name for Uzziah, king of Israel (2
               opportunity  to  the  person  charged  with  crime  of   Ki. 14:21-22; 2 Ch. 26:1-21). [See Uzziah.]
               establishing his  innocence; it  recognised  no distinction
               between  murder,  manslaughter,  and  accidental    AZAZ (strong). 1 Ch. 5:8.
               homicide;  it  perpetuated  family  blood-feuds,  the   AZAZIAH (God is strong). 1 Ch. 15:21.
               avenger of blood being liable to  be treated in his  turn as   AZEKAH (tilled). Jos. 10:10-11.
               a murderer  by  the kinsman  of  the man whom he had   AZIZA (strong). Ezr 10:27.
               slain. These grievances could not be removed as  long as   AZMAVETH (death is strong). 1 Ch. 12:3.
               there  was  no central  government,  but  they  might  be   AZMON (robust). Nu. 34:4-5.
               mitigated;  and  to  do  this   was  the  object  of  the
               institution  [of  the  cities   of  refuge]”  (Barnes).  [See   AZRIEL (God is help). 1 Ch. 5:24.
               Capital Punishment, Cities of Refuge, Kill, Vengeance.]  AZRIKAM (help has arisen). 1 Ch. 9:14.
                  AVOUCH.  Appoint;  certify;  acknowledge  (De.   AZUBAH (forsaken). 1 Ch. 2:18-19.
               26:17-18).                                          AZZAN (strong). Nu. 34:26.
                  AWAKENING.  Often  used  to  refer  to  a  period  of   AZZUR (helper). Je. 28:1.
               revival in which Christians are spiritually stirred and

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