Page 48 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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baptism. False teachers also use Acts 22:16. In light of an adopted son of God, who has become a ‘partaker of
all of the rest of the New Testament’s teaching on this the divine nature,’ member of Christ and co-heir with
subject, we know that this verse means that Paul’s sins him, and a temple of the Holy Spirit. ... From the
were washed away when he called upon the name of baptismal fonts is born the one People of God of the
the Lord and not when he was baptized (Ro. 10:13). New Covenant” (The New Catholic Catechism, 1994, #
False teachers also use 1 Peter 3:21, yet this verse 1263, 1257, 1265, 1267).
plainly shows the error of baptismal regeneration. Eastern Orthodox: “We confess one baptism for the
Baptism is a figure, a symbol, a picture. Baptism is not a remission of sins” (Constantinopolitan [or Nicene]
part of salvation; it is symbolic of salvation. We are Creed, 381). “Our sacraments, however, not only
saved, not by water going over our bodies, but by faith contain grace, but also confer it on those who receive
in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. them worthily ... Through baptism we are spiritually
What Follows Scriptural Baptism? In Acts 2:41-42 reborn” (Council of Florence, 1438-45). “When one
baptism is seen as a door into the local church. Baptist asserts his faith in the Son of God, the Son of the Ever
churches, in following the pattern of the Jerusalem Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, he accepts first of all
church, receive members upon their public profession of the words of faith into his heart, confesses them orally,
faith and scriptural baptism. sincerely repents for his former sins and washes them
Who Has the Authority to Baptize? Baptism is a away in the sacrament of Baptism. Then God the Word
church ordinance and proper New Testament churches enters the baptized one, as though into the womb of the
that are sound in the New Testament faith have the Blessed Virgin and remains in him like a seed” (The
authority to baptize. We see in Acts 2:38-41, in the first Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, Russian Orthodox
mention of Christian baptism, that baptism is done in Church, Issue No. 4, 1980). “Sacraments ... are not
the context of the church. simply symbols of divine grace, but sure agents and
A Summary. To summarize, scriptural baptism has means of its transmission. ... [through baptism one]
the following characteristics: A proper subject: A sinner becomes a member of the church of Christ, being
who has repented and believed in Jesus Christ. A proper liberated from the controlling power of sin, and being
mode: Immersion in water in the name of the Father, reborn in the new creation in Christ” (International
Son, and Holy Spirit. A proper purpose: A public Eastern Orthodox-Old Catholic Theological Dialogue
testimony of faith in Christ and a picture of the gospel. Commission, 1985).
A proper authority: A New Testament church that is Lutheran: “Baptism effects forgiveness of sins,
sound in doctrine and practice. [See Baptism - Infant, delivers from death and the devil, and grants eternal
Church, Footwashing.] salvation to all who believe, as the Word and promise of
BAPTISM - INFANT. Infant baptism is the sprinkling God declare. ... It is not the water that produces these
or immersion of infants for the purpose of imparting to effects, but the Word of God connected with the water,
them spiritual blessing of some sort. Though the exact and our faith which relies on the Word of God
purpose of it differs from group to group, almost always connected with the water” (Luther’s Small Catechism,
it implies that the child thereby receives salvation in 1529, IV). “It is taught among us that Baptism is
some sense. necessary and that grace is offered through it. Children,
WHO PRACTICES INFANT BAPTISM? Infant baptism too, should be baptized, for in Baptism they are
committed to God and become acceptable to him. On
is practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, the various this account the Anabaptists who teach that infant
groups representing Eastern Orthodoxy, as well as by Baptism is not right are rejected” (The Augsburg
most of the denominations that withdrew from Rome Confession, 1530, IX). “Being by nature sinners, infants
during the Protestant Reformation, including Lutheran, as well as adults, need to be baptized. Every child that is
Anglican Church, Presbyterian, and Methodist. baptized is begotten anew of water and of the Spirit, is
Roman Catholic Church: “By Baptism all sins are placed in covenant relation with God, and is made a
forgiven, original sin and all personal sins, as well as all child of God and an heir of his heavenly
punishment for sin. ... The Church does not know of any kingdom” (Baptism formula used by Lutheran pastors in
means other than Baptism that assures entry into baptizing infants, The New Analytical Bible and
eternal beatitude; this is why she takes care not to Dictionary of the Bible, Chicago: John A. Dickson
neglect the mission she has received from the Lord to Publishing Co., 1973).
see that all who can be baptized are ‘reborn of water The August 2001 issue of The Berean Call contains
and the Spirit.’ God has bound salvation to the the following warning from a reader of that publication:
sacrament of Baptism ... Baptism not only purifies from “Enclosed is my ‘Memento and Certificate of Baptism’
all sins, but also makes the neophyte ‘a new creature,’
and my daughter’s ‘Certificate of Holy Baptism,’ both as
48 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity